Ball Tower Defense is all about picking the right units. With so many attributes to choose from, each with its own special abilities and potential, knowing which ones to focus on can really give you an edge. Our easy-to-follow Ball Tower Defense tier list ranks the best units in the game, so you can build a combination that stands out and wins.
Ball Tower Defense Tier List
S+ Tier
- RoboSanta
- BlizzardBall
- SnowBaller
- ForestBall
- Golem
- TheFrozenOne
- Laser Mini Gunner
S Tier
- VirusBall
- Jester
- OmegaKnight
- AngelBall
- VoidBall
- Baller
- SantaBall
- FireworkBall
- AutumnBall
- MechaKnight
- FrostAngel
- GoldenMonkey
- PartyMan
- Boulder
- NatureBall
A Tier
- FrostyBall
- DruidBall
- Slicer
- MiniBaller
- DartMonkey
- KingBall
- MinerBall
- SubZeroBall
- ElfCommander
- SleepyBall
- TurkeyBall
- BrainBall
- PresentBall
- GiantBall
- Piercer
- PrincessBall
B Tier
- PowerArmorBall
- LaserBall
- Chef
- CrusherBall
- RoboBall
- FancyBall
- Crusher
- Knight
- ScarecrowBall
- NemesisBall
C Tier
- RockBall
- DaGrungy
- Skateboarder
- Noob
- BombBall
- DemonBall
- Slinger
- BeachBall
- SkeleBall
- ElectricBall
- FrozenBall
- VenomousBall
D Tier
- Backpacker
- Ball
- SniperBall
- FireBall
- PeasantBall
- FlameBall
- IceBall
- PoisonBall
- OldBall
- MilitaryBall
- Cube
- ShadowBall
- BuildersClubBall
- Monkey
- BoxerBall
- BeachBall
- GrassMan
- SurvivorBall
- Ball2.0
- GhostBall
- SnowBall
- Grug
- PoliceBall
- ZomBall
Ball Tower Defense Unit Values List
Unit Name | Value |
Forest Ball | 1.98M Gems |
The Frozen One | 1.76M Gems |
Omega Knight | 1.65M Gems |
Golem Ball | 1.54M Gems |
MechaBall | 1.32M Gems |
Void Ball | 935K Gems |
Cube | 770K Gems |
Sleepy Ball | 385 Gems |
RoboSanta | 605K Gems |
Laser Mini-Gun | 550K Gems |
Blizzard Ball | 495K Gems |
Jester | 275K Gems |
Snowballer | 1.1M Gems |
Baller | 220K Gems |
Boulder | 38.5K Gems |
Frost Angel | 22K Gems |
Nature Ball | 22K Gems |
King Ball | 19.8K Gems |
Autumn Ball | 15.4K Gems |
Golden Monkey | 8.8K Gems |
Brain Ball | 5.5K Gems |
Santa Ball | 5.5K Gems |
Virus Ball | 5.5K Gems |
TurkeyBall | 1.1K Gems |
Piercer | 660 Gems |
Crusher | 660 Gems |
Slicer | 550 Gems |
AngelBall | 550 Gems |
Firework Ball | 440 Gems |
MiniBaller | 385 Gems |
Chef | 330 Gems |
Baller | 330 Gems |
Druid Ball | 330 Gems |
Elf Commander | 330 Gems |
Subzero Ball | 275 Gems |
Partyman | 220 Gems |
GiantBall | 198 Gems |
PrincessBall | 165 Gems |
Dark Monkey | 110 Gems |
RoboBall | 110 Gems |
CrusherBall | 55 Gems |
DartMonkey | 22 Gems |
Skateboarder | 22 Gems |
Fancy Ball | 19.8 Gems |
ScarecrowBall | 19.8 Gems |
Bomb Ball | 15.4 Gems |
Knight | 15.4 Gems |
MinerBall | 15.4 Gems |
Demon Ball | 12.1 Gems |
Laserball | 12.1 Gems |
VenomousBall | 11 Gems |
PowerArmorBall | 11 Gems |
BuildersClub | 8.8 Gems |
Backpacker | 6.6 Gems |
Monkey | 6.6 Gems |
Noob | 6.6 Gems |
Peasant | 5.5 Gems |
Frozen | 5.5 Gems |
DaGrungy | 5.5 Gems |
Rock | 3.3 Gems |
Slinger | 3.3 Gems |
Boxer | 2.2 Gems |
Flame | 2.2 Gems |
Grass Man | 1.1 Gems |
Survivor Ball | 6.6 Gems |
Ball 2.0 | 5.5 Gems |
Old Ball | 4.4 Gems |
Police Ball | 3.3 Gems |
Beach Ball | 2.2 Gems |
Grug | 2.2 Gems |
Ball | 0 – 1.1 Gems |
Electric Ball | 0 – 1.1 Gems |
Fire Ball | 0 – 1.1 Gems |
Ice Ball | 0 – 1.1 Gems |
Poison Ball | 0 – 1.1 Gems |
VIP | 165K Gems |
More Gems | 77K Gems |
4x Speed | 44K Gems |
3x Speed | 27.5K Gems |
Super Present Crate | 165K Gems |
Baller Crate | 1.1K Gems |
Turkey Crate | 1.1K Gems |
Rock Crate | 495 Gems |
Frost Crate | 495 Gems |
Frozen Crate | 440 Gems |
Royal Crate | 385 Gems |
Christmas Crate | 330 Gems |
Ultra Banner | 110 Gems |
Monkey Crate | 110 Gems |
Super Illegal Crate | 82.5 Gems |
Illegal Crate | 11 Gems |
Banner Crate | 11 Gems |
Starter Crate | 5.5 Gems |
Hard Frost Key | 27.5K Gems |
Frost Key | 13.2K Gems |