Not sure which Enchant you want to roll for in Anime Last Stand? Well, that’s where this guide comes in. We’ve ranked every single one of the new Enchantments from S tier to D tier to help you pick the one that’s right for you.

Table of Contents

    Anime Last Stand Enchantments Tier List

    Below, we’ve ranked all of the Anime Last Stand Enchants from S tier to D tier, with S being best and D being worst.

    S Tier

    Enchantments in this tier are the absolute best in the game. If you manage to roll one, stick with it.

    • Mystical Enchant

    A Tier

    These Enchants are really powerful and you won’t be disappointed if you roll one.

    • Glorious Enchant
    • Omnipotent Enchant
    • Midas Enchant

    B Tier

    Enchantments in this tier are solid and reliable, but outclassed by those in tiers above.

    • Mastery Enchant
    • Annihilation Enchant
    • Strength Enchant
    • Ruthless Enchant
    • Magical Enchant

    C Tier

    These are decent starter Enchants but you will want to swap them out when you get something better.

    • Attack Enchant
    • Efficiency Enchant

    D Tier

    Every single Enchantment provides you with a buff, so there’s no such thing as a bad one, but if you do roll one of those, you want to roll another.

    • Knowledge Enchant
    • Defense Enchant

    Anime Last Stand Best Enchant

    There is a definitive best Enchantment in Anime Last Stand, and that’s the Mystical Enchant. Let’s take a closer look at that, then the alternatives in the A tier.


    The Mystical Enchant provides you with an incredibly powerful buff to all major statistics. You really want to hold onto this one and not roll for another unless a better one launches.

    Here’s what the buff offers:

    • +60% damage
    • +5% critical chance
    • +15% critical damage
    • -7.5% SPA


    The Glorious Enchant very similar to Mystical, but with lower stats. Given the low roll chance of Mystical, if you do get Glorious, it could be worth sticking with.

    Let’s take a look at the stats:

    • +45% damage
    • +7.5% critical damage
    • -5.5% SPA


    This is basically a flat 50% damage boost, which is one of the best in the game.

    • Increases your damage by +50% against all elements


    Gold is always a good thing, and the Midas Enchant boosts how much you get by +30%.

    • Increases money gain by +30%
