If you’re not sure which characters to add to your party, you’ve come to the right place. Our Horizon Walker tier list is here to help. Here, we rank all of the characters from S tier to D tier to help you put together the best team.

We’ve ordered it into an overall tier list, and then broke it down into DPS, Tank, and Support tier lists. That way, you can quickly add a specific role to your party based on our individual rankings.

Overall Tier List

This is how we’d rank all of the characters in Horizon Walker, regardless of their role within the game.

SNika, Nonoha, Nimset
AEvelett, Matros, Mariam, Pan Taili, Min Ensu
BGillen, Ines, Lasatina, Wangzai
CDelia, Ernest, Kela, Luize, Jin Jiaying, Kulani, Lysandra
DAlaha, Grisk, Karina, Samalika, Yeon Chae-Young, Bella, Su Zhuxi, Pretina

DPS Tier List

If you’re looking for the best DPS characters, this is how we’d order them.

AEvelett, Mariam, Matros
CDelia, Ernest, Kela, Luize
DAlaha, Grisk, Karina, Samalika, Yeon Chae-Young

Support Tier List

We’ve included both Healers and general Support characters into one tier list, as there aren’t many of these types of characters in the game yet.

AMin Ensu
BLasatina, Wangzai
CJin Jiaying, Kulani
DBella, Su Zhuxi

Tank Tier List

There aren’t many tanks either, but here’s how we’d order them from best to worst.

APan Taili

What Are the Best Characters?

The characters we consider to be the best in Horizon Walker include:

  • Nika
  • Nonoha
  • Nimset

Let’s take a look at them in closer detail.


Nika is just a fantastic overall character, with great DPS, stealth abilities, and overall stats. They can survive where no others can.


Out of all of the Tanks in Horizon Walker, we opt for Nimset the most. This character has very strong proves, can provide AoE counter-attacks, and even has a heal to keep them in the fight.


We really like Nonoha as a Support character. While not a Healer, Nonoha can keep the team alive by providing strong shields. This unit can also boost movement speed.

You can grab Horizon Walker from Google Play.
