Fancy yourself a bit of a survivor? Well, our Sulfur game recipes list is here to help you. We’ve rounded up every single item you can craft within the game, be it cooking up a tasty dish, whipping up a weapon, or knocking together a handy item.

What’s more, we’ll update this guide whenever new recipes arrive in Sulfur, so make sure to check back often to see what’s new.

If you’d like to check it out, you can grab Sulfur right now on Steam.

Sulfur Game Cooking Recipes

You can put together the following food items by mixing together the listed ingredients.

A note on how to read it though: you can use any one of the items separated by a backslash. Items separated by a comma all need to be included.

Instances where we’ve left a gap between a list of items indicate separate recipes for the same food item. Have fun!

Biscuits and GravyBread and Gravy
BreadBottled Water / Whole Milk / Low Fat Milk / Skimmed Milk / Buttermilk and Flour
Banana BreadBanana and Bread
Hard BreadFlour and Sawdust
BrothKidney Stone / Salt / Bone and Bottled Water
ButterWhole Milk and Whole Milk / Fatberg and Fatberg
ButtermilkWhole Milk / Low Fat Milk / Skimmed Milk and Butter
Tube CaviarButter and Bottled Caviar / Bottled Caviar and Bottled Caviar / Bottled Caviar and Metal Scrap
CerealOats and Rice / Oats and Oats / Cereal and Oats and Rice
CheeseSkimmed Milk, Low Fat Milk, Whole Milk, and Buttermilk
Cheese TopsCheese and Flour
CheeseburgerCraw Flesh / Dog Flesh / Hellshrew Flesh / Goblin Flesh / Human Flesh / Shav’Wa Flesh and Bread
Chocolate BallCacao, Sugar, Oats, Coffee, and Butter
Chocolate SyrupBottled Water / Solution, Cacao, Sugar,
Chocolate BarBottled Water / Solution and Chocolate Syrup
Cordon BleuCraw Flesh / Dog Flesh / Goblin Flesh / Human Flesh / Shav’Wa Flesh / Hellshrew Flesh / Chicken Leg, Flour, and Cheese
Cotton CandySugar, Sugar, and Sugar

Sugar and Stick
Cuisses de GrenouilleBroth / Butter / Herbs and Frog Leg

Frog Leg and Frog Leg
CurrywurstChristmas Spice / Herbs / Solution and Spicy Sausage
DimmieCraw Flesh / Dog Flesh / Goblin Flesh / Human Flesh / Shav’Wa Flesh / Hellshrew Flesh, Fatberg Chunk, and Flour
Double CheeseburgerDouble Craw Flesh / Double Dog Flesh / Double Goblin Flesh / Double Human Flesh / Double Shav’Wa Flesh / Double Hellshrew Flesh, Double Cheese, and Double Read
Dopp and GrytanBread and Broth
DumplingLiver and Flour
Energy GumRubber / Used Rubber and Spice Mix
EscargotHerbs / Butter / Broth and Escargot
Fish and ChipsFlat Sandfish / Salted Sandfish and Potato
Full English BreakfastSpicy Sausage / Karl-Oskar / Rödsopp / Velvet Bell / Swing-Ding, Egg, and Beans
French HotdogDog Flesh / Mystery Meat / Intestines / Lung / Pancreas / Brain / Bladder / Spleen / Frog Leg and Bread
FondueCheese and Stick

Triple Cheese

Cheese and Broth

Cheese and Red Wine
GravyWhole Milk / Low Fat Milk / Skimmed Milk / Buttermilk and Broth
GonsterSports Drink / Cactus Softdrink / Stout and Soda
HaggisLung / Liver / Heart / Human Skin / Shav’Wa Skin / Hellshrew Skin / Goblin Skin / Dog Skin and Oats
Holy ToastHoly Water / Red Wine / Oats
Hot SauceSolution and Spice Mix
Hot SnacksCraw Skin / Dog Skin / Goblin Skin / Human Skin / Shav’Wa Skin / Hellshrew Skin and Spice Mix
Green GlobSalt / Rock and Snail
Sweet GumBerries / Soda / Sugar and Rubber / Used Rubber
Berry JamBerries and Sugar
JelloFatberg Chunk and Sugar
Beef JerkyDouble Human Skin / Double Craw Skin / Double Dog Skin / Double Goblin Skin / Double Hellshrew Skin / Double Shav’Wa

Hellshrew Skin / Shav’Wa
/ Human Skin / Craw Skin / Dog Skin / Goblin Skin and Salt / Black Pepper
Liver PâtéKidney Stone / Rock / Salt / Black Pepper / Herbs / Butter and Liver
Mac and CheeseCheese and Spaghetti
NuggetsChicken Leg / Craw Flesh and Fatberg Chunk
MakiSeaweed and Rice
Boba TeaGreen Tea and Rice
Green TeaMatch and Bottled Water
MatchaGreen Tea and Solution
Green Tea GumRubber / Used Rubber and Matcha
Anti-Poison GumRubber / Used Rubber and Green Glob
Buddy SandwichBread and Four Dogs Eye
Buttermilk PancakesButter, Buttermilk, Egg, and Flour
LussekattSpice Mix and Bread
Fried MushroomsVelvet Bell / Swing-Ding / Karl-Oskar / Rödsopp and Butter
Mystery MeatDouble Dog Flesh

Double Goblin Flesh

Double Human Flesh

Double Shav’Wa Flesh

Double Hellshrew Flesh

Double Craw Flesh
Mushroom OmeletteTriple Velvet Bell / Triple Swing-Ding / Triple Karl-Oskar / Triple Rödsopp and Stick
Mushroom SoupAny three mushrooms and Bottled Water / Broth
MeringueEgg and Sugar
Chocolate MudcakeCacao / Chocolate Bar / Chocolate Syrup, Egg, Butter, Sugar, and Flour
Chocolate MilkshakeSkimmed Milk / Low Fat Milk / Whole Milk and Chocolate Syrup / Cacao
Berry MilkshakeSkimmed Milk / Low Fat Milk / Whole Milk and Berries
MochiSoda and Flour
Kidney PieKidney and Flour
Nashville Hot ChickenChicken Leg and Spice Mix
NigiriFish / Snail and Rice
Nut MixHazelnut, Walnut, Pine Nuts
Nut SpreadTriple Hazlenut / Triple Walnut / Triple Pine Nuts / Nut Mix and Butter
Mashed PotatoesRock / Bottled Water / Whole Milk and Potato
OmeletteSalt / Black Pepper / Spice Mix / Herbs / Cheese / Spicy Sausage / Potato and Egg
OnigiriBottled Caviar / Tube Caviar / Goblin Flesh / Dog Flesh / Shav’Wa Flesh / Human Flesh / Craw Flesh / Hellshrew Flesh and Rice
Swedish PancakesWhole Milk, Egg, and Flour
PölsaLung and Bladder / Rock / Thyroid / Spleen
RamenCraw Flesh / Dog Flesh / Human Flesh / Shav’Wa Flesh / Hellshrew Flesh / Goblin Flesh, and Spice Mix

Spaghetti and Broth
Liver Pâté SandwichLiver Pâté / Liver and Bread
Peanut Butter SandwichPeanut Butter and Bread
Bread SandwichTriple Bread
Meat SkewerGoblin Flesh / Craw Flesh / Dog Flesh / Human Flesh / Shav’Wa Flesh / Hellshrew Flesh / Mystery Meat and Stick / Bone
Spaghetti BologneseMystery Meat / Craw Flesh / Dog Flesh / Shav’Wa Flesh / Human Flesh / Hellshrew Flesh / Goblin Flesh and Spaghetti
Kidney StoneSalt / Rock and Kidney
French ToastSugar and Bread
Egg ToddyLiquor, Egg and Sugar
Butter SandwichButter and Bread
SashimiDouble Fish
Spicy SausageGoblin Flesh / Craw Flesh / Dog Flesh / Human Flesh / Shav’Wa Flesh / Hellshrew Flesh / Mystery Meat and Intestines
Sausage on StickSpicy Sausage and Stick
Sausage SoupBroth and Spicy Sausage
SawdustDouble Bark

Double Stick
Admiral White Extra StrongPaper / Cloth and Herbs
SodaSugar and Bottled Water
SpaghettiBottled Water, Flour, and Egg
Spice MixDouble Black Pepper


Salt and Black Pepper

StewGoblin Flesh / Craw Flesh / Dog Flesh / Human Flesh / Shav’Wa Flesh / Hellshrew Flesh / Mystery Meat and Bottled Water / Broth
SurströmmingSalted Fish / Fish / Salted Sandfish / Flat Sandfish and Green Glob
Toast SkagenFish / Flat Sandfish and Bread
Tongue on StickStick and Tongue
UnagiFatberg Chunk, Fish, and Rice
Banana SulfsBanana and Sugar
Spanish OmelettePotato and Egg
Fried Blood PuddingFlour / Sugar and Blood
Red WineHoly Toast and Bottled Water

Double Blood

Sulfur Scrolls Recipes

Now, let’s take a look at the scrolls you can craft in Sulfur.

Scroll of AftershockDouble Scroll of Earth
Scroll of CharmScroll of Nature and Scroll of Light
Scroll of Poison BloodDouble Scroll of Plague
Scroll of FearScroll of Dark and Scroll of Nature
Scroll of LavaScroll of Earth and Scroll of Embers
Scroll of NoxiosaScroll of Plague and Scroll of Earth
Scroll of OilScroll of Nature and Scroll of Embers
Scroll of PetrificationScroll of Nature and Scroll of Earth
Scroll of ExplosionsDouble Scroll of Embers
Scroll of Rocket LauncherScroll of Embers and Scroll of Surge
Scroll of Storm SurgeScroll of Earth and Scroll of Surge
Scroll of VoodooScroll of Dark and Scroll of Plague

Sulfur Weapon Recipes

And, lastly, let’s take a look at the weapons you can craft in Sulfur.

Molotov CocktailPaper / Father’s Shirt / Green Tunic / Cloth and Liquor
DynamiteRed Wine / Solution and Paper

Hellshrew Skin / Craw Skin / Shav’Wa Skin / Human Skin / Goblin Skin / Dog Skin / Cloth / Heart / Bladder and False Sulfcap / Solution
Pineapple GrenadeDouble Metal Scrap / Double Mystery Meat and Solution / False Sulfcap
Stick GrenadeSolution / False Sulfcap, Metal Scrap / Mystery Meat, and Stick
Sulfur GrenadeMetal Scrap / Mystery Meat and False Sulfcap
Jar of PoisonOats and Snail / Green Glob / Shav’Wa Bladder / Anti-Poison Gum

Green Glob and Solution
