Genshin Impact codes provide you with a wealth of rewards for very little effort. HoYoverse releases them regularly via the game’s social media channels, and you can redeem them to gain goodies, including Primogems.

The most reliable source of new Genshin Impact codes is via the regular live streams, announcing the next batch of content to arrive in your favourite gacha game. These take place roughly every six weeks, and usually provide several new redeem codes as a reward for watching them.

In this guide, we’re going to list all of the codes that are currently available in Genshin Impact. We’ll also add new codes whenever they drop, so we recommend checking back often to see what’s available.

Genshin Impact 5.1 Livestream Codes

HoYoverse dropped the following codes during the Genshin Impact 5.1 livestream . You can redeem them until they expire on September 28.

CodeRewardExpiration Date
XSME6NV4GX2ZPrimogems x100, Mystic Enhancement Ore x10September 28
KALF66CLGXKMPrimogems x100, Hero’s Wit x5September 28
PT5WP6D5GXJ9Primogems x100, Mora x50,000September 28

Genshin Impact Codes

The remaining codes are available until they expire at some unknown time and date.

BLAZETONATLANPrimogems x100, Sanctifying Unction x5, Hero’s Wit x3, Mora x30,000
EPICGENSHIN2024Mora x30,000, Hero’s Wit x5, Mystic Enhancement Ore x5, Glittering Gemstones x5, Hot Spring O’Clock x5, Puff Pops x5
TARJ78VYG77CMora x10,000, Adventurer’s Experience x10, Fine Enhancement Ore x5, Stir-Fried Fish Noodles x5, Jueyun Chili Chicken x5
WORF3IEG4WP9Mora x10,000, Adventurer’s Experience x10, Fine Enhancement Ore x5, Saurian Claw Succulent x3
KJBN2JM88SJ3Saurian Claw Succulent x3, Mystic Enhancement Ore x5, Adventurer’s Experience x10, Mora x10,000
DT4BZD5RT5U9Primogems x60, Adventurer’s Experience x5
OHDN6KB124UFSprayfeather Gill x3, Mora x10,000, Adventurer’s Experience x10, Fine Enhancement Ore x5
HHHA5Z81O5UKMora x20,000, Adventurer’s Experience x15, Fine Enhancement Ore x10
HHFP3517D3UNMora x10,000, Adventurer’s Experience x10, Fine Enhancement Ore x5, Varunada Lazurite Sliver x3
KEQES9R79R49Mora x10,000, Adventurer’s Experience x10, Fine Enhancement Ore x5, Varunada Lazurite Sliver x3
DMGJ5262H9SKMora x10,000, Adventurer’s Experience x10, Fine Enhancement Ore x5, Stir-Fried Fish Noodles x5, Jueyun Chili Chicken x5
JVBR8Z8EB8Z9Mora x10,000, Adventurer’s Experience x10, Fine Enhancement Ore x5, Stir-Fried Fish Noodles x5, Jueyun Chili Chicken x5
RNIF6H9394K8Mora x10,000, Adventurer’s Experience x10, Fine Enhancement Ore x5, Stir-Fried Fish Noodles x5, Jueyun Chili Chicken x5
GENSHINGIFTPrimogems x50, Hero’s Wit x3

How to Redeem Genshin Impact codes

Simply visit the official code redemption site to redeem your codes. Bear in mind that you do need to be at least Adventure Rank 10.

Once on the site, login using the account tied to your Genshin Impact account, then fill in the fields for server location, character nickname, and the redemption code.

Your rewards will arrive via the in-game mail system, so don’t despair if they’re not immediately in your inventory.

It’s also worth noting that you can only redeem a Genshin Impact code a single time. They also do expire, so if any on this list don’t work, that might be the case.
