If you plan on purchasing Warframe Sevagoth Prime, then you had better do so soon. In a post on Steam, Digital Extremes has revealed that the powerful Warframe will leave Prime Access “soon”. That’s as specific as Digital Extremes would be.

Given that Prime Access for Xaku begins on November 13, we would assume that’s when Sevagoth Prime Access will end. You might want to grab it by November 12 just to be safe though.

There are numerous ways to purchase Sevagoth Prime Access, as well as numerous different cosmetics. Let’s break it all down below:

Warframe: Sevagoth Prime Access Packs

Sevagoth Prime is available in a variety of different packs sold separately. You can grab everything, including the Warframe, cosmetics, weapons, and accessories in the Complete Pack, or purchase it all separately.

Complete Pack3,990 Platinum, Sevagoth Prime, Epitaph Prime, Nautilus Prime, Maginav Prime Signa, Navic Prime Sentinel Accesories, Exclusive Sevagoth Prime Glyphs, 90-Day Resource Booster, 90-Day Affinity Booster
Prime Pack2,625 Platinum, Sevagoth Prime, Epitaph Prime, Nautilus Prime, Exclusive Sevagoth Prime Glyphs
Accessories PackMaginav Prime Signa, Navic Prime Sentinel Accesories, 90-Day Resource Booster, 90-Day Affinity Booster
Weapon Pack1,050 Platinum, Epitaph Prime, Nautilus Prime

What’s Sevagoth Prime?

Sevagoth Prime is the Primed version of the Warframe Sevagoth. It features enhanced Shield, Armour, Energy, and more Polarities, so you can equip Sevagoth Prime’s Shadow and Shadow Claws Prime.

Here’s how the stats change between Sevagoth and Sevagoth Prime.

StatSevagothSevagoth Prime

Epitaph Prime is the Warframe’s signature sidearm, and it deals +20% headshot damage when Sevagoth Prime wields it. Nautilus Prime is its Sentinel.

You can learn more about Sevagoth Prime on the official wiki page, including manufacturing requirements.
