The Blox Fruits Christmas event has officially arrived, which means players can witness a variety of festive themed islands and locations. The developers have also confirmed several free presents for the fans to spice up this update. So without further ado, here’s everything you need to know about the Blox Fruits Christmas event, including all island locations.

All Christmas Island Locations in Blox Fruits

First Sea

The Christmas event island is located next to Frozen Village, which is behind Pirate Start in the game. To get there, just TP (teleport) quickly. Once you arrive, follow the path. They even updated the island’s design!

Keep in mind that the event NPCs won’t be available until December 24th, so no free presents until then. Remember, to receive presents, you need to be inside the circle before the timer hits zero. It’s the same island from last year’s event, where you can visit to collect gifts.

Second Sea

The island is next to the Cursed Ship Graveyard Island. You probably already know where this is. You can either use skills to travel or just swim to the island. Once you’re there, keep in mind the same rule applies: be inside the circle when the timer runs out to get gifts.

Third Sea

Finally, in the Third Sea, the Christmas Island is a popular spot that shows up every year. For this sea, you’ll find the island near the Sea of Treats, next to Gry Tree Island. It’s located beside Cake Land and Chocolate Land.

This island has also been updated to match the style of the first and second seas. You’ll find NPCs here that help you level up. Just like with the other islands, make sure you’re in the circle before the timer hits zero to get your presents. You might have to race for them, like last time. 
