Diablo Immortal features many of the same classes as its PC and console big siblings, along with a few new additions to the series. If you’ve played Diablo before, you probably have a good idea of what type of character you want to build, but, if you’re new, it can be a difficult first decision.

Fortunately, Diablo Immortal makes the decision less impactful by allowing you to chop and change your class for free at any moment. You will have to grind all over again to get the best equipment and gems, of course, but at least you don’t have to play through the whole game again. Well, unless you want to.

Let’s take a look at the various different classes you can play as in Diablo Immortal, and the pros and cons, to help you decide which one to pick.


The Barbarian has been a mainstay of the Diablo series since its first expansion, Hellfire. It’s the best option for those that like to get stuck into the melee, swinging two enormous weapons around with wild abandon.

It’s primarily a DPS role, though you can tank pretty well thanks to high HP and the ability to wear the heaviest armour.

Primary Attacks

Lacerate1Deal 80 to 115 damage per hit, recovering HP equal to 15% of damage done on every third hit.
Frenzy34Increases attack speed by 8% for three seconds, stacking up to five times.

Ultimate Abilities

Blood and RageEnhance Lacerate for 12 seconds, increasing damage and range, and healing 20% of damage each attack. Gain a shield that absorbs damage up to 20% of your HP for three seconds.
Restless DemonEnhance Frenzy for 12 seconds, allowing you to move unhindered through enemies, dealing 1,260 damage each time you pass through. You gain maximum attack speed without needing to stack, and gain a shield equal to 20% of your max HP for five seconds.

Barbarian Skills

Chained Spear1Throw three chain spears, dealing damage immediately and dragging enemies to you for additional damage.
Cleave1Deal 70 damage to all enemies and cause them to Bleed for 69 additional damage over three seconds. Three charges.
Demoralize38Damage, force nearby monsters to attack you, and reduce their damage done by 30% for eight seconds.
Furious Charge24Charge through enemies, damaging them.
Grab45Use a nearby enemy as a weapon, attacking automatically for four seconds until you use it again to throw the enemy, dealing damage to any it hits.
Ground Stomp41Stun nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds and deal damage to them. Charge it to increase range and duration to three seconds.
Hammer of the Ancients1Deal damage to enemies in front of you, and additional damage over two seconds.
Leap29Leap to a location and damage nearby enemies, reducing their movement speed by 50% for four seconds. Each enemy struck reduces cooldown by one second.
Sprint15Increase movement speed by 50% and gain immunity to movement impairing effects for 4.5 seconds.
Sunder53Deal damage to enemies in the area and increase the damage they take by 30% for six seconds.
Undying Rage44Gain invulnerability and all attacks heal you for 30% of damage done for 5.5 seconds.
Whirlwind8Deal damage to all enemies nearby.
Wrath of the Berserker50Increases attack speed by 50% and movement speed by 20% for 6.5 seconds.

Blood Knight

The Blood Knight was Diablo Immortal’s first new class, introduced post-launch. It’s also brand new to the Diablo series, and is, basically, a vampire crossed with a warrior.

If you like fighting in melee range, though at a safe distance from your opponent, you will love this particular class.

Primary Attacks

Ravage1Damage an enemy in front of you, and 25% of the damage to all other enemies.
Shadow’s Edge34Deal damage to nearby enemies, or throw it at enemies if they’re afar.

Ultimate Abilities

AnnihilationEnhance Ravage for 12 seconds, gaining another polearm in your off-hand, increasing damage and range, and knocking back enemies on the final attack. Gain a shield that absorbs damage equal to 20% of your max HP for three seconds.
Shadow’s EmbraceEnhance Shadow’s Edge for 12 seconds, throwing five blades that penetrate enemies. Gain a shield equal to 20% of your max HP for five seconds.

Blood Knight Skills

Abomination50Transform into an abomination for 15 seconds, increasing your damage, and swapping your skills for Blood Rush and Shattering Fists. Generate Anger each time you damage an enemy.
Mephitic Cloud44Confuse nearby enemies for six seconds, making them attack each other.
Sanguinate15Increase your movement speed by 50% for 2.5 seconds. Activate again to rush forward, dealing damage to enemies you touch.
Shroud of the Night47Shadowy versions of yourself and allies attack enemies every 1.5 seconds for eight seconds.
Siphon of Blood8Deal damage to all nearby enemies, healing for 15% of damage done.
Skewer44Damage nearby enemies and stun them for three seconds.
Spear Flurry1Dash forward and deal damage to enemies in front of you.
Swarm of Bats28Summon a cloud of bats to attack enemies for eight seconds.
Tendrils of Blood3Deal damage to nearby enemies and activate again to pull them towards you, dealing additional damage.
Transfusion53Gain a shield for three seconds, absorbing damage and providing immunity to harmful effects. Target an ally to provide the effect to both of you.
Umbral Lance15Throw a spear through enemies, dealing damage. Charge it to increase range and damage.
Wave of Blood1Knock back enemies and deal damage. Two charges.
Whirling Strike38Damage nearby enemies. Two charges.


The Crusader effectively replaced the Paladin from Diablo III onwards. It’s a holy warrior that primarily wields a weapon and shield, buffing itself and allies and dishing out solid AoE attacks to enemies.

If you like supporting your teammates, the Crusader is one of the best choices in Diablo Immortal. Choose this class for that, stay for the horse.

Primary Attacks

Punish1Damage an enemy and gain ‘Hardened Senses’, increasing your block chance by 30% for two seconds.
Sacred Fire34Damage an enemy in front of you, and those near it by 25% of the damage dealt.

Ultimate Abilities

Counterattack StormEnhance punish for 12 seconds, making attacks AoE, increasing their damage, and providing ‘Hardened Senses’. Gain a shield that absorbs damage equal to 20% of your HP for five seconds.
Burning HeartEnhance Sacred Fire for 12 seconds, increasing damage, which rises by 15% for each enemy killed, stacking up to ten times. Gain a shield that absorbs damage equal to 20% of your HP for five seconds.

Crusader Skills

Condemn47Deal damage to nearby enemies after three seconds. Activate again to detonate early for less damage.
Conjuration of Light50You and nearby allies gain damage immunity for three seconds.
Consecration20Deal damage to nearby enemies over six seconds.
Draw and Quarter18Dispel movement effects, mount a horse, and increase movement speed by 60%. Holy chains drag up to six enemies along with you, dealing damage.
Falling Sword8Deal damage over five seconds at a specific location. Activate again to teleport to that location, dealing damage again.
Fist of the Heavens53Strike up to eight nearby enemies, increasing damage by 25% for each 10% of an enemy’s missing life.
Holy Banner24Increase critical hit chance by 100% for 11.2 seconds. Decreases critical hit damage to 135% instead of 200%.
Judgement28Deal damage and slow enemies for three seconds. Deal damage again and stun enemies for three seconds when it ends.
Sacred Chains44Damage bounces between enemies, striking up to six targets and stunning enemies for eight seconds.
Shield Charge41Charge forward, pushing back enemies and dealing damage. Enemies that hit terrain are stunned for three seconds.
Shield Glare3Deal damage and blind enemies for three seconds.
Spinning Shield1Deal damage to enemies in a line, pulling them towards you. Three charges.
Sweep Attack1Damage enemies in an area. Charge to increase range and damage. Fully charge to also knock back enemies.

Demon Hunter

The Demon Hunter joins Diablo Immortal from the third entry, playing an almost identical role. With its dual crossbows, the Demon Hunter is a master of ranged DPS, dealing solid single target and AoE damage.

With great movement abilities, traps, and turrets, the Demon Hunter is the perfect choice for those that likes to keep things dynamic and attack at range.

Primary Attacks

Crossbow Shot1Damage enemies while moving at a reduced speed.
Explosive Arrow34Arrows explode on impact for AoE damage.

Ultimate Abilities

VolleyEnhance Crossbow Shot for 12 seconds, firing volleys of arrows and moving faster.
Bola ShotArrows stick to targets, exploding after a second and damaging all nearby opponents.

Demon Hunter Skills

Daring Swing15Move to a location, dealing damage on the way and gaining immunity while travelling. Two charges.
Escape44Deal damage to an enemy and reduce their movement speed by 60% for four seconds while dodging backwards.
Impale41Deal damage to all enemies in a direction.
Knife Trap20Place a trap that explodes when an enemy is nearby, dealing damage in a radius. Three charges.
Knockback Shot1Deal damage and knock back enemies. Those that hit an obstacle are stunned for four seconds.
Multishot1Deal damage in a radius. Three charges.
Rain of Vengeance3Deal damage in an area for four seconds.
Sentry28Summon a turret for 30 seconds, which automatically fires at enemies. Two charges.
Shadowsight53Reveal all bosses, treasure goblins, elite monsters, and enemy players within 90 yards of you on the minimap. Increase your and all allies’ movement speed by 20% for 12 seconds.
Smoke Screen38Conceal you and nearby allies for 2.5 seconds.
Spinning Chakram47Launch a projectile that deals damage to enemies in its path, and returns, dealing less damage. Catch it to reset its cooldown up to three times every 12 seconds.
Strafe10Move at reduced speed while shooting in all directions, dealing damage.
Unleash Hatred1Deal damage and knock back enemies. Stun them if they hit an obstacle.
Vengeance50Launch two additional shots and 3% additional movement speed for each nearby enemy, stacking 10 times, for six seconds.


The Monk is a martial artist, using their fists and feet as weapons to destroy the hordes of evil. It’s a great class for those that like to support their allies. Or, just fancy themselves as a bit of a Bruce Lee.

Primary Attacks

Fists of Thunder1Teleport to an enemy and attack them, teleporting again after every third strike.
Deadly Reach34Deal damage to an enemy, and less to those behind it.

Ultimate Abilities

Lightning FluxEnhance Fists of Thunder for 12 seconds, teleporting on every hit and generating a thunderstorm that deals damage and knocks back enemies. Gain a shield that absorbs damage up to 20% of your HP for three seconds.
Release ForceEnhance Deadly Reach for 12 seconds, causing it to also knock back enemies. You gain maximum attack speed without needing to stack, and gain a shield equal to 20% of your max HP for five seconds.

Monk Skills

Breath of Heaven53Restore HP and gain 60% movement speed for yourself and all allies. Use again within nine seconds to heal again for less HP.
Cyclone Strike1Pull in nearby enemies and damage them. Charge longer to increase range and damage.
Exploding Palm28Attack in a direction to inflict damage, bleeding enemies for five seconds. If they die while bleeding, they explode for damage to all nearby enemies.
Flying Dragon38Pull enemies to you, damage them, and stun them for two seconds.
Flying Kick1Move forward, dealing damage and knocking back enemies. If they hit an obstacle, they receive additional damage. Three charges.
Imprisoned Fist44Damage enemies and immobilise them for five seconds.
Inner Sanctuary47Place a circle that reduces damage taken by anyone standing in it by 50% for nine seconds.
Mystic Allies50Summon two spirits that have the same HP as you and damage enemies.
Mystic Strike15Dash forward, leaving behind a spirit that pulls enemies towards you and deals damage. Three charges.
Seven-Sided Strike9Hit nearby enemies seven times, dealing 50% damage to those you hit more than once.
Shield of Zen41Create a shield that absorbs damage for five seconds, and blocks movement effects.
Wave of Light20Deal damage in an area. Two charges.
Wave Strike3Push back enemies, dealing damage in an explosion at the end.


The Necromancer might be the most popular class in Diablo, period. You can cast spells that deal damage and debuff your opponents, making them pretty dynamic. Not only that, but you can summon the undead to fight alongside you.

If you don’t want to be alone even when playing solo, pick this class. You won’t regret it.

Primary Attacks

Bone Spear34Fire a projectile that pierces up to three enemies and damages them. This damage is reduced by 50% for each enemy it hits.
Frenzy1Throw a projectile that explodes when it hits an enemy, dealing 25% damage to those nearby.

Ultimate Abilities

Dread SkullscytheEnhance Bone Spear for 12 seconds, turning it into a scythe that deals damage to all nearby enemies and knocks them back.
Hungering SoulfireEnhance Soulfire for 12 seconds, firing projectiles that seek out enemies. Those hit multiple times take 75% less damage.

Necromancer Skills

Bone Armor41You and all nearby allies gain a shield that absorbs damage for 12 seconds.
Bone Spikes8Stun enemies and damage them. Charge to increase range and damage.
Bone Spirits47Fire a barrage of projectiles at enemies.
Bone Wall28Conjure a wall that blocks projectiles, allies, and enemies for nine seconds. Three charges.
Borrowed Time53Cast on yourself or an ally, preventing death for eight seconds and healing them to full life. When resurrected, lose 5% of maximum HP every second for 16 seconds until you kill an enemy.
Command Golem50Summon a golem for 24 seconds that damages enemies and stuns them for two seconds on each attack. Cast it again to have the golem leap to deal damage and force nearby enemies to attack it for six seconds.
Command Skeletons1Gain a skeletal champion every eight seconds, with a maximum of two. Use it again to increase their attack speed by 80% for five seconds.
Corpse Explosion3Detonate all corpses, dealing damage to enemies. Those struck more than once take 40% less damage.
Corpse Lance38Summon projectiles that damage nearby enemies. Enemies hit multiple times take 20% less damage.
Dark Curse44All enemies near you take damage over six seconds and have reduced vision.
Grim Scythe1Hit enemies to deal damage, generating a corpse. Two charges.
Skeletal Mage8Summon a mage that deals damage to all nearby enemies.
Wraith Form15Gain 50% movement speed and invulnerability for two seconds.


The Tempest combines the support abilities of the Crusader with the summoning ability of the Necromancer. Using the powers of wind and water, you attack with dual swords up close or at range. It’s a very versatile class with some of the best attack animations in the game.

Primary Attacks

Wave Edge1Deal damage to a primary target and 25% to nearby enemies.
Wind Edge34Attack enemies, dashing to their location if they’re not close.

Ultimate Abilities

Piercing GaleEnhance Wind Edge for 12 seconds, charging through enemies and dealing damage to all of them. Gain a shield that absorbs damage up to 20% of your HP for three seconds.
Power of the DeepEnhance Wave Edge for 12 seconds, increasing your range and attacking all enemies around you. You gain maximum attack speed without needing to stack, and gain a shield equal to 20% of your max HP for five seconds.

Tempest Skills

Blade Dance15Damage enemies in front of you and stun them for two seconds, then deal damage again and knock back enemies.
Breaker1Attack in front of you, summoning a Zephyr.
Cascade8Deal damage in an area around you.
Crosswinds1Deal damage in a targeted area. Two charges.
Flowing Strike20Conjure a Zephyr and dash forward, dealing damage to all enemies in your path.
Riptide50Pull in nearby enemies, damaging them and stunning them for two seconds.
Rolling Surf41For six seconds, you and your Zephyrs throw projectiles that penetrate enemies, dealing damage. Your movement speed increases by 35% and you can attack and move at the same time.
Squall3Teleport to a location and deal damage. Two charges.
Stormfury53Your and ally’s weapons deal 40% extra damage for nine seconds.
Tidal Rush38You and a targeted Zephyr swap places, dealing damage to anyone you pass through. Three charges.
Vortex44Pull in nearby enemies and deal damage.
Wind Walk47Increase your attack speed by 20% for 2.5 seconds.
Zephyr Surge28Attack nearby targets five times, consuming all Zephyrs to attack an extra two times per Zephyr.


The Wizard does exactly what it says on the tin. If you like flinging around the elements with wild abandon, but at a safe distance where enemies can’t retaliate, this is the class for you.

Primary Attacks

Electrocute34Deal damage to an enemy, also striking nearby enemies for 30% of the damage.
Magic Missile1Deal damage to a single enemy.

Ultimate Abilities

Full PowerEnhance Electrocute for 12 seconds, attacking more enemies, increasing damage per hit, and allowing you to move while attacking.
Ice MissileEnhance Magic Missile for 12 seconds, increasing the damage dealt and slowing enemies it hits.
The Wizard in Diablo Immortal.
Fireball-slinger. (Picture: Blizzard)

Wizard Skills

Arcane Torrent47Deal damage to nearby enemies.
Arcane Wind1Deal damage and knock back enemies. Charge to increase the knock back. Deals 50% more damage to burning enemies.
Black Hole38Pull enemies into a location for three seconds, dealing damage to them.
Disintegrate28Deal damage to enemies in a targeted direction, with damage increasing by 2% for 1.5 seconds and stacking five times.
Frostfield53All enemies take damage after a short delay, and are frozen for 12 seconds.
Ice Armor44Gain a barrier that absorbs damage for eight seconds, exploding and damaging enemies when it ends or you activate it again. Inflicts chill for six seconds upon exploding.
Ice Crystal20Deal damage at a nearby location for 12 seconds and inflict chill. When it ends it explodes, dealing damage over six seconds and inflicting chill again.
Lightning Nova3Throw ten projectiles in all directions, which then return, dealing damage both when fired and when returning. Enemies hit twice receive 30% damage.
Meteor41Summon a meteor that deals damage and stuns enemies where it hits for three seconds. Enemies that touch the ground it lands on are burned for six seconds, taking damage.
Ray of Frost53Deal damage in a targeted area, inflicting chill that stacks up to six times.
Scorch1Throw a projectile that deals damage, knocks enemies back, and leaves a trail that damages enemies that touch it for six seconds.
Slow Time50Reduce attack, projectile speed, and movement speed by 80% for enemies at a targeted location for six seconds.
Teleport15Teleport forward. Three charges.
