The latest Anime Last Stand update introduces Enchantments to the mix. You can roll these within the lobby and they provide you with a buff that applies to all of your units.

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    Anime Last Stand Enchantments

    Below, you will find a list of Anime Last Stand Enchantments that you can roll for, including their roll chance and effect on your units.

    Knowledge Enchant

    If you’re looking to level up your units quickly and efficiently, look no further than the Knowledge Enchant.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    22%Increases your unit’s experience by +40%

    Defense Enchant

    This enchant allows you to fight at a greater range than before, and increases your attack speed.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    22%Reduces your SPA by -6% and increases your range by +20%

    Attack Enchant

    This is a solid starter Enchantment, as it provides you with an effective damage buff.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    22%Increases your damage by +10%

    Annihilation Enchant

    This Enchantment will help you shred bosses thanks to its enormous damage boost against them.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    7%Increases your damage against bosses by +25%

    Strength Enchant

    If you have a high critical hit chance, this Enchantment will boost your damage considerably.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    7%Increases your critical hit damage by +35%

    Efficiency Enchant

    Use this Enchantment when your focusing on upgrading your units.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    4%Reduces your total cost by -20%

    Ruthless Enchant

    This is a solid alternative to the Annhilation Enchantment, as it will increase your damage considerably when an opponent’s HP bar is below 20%. It’s best used against opponents with big health bars.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    4%Increases your damage by +80% against enemies with less than 20% HP

    Mastery Enchant

    The Mastery Enchantment is one of the best in the game, boosting both your damage and critical damage and reducing your attack speed.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    4%Adds a +15% damage multiplier and +5% critical damage, and reduces your SPA by -5%

    Imnipotent Enchant

    A very solid flat damage boost Enchantment.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    2.6%Sets your element to Omni, which increases your damage by +50% against all elements

    Glorious Enchant

    This is a considerable buff on the Mastery Enchantment, boosting your damage by an enormous rate and your critical and attack speed a bit.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    2.6%Adds a +45% damage multiplier and +7.5% critical damage, reduces your SPA by -5.5%

    Magical Enchant

    Another solid Enchantment for battling bosses, as it will provide you with a DoT effect to passively bring down their HP. That said, it’s still handy against regular enemies.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    2.6%Adds a damage over time effect that deals 1.35x damage over six seconds

    Mystical Enchant

    This is the best Enchantment in Anime Last Stand by a wide margin, and is a huge upgrade on the already powerful Glorious Enchantment.

    Again, it provides a massive damage boost, a considerable critical damage and attack speed boost, and, most importantly, boosts your critical hit chance.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    0.1%Adds a +60% damage multiplier, +5% critical chance, +15% critical damage, and reduces your SPA by -7.5%

    Midas Enchant

    Lastly, we have the Midas Enchantment. If you’re looking to collect a ton of cash quickly and efficiently, this is the one to go for.

    Roll ChanceEffect
    0.1%Increases your money by +30%
