The latest Black Desert Online console update is live right now, and it primarily focuses on balancing. Be it classes, monsters, quests, or systems, chances are it’s had a bit of an overhaul.
Class Balancing
There are changes to classes overhaul, as well as individual balance changes. Starting with overall, you will no longer draw your weapon when climbing on your mount in a Safe Zone.
Skill Presets have also seen big changes. You can now change them every minute, rather than every 10 minutes, and you don’t have to be in a safe zone.
If you try and change your preset during combat, it has a cast time. If you move or get hit, the cast fails.
- Improved so mounting up in Safe Zones won’t draw your weapon.
Skill Presets
- Improved the conditions for changing Skill Presets as shown below.
- Decreased the cooldown for changing Skill Presets: 10 min → 1 min
- Improved to allow Skill Preset changes even outside Safe Zones.
- As before, Skill Presets cannot be changed with skills on cooldown.
- As before, if the Secret Book of Old Moon effects are not applied, Skill Presets can only be changed via Skill Instructors.
Changing Presets in Combat
Black Desert Online
- To prevent abuse during combat, changing skill presets now have a set casting time.
- – If you are attacked or start moving before the cast is complete, you will cancel changing your skill preset.
Now, let’s take a look at the changes to individual classes:
- Giant Leap: won’t continue to active if you perform it after dropping from a height
Musa / Maehwa
- Stub Arrow: will no longer interrupt when you use it after invasion while holding two or more arrows
- Black Spirit: Prime: Shining Dash: Will now apply the max HP buff every time
- Tailspin: will now display the debuff effects
- Prime: Unsa’s Heir: Critical Hit Rate and AP will no longer stack, aside from when combined with ‘Shai’s Do it Better!’
- Flow: Ankle Break: will no longer fail to activate
- Prime: Evasive Explosion Shot: Will now apply debuffs on attack 1
- Flow: Air Explosion Shot: Characters won’t slow down on hits
- Regeneration, Spirit’s Haven: The main weapon won’t go invisible
Dark Knight
- Unveiled Fate: The Attack Speed Increase buff will now correctly apply on all hits
- Prime: Wheel of Wrath: Characters won’t slow down on hits
- Prime: Ankle Cutter: The Ninjutsu: Spirit buff will now correctly apply after comboing with Prime: Wheel of Wrath
- Ninjutsu: Sinew Cut: The invincibility effect will always apply when you start the skill
- Ninjutsu: Oni Shadow / Ninjutsu: Sinew Kit: Updated descriptions
- Shuriken: Moon Dive: Will no longer buff enemies with Melee AP
- Hammer Rush / Hammer Spin: The skill guide will no longer display incorrect keys
Guild Manor
You can no longer teleport to the Guild Manor while under any effect that decreases your Max HP.
Season Pass Changes
This is a positive change: you no longer have to speak with the Black Spirit to fulfil the Season Pass quest requirement for upgrading your Season Character’s Naru gear.
Now, provided you meet the requirement, it unlocks automatically.
Elsewhere, the objectives for gear-enhancing missions have been improved for the Season Pass:
- You only have to enhance a specific piece of gear
- Exchanging PEN (V) Naru Gear for PRI (I) Tuvala gear remains the same
Monster Balancing
Many of the monster balancing fixes here are either to reduce their power, or fix issues.
Here are the full notes:
Black Desert Online
- Decreased the AP of monsters summoned during combat with Karanda in the main questline “Jordine Saga” by approximately 10% – 15%.
- Harpy, Small Harpy, Harpy Warrior, Harpy Mage, Black Harpy Elite
- Changed to display the attack area of the right-hand charging attack during the Muraka battle in the Calpheon Siege of the main questline “Jordine Saga”.
- Fixed the issue where some Muraka’s attack area indicators appeared abnormal.
- Fixed the issue in the Bloody Monastery of the main questline “Jordine Saga” where Muskan’s clone appeared when using series of punch attacks.
- Changed the Cultist Stone Statue in the Bloody Monastery of the main questline “Jordine Saga” to not attack adventurers above certain level.
- Does not apply if already in combat.
- Improved to show the attack area of Kzarka at the Kzarka Shrine during the “Jordine Saga” Main questline and decreased its HP by 50%.
- The scattered monsters near the Bashim Base, Cadry Ruins, Roud Sulfur Mine, and Pila Ku Jail nodes joined into larger groups to prepare for adventurers’ ambushes.
Quest and Knowledge Tweaks
Broadly speaking, these updates are designed to make quests easier to complete. There’s also room for a few bug fixes and tweaks though.
- Improved the acquisition of Ocean Hermit Crab knowledge to be guaranteed when obtaining the Ocean Hermit Crab item.
- Improved the “Wild Ginseng Seed” knowledge to be obtainable at a lower probability when successfully completing the mini-game during Gathering and obtaining Millennial Wild Ginseng.
- Removed the following unavailable knowledge from being shown in the Knowledge list:
- Artisan’s Special Stuffed Boar Head
- Master’s Special Stuffed Boar Head
- Changed to prevent summoning your mount to the island where the character is located upon completing the [Witch Awakening] Commune quest.
Black Desert Online
- Changed so that the Black Spirit is not summoned immediately after defeating the bosses Red Nose and Giath during the Main questline in the Balenos region.
- Changed the outfit box rewarded for completing each region’s Main questline in Balenos, Serendia, and Calpheon.
Sweeping Node and Conquest War Changes
There are big changes to the Indomitable Flag and Factory in Node War:
Indomitable Flag & Indomitable Flag Factory
Black Desert Online
- Changed to allow immediate collection of the Indomitable Flag once the Indomitable Flag Factory installed in Node War is completed.
- Increased the time needed for the Indomitable Flag Factory installed in Node War to be completed by approx. 67%.
- The production time to collect the Indomitable Flag at the completed Indomitable Flag Factory remains at approx. 3 min, same as before.
- Increased the Max Durability of the Indomitable Flag Factory and Indomitable Flag by 30%.
The number of participants have also changed by day:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
- Calpheon: 25
- Balenos: 40
- Valencia: 55
Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday
- Calpheon: 30
- Balenos: 50
- Valencia: 75
There are also a ton of changes to Safe Zones in all areas:
Conquest War, Node War
Black Desert Online
- Changed Safe Zones to be removed so that all areas, except for the following major cities and towns, become combat zones during Node/Conquest Wars.
- Forts and annexes cannot be installed in Safe Zones temporarily deemed Combat Zones during Node/Conquest War.
- Safe Zones during Node/Conquest Wars are as follows.
- Changed Forts and annex buildings to not be affected by harmful effects like DP Decrease during Node/Conquest Wars.
- Changed the debuff effect of Flame Cannonball during Node/Conquest Wars as below.
- -300 HP every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
- Changed the debuff effect of [Guild] Flame Cannonball during Node/Conquest Wars as below.
- -45 HP every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
- Changed to no longer create a flame effect at the impact point when firing Flame Cannonball and [Guild] Flame Cannonball during Node/Conquest Wars.
Tweaks to Sound, NPC, and Background
Here’s what’s changed during areas of the game that you don’t usually notice.
- Improved the visibility of the surroundings in the background when the cutscene plays at the church in the Glish Ruins during a Main quest.
- Changed the buff effects “First Enlightenment” and “Power of the First Enlightenment” to be received from NPC Piarre in the same town instead of NPC Freharau.
- Seodo and Taegong have appeared in Nampo’s Moodle Village to assist with Imperial Crafting and Fishing Deliveries.
- Added Liana, “Valentine’s Apprentice,” to help with daily quests including Imperial Delivery-related ones from Nampo’s Moodle Village in Land of the Morning Light.
- You can find Liana opposite Doodol the storage keeper and/or through the Find NPC function.
Miscellaneous Changes and Fixes
Let’s wrap up everything else included in the patch notes by going through the system and changes:
Black Desert Online
- Adjusted the camera distance to the character when you log in.
- You can now turn on or off the camera effect that displays your character’s face upon logging in via Settings.
- Go to Settings > Other > Character View Mode on Login
- Improved the Character Selection UI as follows:
- The “Enter” button is always displayed for the selected character.
- Creation buttons for normal and seasonal characters have been removed from the bottom of the character list and replaced with an “Enter” button to connect to the game.
- Fixed the issue where the game would close during a quest in certain situations.
- [Dosa] Fixed parts of the Kibelius Enlightened Blade to look more natural.
- [Ranger, Shai] Fixed the issue where the Gloamwalker Outfit was unnatural.
- Fixed the issue where the Shiny Golden Seal – [Work Supervisor] item could be exchanged for some Fighting Spirit Horse Gear.
- Fixed the issue where crystals in a Crystal Preset weren’t visible.
- [Dark Knight] Fixed the issue where the Gloamwalker Armor was unnatural during Awakening combat stance.
- [Sage] Fixed the issue where the shoulder ornament was not visible when wearing the Gloamwalker Armor.
- Fixed the issue where the camera rotated abruptly after closing the Login Reward window following the character’s first login.
- Fixed the issue where login rewards could not be claimed in certain situations.
- For adventurers who could not receive login rewards due to this issue, the rewards will be provided during the Nov 28 (Thu) maintenance.
- Fixed the issue where Alchemy results could not be obtained when a Bonus Quest was accepted when crafting [Halloween] Corrupt Oil of Immortality with an Alchemy Tool.
- [Woosa] Fixed the issue where parts of the Gloamwalker Armor clipped through the jacket when the cape was toggled on.
- Fixed the issue where you couldn’t assign a worker to a production node or residence in certain situations.
- Fixed the issue where navigation was guiding to the wrong location during some story scenes.
- Fixed the issue where Alchemy EXP was not gained when crafting Black Gem Fragment through Simple Alchemy.
- Changed so that a notification is displayed if your guild application form is empty when applying to join a guild.
- Fixed the issue where the fortress gate levers could be activated abnormally during Conquest Wars.
- Fixed the quest description for the “[Sangoon] A Burning Heart” quest.
- Changed the navigation location of the “[Mediah] The Child Wrapped in Darkness” quest to a more accurate location.
- Fixed the quest navigation to correctly guide players to meet Patrigio during the “[Apex Changui] Booze ‘n’ Books” quest.
- Updated the description of the below quests to read more natural.
- [Fishing] You Like Mudskippers? Queek!, [Kamasylvia] Dangerous Snowflake, [Balenos] Food Comes First
- Fixed the issue where exchanging Hunter’s Token via NPC Lejenti would display the same dialog option multiple times.
- Changed the icon for the “[Gathering] A Necklace for My Doe” quest to match the required item for the quest.
- Fixed the issue where characters could not escape if they fell into a specific location in O’dyllita Castle.
- Corrected the unnatural display of price graphs for items not traded on the Central Market for a day.
- Fixed the issue where the Guild Galley’s Mount Information was displayed as the Epheria Carrack’s info when taking out the Guild Galley while the Epheria Carrack was already out.