The Royal Quest Online Rogue class is a complex mix of DPS, crowd control, and stealth. If you like fighting in melee, but want to forgo the heaviest armour in favour of pure damage, this is the class to pick.

That’s not to say that the Rogue will fall down at the first sign of trouble though. Often, the Rogue will enter combat from stealth, defeating foes before they even have a chance to fight back.

When they do bite off more than they can chew, Rogues can control the crowd effectively. Freeze enemies, vanish in a puff of smoke, or scare them off with poisons and other DoT abilities.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Rogue class in Royal Quest Online.

Royal Quest Online Rogue

Here’s what the Rogue offers at a glance:

  • Fights in melee
  • DoT attacks (Poison and Bleed)
  • Increased critical chance and damage
  • Stealth
  • Positioning is important
  • AoE attacks
  • Crowd control

The Rogue is a powerful melee combatant who specialises in stealth. Not only does this keep you safe, but it provides a bunch of additional effects when you attack while invisible.

Damage arrives in a variety of sources, from powerful individual attacks, a range of DoTs, and AoE attacks. You also have a decent chance to score a critical hit and can boost your damage using Talents.

Managing your Cunning Points is vital. You gain these when performing certain attacks and can spend them on boosting subsequent attacks.


You can learn the following Rogue Skills by levelling up your character.

SkillCostCooldown (in seconds)Effect
Lunge71Deal 18 – 22 damage and inflict Vulnerability for two seconds.

Gain 1 Cunning.
Sabotage1514Deal 25 – 30 AoE fire damage.
Sudden Strike108Deal 19 – 23 damage and inflict Vulnerability for 6 seconds.

Each Cunning point increases damage by 25% and Vulnerability by 3% until Cunning is consumed.
Gold Lust1240Mark a monster and gain Fury for 6 seconds.

Marked monsters drop double gold.
Stealth1525Gain a second of invincibility and turn invisible for 10 seconds.
Shadow Strike1016Deal 19 – 24 damage, increasing by 35% for each point of Cunning.

Consumes all Cunning.

Attack from stealth to deal 50% more damage.

Attack from behind to gain 30% critical hit chance.
Blade Dance1515Deal 23 – 29 AoE damage.

Gain Protection for 3 seconds.
Bloody Strike610Deal 19 – 24 damage and inflict Bleeding for 6 seconds.

Gain 1 Cunning.
Chase59Teleport to your target’s back.

Use from stealth to stun your opponent.

Gain 1 Cunning.
Ice Bomb1525Deal 13 – 16 AoE Water damage.

Freezes enemies for 2 seconds.

Can’t affect more than 5 targets.
Adder Strike1012Deal 16 – 20 damage and poison the target.

Poison deals 2 damage per second.

Each point of cunning increases skill damage by 25% and the duration of Poison for 2 seconds.

Ends when all Cunning is consumed.
Secret Lair1010Creates a teleport point, known as your Secret Lair.
Teleport to Lair10600Teleport to your Secret Lair.


Rogue Talents allow you to specialise your build in a variety of different ways. You can perfect your DoTs, improve your Stealth ability, or focus on Critical Hits.

Each time you unlock a new level on the Talent tree, you can select from one of two different Talents.

Stronger ChargeIncreases Sabotage damage by 35%.
FencingIncreases Sudden Strike and Lunge damage by 12%.
Insatiable ThirstGold Lust now grants 2 Cunning.
SaboteurEntering Stealth increases damage by 9% for 6 seconds.

You now stay in Stealth permanently.
Shadow LurkerCunning no longer decreases outside of combat when in Stealth.

Leaving Stealth grants you an extra Cunning point.
SlybootsGain +15 Dodge for 10 seconds when leaving Stealth.
Sucker PunchesGain +5% Critical Damage per negative effect on the target.

+50% maximum.
Deep FreezingIce Bomb freeze lasts 1.5 seconds longer.
Silent RunWhile in Stealth mode, you can’t be inflicted with movement speed penalties.

When leaving Stealth, gain +40% movement speed for 5 seconds.
Spider PoisonPoisoned enemies are slowed for 3 seconds whenever you inflict a critical hit against then.
Poisoned WoundsPoison deals 15% more damage.
Magic BombDeal 15 – 19 damage and inflict Terror for 3 seconds.

Inflict Poison for 6 seconds.

Can’t affect more than 5 enemies.

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