Much like Overwatch 2, Call of Duty, or, well, any multiplayer shooter these days, Delta Force includes a number of different characters to choose from. These are known as Delta Force Operators, and each has their own visual appearance, gear, and abilities.

They also specialise in a different position, including Assault, Engineer, Recon, and Support. So far, so very Battlefield. Given that there are a range of Delta Force modes to play, each Operator will likely perform better or worse depending on what you’re up against.

Let’s take a look at each Operator in detail, including their Position, Gear, Gadget, and Traits.


D-Wolf is an Assault specialist who can boost his speed and rate of fire thanks to his tactical ability. He can blast away his opponents with his Grenade Launcher, provide cover with his Smoke Grenade, and slide around like it’s Black Ops 3 all over again.

In short, D-Wolf is a speed demon.

PositionAssaultFaster aiming movement speed
Tactical GearMotorized ExoskeletonGain increased Movement Speed, Rate of Fire, and recover HP, Stamina, and Overload Duration when knocking down enemies
Gadget 1Triple BlasterFires three grenades that can attach to vehicles
Gadget 2Smoke GrenadeHas a reduced charge amount compared to typical Smoke Grenades
TraitTactical SlideSlides around


Shepherd is the only Engineer currently available in Delta Force. He will keep vehicles and constructions in good shape, as well as disrupt the enemy by slowing them down.

He’s a great support character to have in your team.

PositionEngineerCut through wired fences, repair vehicles, and construct defences
Tactical GearSonic ParalysisReduce enemy’s movement speed and rate of fire and destroy enemy sonar devices within an area
Gadget 1Sonic TrapSticks to surfaces and slows down enemies that trigger it
Gadget 2Frag GrenadeExplodes, dealing AoE damage
TraitBuffer DefenceReduces damage taken from explosions


Vyron is one of two Assault characters in Delta Force, and focuses a little more on crowd control than D-Wolf. You can knock down enemies with ease, speed around the arena, and you won’t take quite as much fall damage.

PositionAssaultFaster aiming movement speed
Tactical GearAir Shell LauncherKnocks down nearby enemies
Gadget 1Dynamic PropulsionMove quickly in a desired direction, knocking down enemies you come into contact with and reducing its cooldown
Gadget 2E-BombAttaches to surfaces and explodes when the timer runs out
TraitDynamic Auxiliary SystemMinimises fall damage and boosts speed


As the sole Recon Operator in Delta Force, Luna is an essential pair of eyes. Using her various Recon abilities, Luna can help you keep track of your opponents, or even unearth those you haven’t spotted yet.

She’s also a decent damage dealer in her own right.

PositionReconCan use the radio to recon the map
Tactical GearRecon ArrowFire an arrow that marks enemies it passes
Gadget 1Volt ArrowFire an arrow that deals damage over time to enemies it hits
Gadget 2Frag GrenadeExplodes, dealing AoE damage
TraitHunter’s MarkDamaging enemies marks them temporarily


Stinger is a Support specialist, who will keep the team alive in the most challenging of circumstances. He has a number of abilities that can provide healing in an AoE, as well as provide you with much-needed cover if you need a breather.

Don’t go into combat without him.

PositionSupportRescue allies faster
Tactical GearTherapeutic PistolCan AoE heal yourself or allies in and suppress debuffs
Gadget 1SmokescreenSend out a flying smokescreen
Gadget 2Hive-Tech Smoke GrenadeA normal Smoke Grenade, but you can shoot it with the Therapeutic Pistol to provide AoE healing to those standing in it
TraitQuick RescueRecover downed allies faster
