One of the earliest orders in Travel Town is for a ‘Mysterious Fossil’. It will likely stump you, as, at that point, you probably haven’t encountered it. You also likely won’t have the items you need to create it. So what gives?

Well, it’s actually less complicated than you think. In this guide, we’re going to provide you with a step-by-step guide so you can unlock the Mysterious Fossil as quickly as possible.

To help you get there, make sure to check out our Travel Town energy links guide. That will help keep you playing long enough to earn the item you need to finish this guide.

The residents of Travel Town.
Travel Town introduces you to a variety of quirky residents. (Picture: Free to Player)

How to Get the Travel Town Mysterious Fossil

It’s not too difficult to earn the Mysterious Fossil in Travel Town, once you know how to do it. It just requires a hefty helping of luck.

First, you need to unlock the sand bucket, which shouldn’t prove too challenging as your first resource producer. We recommend levelling it up to max before moving on, as this will give it the maximum chance of dropping rarer items.

Now, relentlessly tap on it, merging items that drop from it to clear the board. What you’re looking for is ‘Mysterious Letters’. You need four of these in total to proceed to the next step.

What do I do With Them?

Once you have all four, merge them together to create a ‘Treasure Map’. Now, repeat the process, and merge the two Treasure Maps to create the ‘Mysterious Island’.

This is an item producer, much like the Sand Bucket.

Now, you relentlessly tap on the ‘Myserious Island’ until you earn two halves of the fossil. Merge them together to create the complete ‘Mysterious Fossil’ that you need to complete the order.

If you’d like to check out Travel Town, you can do so by joining via our referral link.
