The GPO Online Winter update marks the addition of a new awakening known as Mochi V2. The best part is that players can unlock it for free but that doesn’t mean that you can get it right away. Instead, the game requires you to complete a certain quest that’ll eventually reward you with this awakening. With that said, here’s a simple guide to help you unlock Mochi V2 in GPO Online.

How To Unlock Mochi V2 in GPO Online

First things first, you want to head to Thriller Bark in the Second Sea. It’s northeast, between Northeast and East, from Desert Kingdom.

Once you’re there, talk to the Poneglyph with Mochi to start the quest. You’ll get the “Relinquished” quest. For this, offer any legendary fruit, it doesn’t matter which one. Once that’s done, move on to the next part.

Next, head to Rose Kingdom (Dressrosa) from Thriller Bark, which is south-southwest. Once you arrive, go to the Rose Kingdom Poneglyph. The easiest way is to head out from the cafe and follow the path straight until you reach the Poneglyph. Talk to it, and for the next part of the quest, use the T-move with Mochi to travel 10,000 studs.

Once you’ve traveled those 10,000 studs, talk to the Poneglyph again, and it’ll give you the next quest. This one requires to head to the Coliseum of Arc, which is northwest from Rose Kingdom. Once you arrive, talk to the Poneglyph there. 

You need to deal 80,000 damage to bosses in order to complete this quest. We recommend using Moria from Thriller Bark because his clone has its own health bar which makes it easier to do more damage.

After that, head back to the Coliseum Poneglyph for the final step. Now, go to Desert Kingdom, which is northwest from Coliseum of Arc. From the entrance, go straight east, and you’ll find the Poneglyph.

For this last quest, you need to use Buzz Cut to hit 100 targets. We suggest going to Thriller Bark and using the skeletons near Ryuma. Just go up the stairs, turn left, and keep going to the end where you’ll find the skeletons. Hit 100 of them with Buzz Cut, and you’re done.

After completing this objective, you’ll finally unlock the Mochi V2 in GPO Online.
