Not sure which is the best class to pick in Go Go Muffin? Our Go Go Muffin tier list is here to help. Here, we’re going to round up all of the different class types you can play as in the MMORPG.
We’ll then see which is the best one to use by ordering them into a tier list. We will, of course, explain our reasoning too so you’re not left wondering why you picked the Swordbearer.
Of course, it’s worth remembering that the best class is a subjective choice, and you should absolutely go with the one you enjoy the most.
Go Go Muffin Classes
First, let’s take a look at the different classes you can play as in Go Go Muffin.
The Swordbearer is the melee combatant of the group, who is capable of taking as much damage as they can deal. In fact, you can specialise in either, going down the tank route to protect your allies or the offensive group to wipe out hordes of enemies with ease.
Pick the Swordbearer and you can progress to one of the following classes:
- Sword Adept
- Swordmaster
- Sword of Embers
- Starshatter Blade
Prefer to fight from a distance with ranged weapons? The Wayfarer is the choice for you. This class wields a bow and is a solid combination of ranged DPS and crowd control (CC). You can interrupt and suppress enemies to support your alllies.
The Wayfarer can progress to the following classes:
- Ranger
- Eagle Eye
- Darkness Walker
- Dawn Hunter
Prefer magic to a bow? The Scholar is the class for you. You can wield the power of the elements to devastating effect. In fact, that’s the primary purpose of the Scholar: to deal as much damage as possible, to as many enemies.
The Scholar can progress to the following classes:
- Sorcerer
- Archmage
- Chaos Scholar
- Empowered Mage
If you prefer a stealthy approach, opt for the Shadowlash. This class is a bit of a ninja, wielding dual-daggers at close range. However, you can’t rely on your defences like the Swordbearer and instead have to pick your battles – and your moments – wisely.
Fancy playing a class that bursts down enemies before they even realise you’re there? Pick the Shadowlash.
You can progress to the following classes:
- Darkblade
- Nightweaver
- Shadow Enforcer
- Night Apostle
Last, but certainly not least, is the Acolyte. This class is the supporter of the group, capable of buffing and healing allies to keep them alive.
That doesn’t mean you can’t deal damage though. In fact, you can specialise in DPS if you want, forgoing the supportive abilities entirely.
The Acolyte can progress to the following classes:
- Oracle
- Thaumaturge
- Jade Priest
- Judgement Warden
Go Go Muffin Tier List
Now, let’s take a look at how we’d rank all of the classes in Go Go Muffin in our tier list.
Rank | Class |
S | Scholar |
A | Acolyte, Swordbearer |
B | Wayfarer |
C | Shadowlash |
How Did We Pick Our Tier List?
Let’s take a look at why we chose the following places for the classes in our list:
The Scholar is our pick of the best class given its super high DPS abilities. Let’s face it: most of us want to play a DPS character in an MMORPG, and there simply is no better than the Scholar.
If you plan on soloing, no other class can take down opponents this fast, or as many at once, as the Scholar.
The best support class in the game is also our pick for second best class in the game. You simply need an Acolyte if you’re taking on the challenging group activities in Go Go Muffin.
An additional benefit of this class is that it does have DPS capabilities as well, allowing you to solo when needed.
Like the Acolyte, you simply need a Swordbearer if you’re taking on dungeons or other group activities. At least, you need the tank variant of it, which will keep your weaker teammates alive, like the Acolyte.
Also like the Acolyte, you can swap to a DPS role for soloing or when there’s a need.
The Wayfarer is a decent class, which sits in our C tier. It’s a decent enough DPS, but outshined by the Scholar. Its best use is for its CC capabilities, but you don’t need them at all times so its use is limited.
Our pick of least favourite class is Shadowlash. While it is an exceptional damage dealer, it’s also incredibly squishy. It also doesn’t have the benefit of fighting at range like the Wayfarer or Scholar.
Situationally, the Shadowlash does have its uses. If you need to bring down an opponent super quickly, no one does it better than the Shadowlash.