The Albion Online Horizons update release date is finally here, introducing a more dynamic world, tweak to the UI, new Albion Journal categories, and more. We’ve broken down all of the new features below, so dig in if you fancy checking it out.

To celebrate, Albion Online is hosting a Twitch Drops event, which rewards you with double Twitch drops. This runs through to November 11, so you have plenty of time to dig in if you want the rewards.

Albion Online’s Halloween event, Allhallows, is also available now, so make sure to check that out too. Here’s everything you need to know about Albion Online Horizons.

Albion Online Horizons Twitch Drops and Revamp

  • Begins: October 28
  • Ends: November 11
  • What: Earn double Twitch Drops while the event is active

Albion Online is hosting a Twitch Drops event to celebrate the release of Horizons. It kicks off today, October 28, alongside a revamp of the previous drops system.

Previously, you could earn different tiers of chests, including common, rare, epic, and legendary. That’s all gone now, in favour of a single chest type that has the same drop chances for all Twitch Drops.

That means a more consistent stream of rewards for you, the viewer, as well as a more consistent viewership for Twitch streamers.

You need to watch at least three hours of Twitch each day to earn the chest, and you earn double rewards during the Horizons event.

A Truly Dynamic World

Sandbox Interactive is keen to make the world feel a lot more dynamic and unpredictable, so playing is less of a routine and more reactive. There are three major features it’s introducing that are designed to achieve this.

Dynamic Encampments will make exploring the world a little more challenging, as an example, as mob camps can just spawn at a random location. Destroy them and you will earn a nice batch of rewards. Similarly, Dynamic Resource Hotspots will appear, showering you with gathering materials if you come across them.

If treasure’s more your bag, the new Coffers system will enormously appeal. These treasure chests spill the loot for those that discover them. Not only that, but you might find a treasure map that opens up a special dungeon you can challenge for more loot.

More Out There Outlands

The Outlands are receiving a massive overhaul, and will scale by region quality. This not only increases the challenge for those that want it, but the rewards on offer if you take them on.

There are quality of life changes too. The S.A.F.E. Portal now instantly teleport you deep into a random area of the Outlands, helping you to explore areas you may not have seen before.

If you prefer not to go it alone, the Crystal Beetle and Crystal Cobra are an imposing new threat for groups. The Randomized Group Dungeons have also seen a huge revamp, providing better rewards for larger teams.

Over in the Royal Continent, Tier 5 Blue Zones and Tier 6 Yellow Zones now offer a taste of endgame content at a lower level.

With Great Customisation Comes Great Satisfaction

Sandbox Interactive wants to give you more opportunities to make Albion Online work for you. Chief among these in the new update is the ‘Hud Editor’, which does what ti says on the tin.

You can now completely customise the layout of your HUD, moving any screen element to anywhere on the screen. If you stumble upon a layout you love, you can save it and share it with others.

Similarly, the Quick Settings Presets lets you tweak the visuals, audio, controls, and any gameplay settings with one click. This will really help those that play on lower end hardware, as you can search for a preset that works best for you.

You can tweak your inventory in a number of different ways, adding collapsible sections, customisable item slots, and new sorting options. Banks get a taste of this too, with ‘Move All’ and ‘Repair All’ options allowing you to perform multiple actions with the touch of a button.
