Supervive launched into open beta just shy of a week ago, and it’s already proven a massive hit. So much so that it’s already celebrating a million lifetime players. Given that Supervive has only been a thing since July, that’s an impressive feat.
Not only that, but the playerbase has tripled since Steam Next Fest, during which time Supervive was already incredibly popular.
To celebrate, Theorycraft Games has unleashed an extensive roadmap, showcasing not only where the game has come since release, but where it’s going. It runs all of the way up to June, and we’re going to highlight everything you can expect.

Q4 2024: Cosmic Winter Jubilee
Coming up next is Supervive’s first seasonal event, the Cosmic Winter Jubilee. As you can expect, this is a Christmas-themed event that features its own version of Santa Claus.
In Supervive, he’s known as the ‘Roaming Dimensional Traveler’, which is kind of just a description of Santa.As you can expect, he provides you with free gifts.
The event also includes new Storm Shifts, Powers, and, most importantly, a Christmas-themed map. That in itself features seasonal changes, including new themed game mechanics.

Q1 2025: First Battle Pass, Warped Tour
The first quarter of next year will see the first arc of Season 0, featuring the very first Supervive Battle Pass. That will feature a series of new cosmetics to unlock to show off in-game.
There’s also the Warped Tour, which has nothing to do with the music festival. This will shake up the gameplay systems, with different versions of zones, powers, and items to keep you on your toes.
This is to provide endgame variance, helping to keep the game fresh. Of course, new Hunters will help with that, and that’s exactly what Theorycraft Games wants to introduce during this quarter.
Lastly, expect improvements to all social features, as well as ranked play. Supervive wants to get those right, as they’re vital to the longterm health of the game.

Q2 2025: Abyssals?
This is where the roadmap gets a little murky, as Theorycraft Games, rightfully, doesn’t want to get too ahead of itself. We know that we’ll get even more new Hunters, model updates, new cosmetics, and the second arc of Season 0.
There is an interesting tease though. Theorycraft Games will introduce a new overarching theme that features the ‘Abyssals’, but we don’t know what they are yet. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Check out the full roadmap on Steam.