The free to play MMORPG Royal Quest Online features four different classes that you can select from at the beginning of your journey, progressing to one of two different specialist subclasses as you progress throughout your adventure.

The class system effectively lets you pick your typical MMORPG archetype – Tank, Healer, or DPS – but then specialise in the features that you like the most. Perhaps you’re not sure if you want to focus on damage or tanking, so you pick the Warrior. You can then specialise based on what parts of the role you like the most.

In this guide, we’re going to detail the four different base classes and what you can expect from them. We’ll then dive deep into the subclasses as we strive to answer the vital question: which is the best Royale Quest Online class?

What Are Royal Quest Online Classes?

Before we move onto the classes in particular, let’s first detail what they are. Classes in MMORPGs determine how you perform in combat. You might stand at the frontline, battling enemies with gigantic melee weapons, or sit at the back with bow or staff, firing off arrows and fireballs.

Deeper than that though, they also determine what role you play in group content. This typically falls into the holy trinity of DPS, Support, and Tank, but you also find hybrid classes that can perform multiple roles, or a role that falls outside of the standard trinity.

Perhaps they focus on crowd control, or specialise in quickly taking down a healer or threatening enemy. Royal Quest Online is very much a traditional MMORPG in that sense, as it features the trinity, but there are classes that can fall into multiple archetypes, or sit very much in their own space.


  • Roles: Tank / Melee DPS / Support

The Warrior is the only tank in Royal Quest Online but, fortunately, they’re very good at it. A bunch of their Skills and Talents are dedicated to generating threat, which helps you keep the attention of enemies away from more squishy party members.

You can also directly boost the defence of your allies thanks to a nifty aura.

The Warrior is no slouch in the DPS department though. That’s doubly true if you choose to wield a spear, as the best damaging skills require it.


  • Roles: DPS / CC

The Rogue is the best melee DPS class and arguably the best class at taking down powerful opponents, like bosses. They can stealth into a room and deal incredibly powerful attacks from behind.

Not only that, but their range of DoT abilities can seriously add up, to the point that your opponent just drains HP. This on top of high critical hit rates and damage, and decent single target damage overall.

Throw in excellent CC options like traps, and. the Rogue is just an all-round handy class to have around.


  • Roles: DPS / Support / CC

Archer is arguably the best support class in the game, as it can heal, buff allies, and keep enemies at bay with crowd control effects.

But it’s also a fantastic ranged DPS class that competes with Rogue and Mage – at least in the single target department.

If you quite like a jack-of-all-trades, the Archer is the role for you. It’s not even a master of none, either, so no one is a loser here.


Roles: DPS / Support / CC

The Mage is the undisputed champion of DPS in Royal Quest Online. Not only from pure damage itself, but also from its wide range of AoE abilities. No one can take a group down as quickly or as efficiently as the Mage.

It’s also a great support class with its healing ability and crowd control effects. You can keep groups of foes at bay and reduce the effectiveness of bosses.

What’s the Best Class?

There’s no overall best class in Royal Quest Online, as it depends on the role that you want to fulfil. So let’s start with that – here’s the best classes per member of the trinity:

  • Best DPS: Mage
  • Best Support: Archer
  • Best Tank: Warrior

Bear in mind: this only covers the base classes. The more advanced roles will differ greatly.

Now, let’s take a look at how the roles sit depending on how you like to play:

  • Best solo: Mage
  • Best group: Warrior / Archer

It’s a split between the Warrior and Archer for best group character, as both of these classes offer so much. The Warrior tanks like a champ and can buff allies, so is essential.

Meanwhile, the Archer is the best support class, so is also a vital component of your party composition.

Solo it’s a pretty easy choice: the Mage. This class is just the best at taking down groups of enemies, helping with your survivability immensely. Not only that, but you can heal yourself and debuff enemies.
