Not sure who to add to your party in Tokyo Ghoul: Break the Chains? Our tier list can help you with that. We’ve ranked all of the characters from S tier to C tier to help you determine who to pick and who to skip.

Before we get to that though, make sure to grab the Tokyo Ghoul: Break the Chains codes to help you get started.

Tokyo Ghoul: Break the Chains Overall Tier List

This is how we’d rank all of the characters overall, regardless of their role within the group.

SKen Kaneki (Awaken), Kisho Arima (Lightning God), Yoshimura (Non-Killing Owl), Juzo Suzuya (CCG Maverick), Uta (Mask-Maker), Itori (Helter Skelter), Rize Kamishiro, Kohtaro Amon (Twinblades of Justice)
AYakumo Omori (Jason), Ayato Kirishima (Rebelwing), Chu Hachikawa (Envoy of Vengeance), Akira Mado (Father’s Will), Renji Yomo (Taciturn Warrior), Shu Tsukiyama (Gourmet), Yukinori Shimohara (Unyielding Shinohara), Kisho Arima (CCG’s Reaper), Yukinori Shinohara (Arata Proto), Iwao Kuroiwa (Arata Proto), Ayumu Hogi (Long-Haired Ghoul Investigator)
BKurona Yasuhisa (Inky Shroud), Nashiro Yasuhisa (Spotless Shroud), Toka Kirishima (Rabbit), Noro (Powerful Revival), Hinami Fueguchi (Fledgling Butterfly), Naki (Crybaby), Iwao Kuroiwa (New Proto)
CKuri Ui (Rising Star), Nishiki Nishio (Senior), Kureo Mado (Quinque Maniac), Take Hirako (Absolute Strength), Ryoko Fueguchi (Daughter Protector), Nico (Ladyboy in Love), Kurona Yasuhisa (Spotless Shroud)

Single Target DPS Tier List

These characters will take down a boss or PvP opponent before they will even notice they’re in a fight. Well, provided you pick an S tier.

SKen Kaneki (Awaken), Kisho Arima (Lightning God), Yoshimura (Non-Killing Owl)
AYakumo Omori (Jason), Rize Kamishiro (Binge Eater), Mogan Tanakamuru
BKurona Yasuhisa (Inky Shroud), Nashiro Yasuhisa (Spotless Shroud)
CKuri Ui (Rising Star), Nishiki Nishio (Senior)

AoE DPS Tier List

When facing groups of enemies in Tokyo Ghoul: Break the Chains, bring Juzo Suzuya. If you don’t have that character, there are A tiers to use as an alternative.

SJuzo Suzuya (CCG Maverick)
AAyato Kirishima (Rebelwing), Chu Hachikawa (Envoy of Vengeance), Akira Mado (Father’s Will)
BToka Kirishima (Rabbit), Noro (Powerful Revival)
CKureo Made (Quinque Maniac), Take Hirako (Absolute Strength)

Support Tier List

SUta (Mask-Maker), Itori (Helter Skelter)
ARenji Yomo (Taciturn Warrior), Shu Tsukiyama (Gourmet), Yukinori Shimohara)
BHinami Fueguchi (Fledgling Butterfly), Naki (Crybaby), Iwao Kuroiwa (New Proto)
CRyoko Fueguchi (Daughter Protector), Nico (Ladyboy In Love)

Who’s the Tokyo Ghoul: Break the Chains Best Team?

We recommend the following characters to put together the best team in Tokyo Ghoul: Break the Chains:

  • Ken Kaneki (Awaken)
  • Kisho Arima (Lightning God)
  • Yoshimura (Non-Killing Owl)
  • Juzo Suzuya (CCG Maverick)
  • Uta (Mask-Maker)
  • Itori (Helter Skelter)
  • Rize Kamishiro
  • Kohtaro Amon (Twinblades of Justice)

Just make sure to have a nice mix of support, DPS, and tanking so you can survive all of the challenges ahead.

We’d recommend at least one support and tanking character, and the rest DPS.

If you’re participating in PvP, pick the characters that have lots of CC options to keep your opponents at bay while you decimate them.


To reroll in Tokyo Ghouls: Break the Chains, the steps are very simple:

  • Select a guest account when you first play
  • Play until you can perform your first roll
  • If you didn’t get the character you want, delete the game and repeat the steps
