Not sure which characters to use in Vestria Chronicles? Well, we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ve ranked all of the characters from S tier to C tier to help you decide who to pick.

It’s important to focus on a smaller number of characters to develop – especially if you play for free. Developing characters is expensive in terms of time, in-game resources, and, potentially, your own wallet.

But you need to know which characters to prioritise before you get to that point, and that’s why we’ve put time into figuring out who we think you should develop.

To help you develop characters faster, go ahead and grab the latest Vestria Chronicles codes.

Vestria Chronicles Tier List

SFenrir, Loki, Micilin, Shine, Vyle
AMiren, Yurieh, Eyunath, Landisel, Lilith,, Rua, Seji, Shuki Ring, Skadi, Tia and Tiren, Verulian,
BDeshua, Miriam, Sophia, Tao, York

Who are the Best Characters in Vestria Chronicles?

We consider the following characters to be the best in Vestria Chronicles:

  • Fenrir
  • Loki
  • Micilin
  • Shine
  • Vyle

Let’s take a closer look at them to explain why:

FenrirFenrir is an incredibly powerful damage dealer who deals damage through a combination of powerful physical attacks and DoT status effects.

Fenrir can also buff themselves and cause CC chaos to their opponents.

Given the wide variety of CC and attack options, Fenrir is solid within both PvE and PvP modes.

Having said all that, Fenrir is a decent defensive option too
LokiIf you’re looking for the best damage dealer in the game, look no further than Loki.

Loki is your typical ranged DPS unit that can rain down destruction on groups of opponents.

There’s also plenty of CC and buffing capabilities, both for themselves and the rest of the team. This is primarily to boost their already strong defence.

That being said, Loki is a glass cannon, so you will need to protect them with a strong tank unit.
MicilinMicilin is your powerful support unit, who will keep the team alive with strong healing abilities.

This includes a combination of direct heals, HoTs (heals over time), and removing debuffs.

Like Loki, you will need to protect Micilin to see the full range of their power. Especially in PvP, as the opponent will target them.
ShineShine is a solid alternative – or companion – to Loki. Expect mad ranged AoE damage, basically.

Alongside the damage, you can debuff opponents with defence reductions and remove buffs.

You can also support allies by increasing their attack speed, which will have a considerably positive impact on their attack.
VylePut simply, you need Vyle on your team. Vyle is the best tank in the game and will keep your party alive when no one else will.

You can taunt enemies to force them to attack him as well as boost your own, and your ally’s, defence to keep them in the fight.

In terms of support, you can also reduce the defence of your opponents to help your DPS allies deal high damage.

You can learn more about Vestria Chronicles on the official site.
