Looking for the Jujutsu Odyssey cursed techniques tier list? Our simple guide will walk you through the best techniques in the game, along with a look at their strengths and weaknesses.

Cursed Techniques Tier List For Jujutsu Odyssey

  • S-Tier: Shrine (Sukuna Vessel), Limitless, Disaster Flames
  • A-Tier: Boogie Woogie, Cursed Speech
  • B-Tier: Soul Guitar
  • C-Tier: Cloning
  • D-Tier: None

The above tier list is based on the author’s opinions. Although you should always use the S-tier cursed techniques, we also encourage you to test all the options and use the ones you are comfortable playing with.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Shrine (Sukuna Vessel)

  • Dismantle: Deliver a powerful slash to your enemy. (Cost: 3 Skill Points)
  • Reaper’s Retreat: Dash backwards while unleashing a forward-moving slash. (3 Skill Points; requires Mastery Level 20)
  • Demon’s Wrath: Grab your foe, slam them down, and hurl them away with brutal force. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 31)
  • Cleave: Jump into the air and strike with a wide, multi-target slash. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 37)
  • Crimson Web: Strike the ground to create a web of slashes that traps anyone caught inside. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 58)
  • Ascendant Slash 1: Rush forward to send enemies soaring upward. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 72)
  • Ascendant Slash 2: Follow up by finishing off stunned enemies with a devastating slice. (2 Skill Points; Mastery Level 91)
  • Abyssal Firebolt: Launch a cursed, fiery arrow that incinerates your target. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 85)
  • Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine: Create a barrierless domain that delivers precise, lethal slashes across a wide area. (12 Skill Points; Mastery Level 120)
  • AWAKENING – Enchain: Temporarily let Sukuna’s spirit take over, massively boosting your power. (10 Skill Points; Mastery Level 91)


  • Lapse Blue: Generate a magnetic pull that draws targets to a crushing center. (3 Skill Points)
  • Infinity: Form an impenetrable barrier that stops incoming attacks from any distance. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 28)
  • Maximum Output: Blue: Unleash a burst of cursed energy that intensifies Blue’s pulling force into a massive implosion. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 36)
  • Reversal Red: Create a repelling force that violently pushes everything away. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 46)
  • Maximum Output: Red: Supercharge Reversal Red into a shockwave that can obliterate everything in its path. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 59)
  • I Understand It Now: Instantly teleport behind your target and strike with Reversal Red. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 66)
  • Imaginary Technique: Purple: Combine Blue and Red to form an unstoppable projectile that eradicates anything in its way. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 80)
  • Hollow Purple: Fuse Blue and Red into a massive energy sphere that annihilates all it touches. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 99)
  • Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void: Create a boundless space that overwhelms your enemy with infinite stimuli, leaving them immobilized and defenseless. (12 Skill Points; Mastery Level 125)

Disaster Flames

  • Volcanic Eruption: Summon a volcano to blast enemies upward. (3 Skill Points)
  • Hellfire Beam: Unleash a concentrated beam of molten fire. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 17)
  • Molten Rainfall: Leap and blast flames downward to form a lava pool that incinerates foes. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 30)
  • Infernal Grasp: Call forth a massive hand of fire from the ground to create a powerful explosion. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 48)
  • Blazing Skull Eruption: Engulf an enemy’s head in flames before blasting them away with a fiery explosion. (6 Skill Points; Mastery Level 54)
  • Domain Expansion: Coffin of the Iron Mountain: Transform the battlefield into a volcanic landscape, unleashing relentless fire attacks that incinerate anyone caught inside. (12 Skill Points; Mastery Level 78)
  • Hellfire Incarnate [Awakening]: Become a living embodiment of flames—any enemy who strikes you gets burned, and you gain a 65% boost in cursed energy. (10 Skill Points; Mastery Level 61)

Boogie Woogie

  • Clap: Instantly swap positions with any ally or enemy in range. (3 Skill Points)
  • Upgrade – Clap II: Increase the range of your swap. (2 Skill Points)
  • Teleporting Stone Strike: Throw a rock at an enemy and then teleport to deliver a powerful dropkick. (3 Skill Points)
  • Boogie Mark: Mark a target (ally or enemy) to swap places when you use Clap. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 23)
  • Upgrade – Boogie Mark II: Mark two targets at once for a simultaneous swap, if they’re in range. (2 Skill Points; Mastery Level 30)
  • Deceptive Suplex: Feint a swap, and if struck during the maneuver, teleport to your attacker and slam them with force. (4 Skill Points; Mastery Level 34)
  • Upgrade – Deceptive Suplex II: Now, using Deceptive Suplex resets the cooldown on your Clap. (2 Skill Points; Mastery Level 60)
  • Echoing Onslaught: Rush at your enemy using Boogie Woogie to teleport around and deliver a flurry of devastating blows from all directions. (5 Skill Points; Mastery Level 46)
  • Schizophrenic Overload [Awakening]: Summon Takada to boost your morale and cursed energy by 45% and extend the range of Boogie Woogie. (10 Skill Points; Mastery Level 54)

Cursed Speech

  • Don’t Move: Freeze your enemy in place with your cursed words. (3 Skill Points)
  • Get Crushed: Crush your target using the force of your cursed speech. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 15)
  • Cough Syrup: Protect yourself from damage caused by your own cursed speech skills for the next 3 uses. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 35)
  • Upgrade – Cough Syrup II: Extend this protection to cover 5 uses. (2 Skill Points; Mastery Level 56)
  • Explode: Make your enemy burst into flames, damaging them and nearby foes. (4 Skill Points; Mastery Level 50)
  • Blast Away: Send your opponent flying with a powerful blast of cursed energy. (5 Skill Points; Mastery Level 60)
  • Passive – Resistance: Gain immunity from the damage normally taken when using cursed speech skills. (4 Skill Points; Mastery Level 75)

Soul Guitar

  • Resonant Shred: Strum a powerful chord that sends a shockwave of cursed energy, damaging and staggering nearby enemies. (3 Skill Points)
  • Power Riff: Channel and build up cursed energy through intense guitar riffs to empower your Resonant Shred. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 28)


  • Technique: Clone: Create a duplicate of yourself that follows and fights alongside you. The clone’s duration increases as you improve your mastery. (3 Skill Points)
  • Passive – Clone II: Maintain two active clones simultaneously. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 20)
  • Blaze of Glory: Command all your active clones to self-destruct while focusing their cursed energy, dealing a final burst of damage. (3 Skill Points; Mastery Level 35)
