Not sure which deck to use in Pokémon TCG Pocket? Well, our tier list is here to help you with exactly that. In this guide, we’ve ranked all of the decks from S tier to D tier to help you determine which one to pick, and which to skip.
Pokémon TCG Pocket Deck Tier List
There are currently 67 decks available in Pokémon TCG Pocket Deck. Below, you will find our rankings, ordering them from best to worst.
S Tier
These are the best decks currently available in the game, and you should have little trouble beating your opponents when using them.
Deck | Type |
Arcanine ex | Mythical Island |
Blaine | Mythical Island |
Celebi ex and Serperior | Mythical Island |
Golem | Mythical Island |
Gyarados ex and Greninja | Mythical Island |
Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir | Mythical Island |
Palkia ex | Space-Time Smackdown |
Pikachu ex | Mythical Island |
Pikachu ex and Raichu | Mythical Island |
Scolipede and Weezing | Mythical Island |
Starmine ex and Articuno ex | Mythical Island |
Vaporeon and Articuno ex | Mythical Island |
Weavile ex | Space-Time Smackdown |
A Tier
A tiers are still very powerful decks, but might require a bit of mastery to get the most out of.
Deck | Type |
Aerodactyl ex and Primeape | Mythical Island |
Alakazam and Jynx | Mythical Island |
Articuno ex | Genetic Apex |
Charizard ex | Mythical Island |
Dragonite | Mythical Island |
Exeggutor ex | Mythical Island |
Gyarados ex and Vaporeon | Mythical Island |
Lt. Surge | Mythical Island |
Mew ex and Weezing | Mythical Island |
Pidgeot ex | Mythical Island |
Venusaur ex | Genetic Apex |
Volcarona and Arcanine ex | Mythical Island |
B Tier
Decks in our B tier are pretty average. You can have luck against a deck that’s weak against it, but otherwise we’d skip these options.
Deck | Type |
Dragonite and Weezing | Genetic Apex |
Greninja | Genetic Apex |
Greninja and Weezing | Genetic Apex |
Lapras ex | Genetic Apex |
Marowak ex | Genetic Apex |
Mewtwo ex and Weezing | Genetic Apex |
Primeape | Genetic Apex |
Venusaur ex and Weezing | Genetic Apex |
C Tier
Decks in our C tier can have use in very niche circumstances, or as counters to very specific decks, but are otherwise worth skipping.
Deck | Type |
Arbok Lock | Genetic Apex |
Blastoise ex | Genetic Apex |
Exeggutor ex and Alakazam | Genetic Apex |
Frosmoth | Genetic Apex |
Gengar ex | Genetic Apex |
Gengar ex and Golbat | Genetic Apex |
Kingler and Articuno ex | Genetic Apex |
Koga | Genetic Apex |
Lapras ex and Butterfree | Genetic Apex |
Lickitung and Primeape | Genetic Apex |
Machamp ex | Genetic Apex |
Melmetal | Genetic Apex |
Omaster and Articuno ex | Genetic Apex |
Persian and Mawile | Genetic Apex |
Poliwrath | Genetic Apex |
Tentacruel and Greninja | Genetic Apex |
Victreebel and Exeggutor ex | Genetic Apex |
Wigglytuff ex | Genetic Apex |
Zapdos ex | Genetic Apex |
D Tier
We wouldn’t recommend using these decks under any circumstances.
Deck | Type |
Aerodactyl and Dragonite | Genetic Apex |
Articuno | Genetic Apex |
Blastoise | Genetic Apex |
Brock | Genetic Apex |
Centiskorch and Moltres ex | Genetic Apex |
Charizard | Genetic Apex |
Cinccino and Weezing | Genetic Apex |
Eeveelutions | Genetic Apex |
Grapploct | Genetic Apex |
Gyarados | Genetic Apex |
Kabutops | Genetic Apex |
Lickitung | Genetic Apex |
Moltres | Genetic Apex |
Venusaur | Genetic Apex |
Zapdos | Genetic Apex |
What Are the Best Decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket?
Let’s take a closer look at the best decks in our list to give you an idea of how to best use them.
Arcanine ex
Arcanine ex is a really powerful fire deck that doesn’t suffer from energy issues, like similar decks, and the damage is sky high.
It’s very easy to use and learn, hence why we’ve popped it in our S tier.
Blaine is similar to Arcanine ex. It’s a fire type deck that deals high damage at a fast pace.
Celebi ex and Serperior
This deck relies a little on luck to make the most out of, given that you have to flip a heads to deal the bulk of Celebi’s damage. The synergy with Serperior, who doubles the flips, makes it insanely powerful though.
In the right hands, this deck can be unbeatable, but you’ll need to spend a bit of time getting used to it.
If you prefer a tanky playstyle, Golem is the pick for you. This Pokémon has incredibly high HP and can reduce damage they take further thanks to Guard Press.
You do need to be careful during the earlier phases of the game, as you need to evolve Golem to make the most out of them.
Gyarados ex and Greninja
Gyarados ex and Greninja is a powerful deck that combines the tank-like Gyaradoros and powerful DPS Greninja.
It’s got great utility too, as you can strip energy from your opponent.
Pikachu ex
Who doesn’t love Pikachu? This is a terrific starter deck with balanced energy requirements and powerful attacks. If you’re new to the game, give this one a try.
Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir
This is a good intermediate deck for those who are familiar with the game, but want to learn a more challenging deck. It’s not super difficult to learn, but it’s very rewarding, with its steady and powerful attacks.
Palkia ex
Another deck that relies a little bit on luck, but a solid one nonetheless. Expect to play it safe during the early phases of the game, but unleash powerful attacks later when you’re fully set up. It’s one for the intermediates.
Pikachu ex and Raichu
This is a good step up from the Pikachu ex deck. It’s similar in that it’s easy to learn, but the wild card that is Raichu will give you something to think about.
Scolipede and Weezing
This is more of an advanced deck that requires a bit of mastery with the game to make the most out of. Once you’ve learned it though, you will have no trouble dishing out powerful attacks against unwitting opponents.
Starmie ex and Articuno ex
If you manage to put together this deck, it’s incredibly powerful. Expect low energy attacks that are incredibly damaging, and excellent utility.
Vaporeon and Articuno ex
This is an intermediate deck with low energy requirements. You won’t deal exceptionally powerful attacks, but the damage you do deal is consistent, and will wear down opponents.
Weavile ex
This is an advanced deck, which requires a bit of mastery to get the most out of. Do so, and you will find a very powerful deck that can kill opponents faster than almost any other.
It doesn’t require much energy to use, either, which is the best part, and you can attack super quickly.
Learn more about Pokémon TCG Pocket on the official website.