Blox Fruits update 24 brought a new consumable item known as Berries. However, many players are having a hard time while obtaining them in the game. Therefore, we’ll walk you through all the berries locations in Blox Fruits along with an overview of their types, recipes, and how to use them.

All Berries Locations in Blox Fruits (Types and Rarity)

Blox Fruits has eight different types of berries in total—Purple Jelly Berry, Blue Icicle Berry, Yellow Star Berry, Red Cherry Berry, Pink Pig Berry, Green Toad Berry, Orange Berry and White Cloud Berry. They can only be found inside bushes in the first, second, and third sea.

Here’s a list of all the potential Berry locations in Blox Fruits:

First Sea

  • Jungle: 17
  • Magma Village: 2
  • Middle Town: 6
  • Pirate Starter: 2
  • Marine Fortress: 3
  • Fountain City: 3
  • Skylands: 3
  • Upper Skylands: 3
  • Colosseum: 2

Second Sea

  • Kingdom of Rose: 2
  • Snow Mountain: 3
  • Forgotten Island: 3
  • Hot and Cold: 4
  • Winter Castle: 3
  • Graveyard Island: 2
  • Green Zone: 3

Third Sea

  • Hydra Island: Roughly 48
  • Great Tree: Roughly 24
  • Tiki Outpost: 6
  • Floating Turtle: N/A
  • Port Town: 13
  • Sea of Treats: 11

Blox Fruits Berries Usage and Recipes

Berries are used as an ingredient to craft a variety of different items in Blox Fruits:

Bright Yellow1 Yellow Star Berry
Slimy Green1 Green Toad Berry
Orange Soda1 Orange Berry
Absolute Zero5 Blue Icicle Berry’s
Plump Purple3 Purple Jelly Berry’s
Fiery Rose2 Red Cherry Berry’s, 2 Pink Pig Berry’s
Winter Sky15 Pink Pig Berry’s
Snow White10 White Cloud Berry’s
Pure Red15 Red Cherry Berry’s
Dragon6 Red Cherry Berry’s, 8 Pink Pig Berry’s, 3 Orange Berry’s

Tips and Tricks To Farm Berries Fast in Blox Fruits

First of all, we highly recommend playing Blox Fruits on private servers if your objective is to farm berries quickly in the game.

This is because other players can also pick up the berries in public servers, and they will only spawn after 15 minutes. To avoid this interruption, use a private server instead.

We also suggest using portals to fast travel from one island to another to obtain berries quickly.
