The Brighter Shores team has continued its near-daily update cycle, with a hefty series of patch notes arriving on November 13. Picking up where yesterday’s update left off, you can now select even more single click actions.
There are also a series of bug, localisation, and typo fixes to help the game behave as you’d expect it to. Let’s take a look at the full release for November 13, and you can scroll beneath that to see every single update that’s launched since Brighter Shores arrived.
December 3
It’s been a good few days since the last Brighter Shores update, which is unusual for the team over at Fen Research. Fortunately, the team is back today with a big series of patch notes that primarily focus on quality of life improvements and bug fixing.
Here are the full notes:
Quality of life improvements
• Add ‘auto’ buttons to the shop and bank interfaces. These automatically buy/withdraw the number of the item we think will be most useful to you. For example if buying bacon this button will say ’12’ because you will typically want 12 bacon and 12 bread.
• Add ‘buy max’, and ‘sell all’ buttons to the shop interface instead of the ‘buy 5’ and ‘sell 5’ buttons.
• Show the size of stacks on the storage rift deposit interface.
• Allow high level forensics potions to be purchased in the apothecary shop.
• Change monster loot drops such as ‘mandibles’ and ‘toad’s eyes’, etc… to draw their name in gray instead of orange so they don’t look like an epic item drop.Balancing
• Slightly adjust the XP calculation for activities which use profession equipment, so that the percentage boost from the profession equipment is more precisely what was advertised.
Bug fixes
• Fix crash that makes it hard to repair the wheel in the quest ‘Mantuban’s Legacy’ if someone else is using the forge.
• Make the automatic movement when auto-retaliating not cancel your existing route.
• Show correct handcuffs when catching thieves.
• Display correct tooltip for acquired discounts.
• Add ‘not acquired’ icon for discounts which have not yet been acquired.
• Display prices on item cards with the same precision as shops.
• Automatically scroll to the top when viewing the overall leaderboards.
• Allow npcs to attack players who are crouching.
• Close the action menu when the player changes room.
• Fix route finding bug which occurs if you teleport and then click to walk just as the teleport happens.
• Fix bug with chat bubbles jumping position when you change room.
• Fix bug with spottable thief info card breaking if you change room.
• Fix bug with investigation info card breaking if the bounty is cleared.
• Fix rendering bug with the ‘table’ outside the rooms occasionally having holes in it.
• Fix to North Walls map.
• Fix various typos.
November 27
This patch brings improvements to the leaderboards system, which only arrived three days ago with the previous patch. You can now compare your score with any other player in the leaderboard, as well as see how you compare to your friends.
Elsewhere, there are some nifty quality of life improvements. These include automatic weapon switching when you run out of ranged ammo and the head chef will stay put moving forward.
Let’s take a look at the notes in full:
- You can now compare your score with any other player
- Check your score against your friends
- Switch to melee weapon automatically when you run out of ranged ammo
- Combat pathing improvements
- Head Chef stays still
- Hermar’s Homeware has been readjusted in Cobble Corner to help you spot more thieves
- Crenopolis has new music
- The animation when you gain the reward from The Brannof Inheritance has been improved
Bug Fixes
- Goblin Chiefs will no longer get stuck in combat
- The monument piece outline and shadow is fixed
- The Brannof Inheritance quest completed tick fixed
- No longer receive an error when Anjay leaves the training ground during The Obelisk
- You can now complete the final step of the Spirit Essence quest
- You can now place items in the podiums before investigating them in the Lost and Found quest
- You now won’t see the amethyst until you need to
- You can talk to the child on Tanners Road
- Sturdy Basalt and Andesite have fixed card descriptions
- You can’t refill the crate when pushing it during the Battle of Fortunehold quest
- When slicing lobsters, you now see the correct adjective
- Fixed an issue with selling individual items
- You will no longer get stuck inside ships
- Typo fixes
November 24
It’s been a few days since the latest Brighter Shores patch, which is the longest break since launch. The wait was worth it though, as it’s an incredibly lengthy update.
The headline feature this time around is the introduction of leaderboards. This allows you to show off your impressive grinding skills.
There are also better quest rewards, attack animations, and the usual war on bugs. Let’s take a look at the full notes:
Head on over to the settings menu, then privacy, and you can see a new option to enable leaderboards. Then, you can visit the community screen to see where you currently rank.
- The Brannof Inheritance provides an additional reward
- ‘Target is already engaged with another player’ is now a notification
- View the damage kind icon next to weapons in the crafting book
- If you’re participating in a passive activity, aggressive monsters can’t attack you
- Raper attack animations are better
Bug Fixes
Let’s take a look at the remainder of the bug fixes direct from the source.
- Fix incorrectly applied XP penalty (when doing a passive activity that is higher level than you via a level boost potion).
- Fix all spottable thieves disappearing if you are on a particular step in The Battle for Fortunehold quest.
- Made it harder to miss out on the reward for minecart work by skipping the chat.
- Stop the player crawling in various places.
- Fix oak tree not outlining in Treeway Trail.
- Fix sense spell sometimes highlighting things which are outside the current room.
- Fix various places where other players skip across a tile, instead of travelling across it normally.
- Fix long keybind names not rendering correctly on the combat interface.
- Fix some tiles on the map not clickable.
- Fix some tiles which the player incorrectly could not walk on. (for example Bramble Path).
- Fix missing damage kind icon sometimes missing on the weapon crafting interface.
- Fix player portraits not always being updated when the player changes equipment.
- Further improve the route finding of large npcs.
- Fix various typos.
November 20
After taking a break yesterday, we have a new series of balance patches for Brighter Shores. This time around, the team has introduced a feature that lets you change your whole appearance at the hairdresser. Nice!
Elsewhere, it’s the usual series of bug fixes and a visual tweak. Let’s take a look at the full notes.
- The Hopeport hairdresser can now change your whole appearance
- Bone spikes require hand rakes
- You can see other player’s combat damage
- ‘Use item’ is the default reagent preparation station action
- Combat flinch outlines adjusted
Squished Bugs
- Typos
- Corrected brown cow leather offcuts icon
- Corrected grade 2 sickle icon
- Dageur tells you the correct level requirement for your first cape
- Not enough backpack space will no longer display when you equip a potion
- Casting your net when fishing near other players will no longer cause it to vanish
- Passive combat now shows damage, flinch outlines, and won’t hide other players

November 18
The Brighter Shores team started, errr, bright and early this week with a massive quality of life patch that helps you locate your friends, perform better in combat, and improves passive level boost potions.
Also, a certain war against interfaces continues… Here are the full notes.
- You can now spot friends easier on the map thanks to their icon, name, and outline being a different colour
- Combat flinches are now easier to spot thanks by showing a different colour outline
- Passive level boost potions now allow you to buy the boosted level ingredients while active
- Close more interfaces by clicking outside or using the escape key
- Item gain notifications now show 0.005 instead of 0.01, indicating that item stacks go up to 200
- Clicking an area with multiple interactive items now cycles through the options for each target until you click on an action
- Violins from Hopeport’s music sound nicer
Squished Bugs
- B.R.E.W.S. vat, T.E.A. machines, and smelter now provide the correct amount of knowledge when crafting multiple items
- Co-op activities now provide album cards
- You no longer lose combat XP if you complete a quest over 50 that rewards it and you haven’t chosen a faction
- You can’t spend knowledge on combat XP if you haven’t chosen a faction by combat level 50
- More typos are gone
- Handcuffing thieves will no longer show a graphical glitch
- Rotating the camera using keys dismisses the tutorial
- Passive combat will now resume properly when you login
November 17
This small update includes a selection of bug fixes that, according to Andrew Gower himself, “couldn’t wait until Monday”.
Various bugs for the following content have been squished:
- Detective Crime Den Raids
- Shops
- Cockroach mandibles

November 14
Thanks to the November 14 update, you now have far greater control over the camera than ever before. This includes adjusting whether the camera centres on you, or the room itself. You can also turn off the camera zooming in when you perform certain activities.
The Brighter Shores team have also continued their crusade against interfaces not responding to the escape key, or when clicking outside of them. You can also now use CTRL + keybinds, giving you greater control over how you play.
Let’s take a look at the full patch notes:
- Adjust whether the control centres on the player or room
- Turn off camera zoom when performing certain activities
- More interfaces will close when clicking outside or pressing escape
- You can now use CTRL + keybinds and configure them in the menu
- The tanning recipe book now appears correctly
- Your elbows will reappear when wearing Plate Gauntlets and Torso
- The attack screen will now display the correct stats
- You will now receive a notification claiming you need a pickaxe when you try to mine without one
- If you don’t know about the crystal, you won’t mention it to the Ferryman
- The Dryad won’t mistake cockroach legs for stalagmites
- Minecart deliveries will no longer display a chat bubble, or glitch out when two people use them at the same time
- The map will shimmer less while panning
November 13
Andrew Gower and the Brighter Shores team are keeping the rapid updates coming, with a ton of nifty quality of life improvements arriving in the November 13 update.
The most exciting of these is a new ability to choose your initial attack in combat. Alongside November 12’s single click actions addition, this should save you a ton of time.
You can also now close a ton more screens by clicking outside of them, quit the game from the title screen, and fish solo with a single click, rather than co-op.
Here are the full patch notes:
- Quit the game from the title screen
- Choose your first attack on the prepare for battle screen
- Close more screens by clicking outside of them
- Choose ‘solo’ as the first action when casting your net, instead of co-op
- You can now complete the ‘Help Rachella’ quest
- The merchant guild will now let you join it
- You can no longer drink forensics potions
- Text on player cards will no longer overlap
- The scrollbar will now appear on the invitations screen
- The settings screen will no longer overlap with other interaces
- The chat will no longer cut off the direct messages tab
- Inputbox caret will no longer disappear when it’s too small
- Bear Clearing, Bear Behind, and Two Headed Bear Clearing now have safe spots
- The jigsaw symbol in the Mysterious Cave has returned
- Large NPCs have improved pathing
- More typos fixed
- You can no longer skip part of the ‘Lost and Found’ quest

November 12
The November 12 update is small, but very impactful. The headline feature is, of course, single click actions. This allows you to perform the first action when you click on an object you can interact with, allowing you to progress a heck of a lot quicker.
Almost as exciting is a brand new rule that prevents multiboxing. This is when a single player plays the game across multiple accounts at once. It’s now illegal so if you continue to multibox, you will presumably get a punishment like a ban.
- You can now perform single click actions
- The middle mouse can rotate the camera
- Reassign what each mouse button does
- The foraging album now lists what equipment you need to forage each item (this will roll out to other albums shortly)
- You can now create a new account if you delete your account
- You can now move up to two rooms away when moving via the minimap (we predicted this!)
- Upgrading or enchanting profession equipment now provides you with the fractional XP increase
- Combat rooms now have 1 less player allowed at maximum to reduce the crowd
- Spear fishing rooms now have a maximum of 10 players, down from 20
- You can’t server hop to gain an advantage when spotting thieves
Bugs Squished
- The magnifying glass now boosts detective XP again
- Rooms will no longer fail to render when you switch episode
- Animations will no longer break when multiple people use a T.E.A machine or B.R.E.W.S vat at the same time
- Guardian Spirit Cave and vipers now have proper safe spots

November 11
The patch notes for November 11 primarily focused on combat balancing, fixes, and tweaks. There’s room for some localisation fixes as well, along with a tweak to Crime Den Raids.
You now need handcuffs, and XP will scale with better handcuffs.
The highlight is a tweak to fighting lower level foes. It’s now clear exactly what penalty you will get in terms of rewards, and you won’t simply blast through them anymore. The Brighter Shores team don’t want it to feel so overpowered.
Here are the full patch notes:
- The Prepare for Battle’ interface now lists the exact reward penalty when fighting lower level mobs (it used to just say “less XP”)
- Combat against lower level mobs won’t feel as overpowered
- You now need handcuffs to raid crime dens and upgraded handcuffs give more XP
- Passive combat NPC cards won’t feature the wrong stats
- Combat toad now has the proper drops
- Divide by zero won’t show up in combat anymore
- The detective investigation XP bug is squished, and now shows the correct amount
- The Adathril card no longer has a spelling mistake
- ‘Is’ will no longer appear twice in many instances where it previously did
- Chat filter improvements
- The ‘Mine Road East’ map interface has been fixed
- Co-op woodcutting XP is fixed

November 8
The November 8 patch notes were small but impactful. The headline feature here is customisable keybinds. Huzzah!
We also like the new ability to click on the minimap to walk to a location. Right now, you can only move a single room at a time but hopefully that will expand as the game grows.
- Customise your keybinds from the settings panel
- You can now close more interfaces using the close interface button (handy)
- Click on the minimap to move to a single adjacent room (this was updated to two adjacent rooms as of November 12)
- The quest difficulty indicator is better now
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
November 7
The second Brighter Shores update introduced even more keybinds, reveals your total player level next to your name, and premium players can now collect their unique name from the settings interface.
- There are more keybinds now
- Your total level, instead of episode combat level, now displays next to your name
- Premium pass players can now claim their unique name from the settings menu
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

November 6
The very first Brighter Shores update mostly focused on bug fixes:
- You won’t get stuck in combat anymore
- Login issues are resolved
- Characters with long names can now be deleted
- Brighter Shores is now available to those in Cyprus and Taiwan
- The screen will no longer get stuck in a dimmed state where you can’t interact with anything
- Boss monsters won’t break when multiple players are nearby
- Sound issues are resolved
- Typos are fixed
Follow the patch notes over on Steam.