The FFXIV 7.11 patch notes are in, and it’s a pretty exciting update. We have more New Game+ chapters, the introduction of a new raid: ‘Futures Rewritten (Ultimate)’, and a ton of new items, achievements, and sound effects.

There’s also a ton of balancing for certain jobs in PvP, as well as a series of bug fixes. Let’s take a look at the patch notes in full.

New Raid: Futures Rewritten (Ultimate)

This is the headline feature of the new patch: a brand new raid arriving in FFXIV. It’s for eight players and should take you roughly two hours to beat.

Here are the full details:

Level Requirement100
Time to Complete2 hours
Entry RequirementsBeat AAC Light-heavyweight M4 (Savage)
RewardsUltimate Edenmorn Weapons (one per week)
ResetTuesday at 12:00 AM PST

New Game+ Additional Chapters

You can now play through the Role Quest (Dawntrail): Prologue in New Game+.

Housing Additions

There are new orchestrion rolls for you to check out:

  • Return to Oblivion (Scions & Sinners: Band)
  • A Sundering of Light

PvP Balancing

A ton of jobs have had slight balancing tweaks in patch 7.11. Let’s take a look at them in detail:


Shield SmiteCooldown increased to 24 seconds from 20
ImperatorSacred Claim heals 4,000 HP from 3,000
Holy Sheltron– Barrier heal potency reduced to 8,000 from 10,000
– Damage dealt increases to 150% barrier potency from 100%


OnslaughtPotency increased to 500 – 5,000 from 400 – 4,000
Orogeny– Consume 10% HP, down from 20%
– Potency increased to 1,000 – 10,000, down from 800 – 8,000


Wind’s ReplyCooldown reduced to 16 seconds from 20


Meikyo ShisuiDuration reduced to 3 seconds, from 4
Tendo SetsugekkaRange increased to 8, from 5
Tendo Kaeshi SetsugekkaRange increased to 8, from 5


BloodcoilCooldown reduced to 12 seconds, from 16
Twinfang BitePotency increased to 4,000 from 3,000
Twinblood BitePotency increased to 4,000 from 3,000
Uncoiled TwinfangPotency increased to 4,000 from 3,000
Uncoiled TwinbloodPotency increased to 4,000 from 3,000


Wildfire– Pitch now detonates after 4 attacks, down from 5
Full Metal FieldCooldown reduced to 32 seconds, from 40

Black Mage

In addition to the skill balancing below, the Black Mage has also had the following global changes:

  • Reduced cast time to 1.32 seconds from 1.44
  • Spell cooldown reduced to 2.2 seconds, from 2.4
Wreath of FirePotency increased to 4,500, from 4,000
Flare Star– Potency increased to 18,000, from 16,000
– DoT duration increased to 9 seconds, from 6


Crimson CyclonePotency increased to 6,000, from 4,000
NecrotizeCooldown reduced to 10 seconds, from 12

Red Mage

Embolden– Damage dealt increase reduced to 8%, from 10%
– Damage taken reduction reduced to 8%, from 10%
DisplacementDamage and healing potency reduced to 15%, from 20%
Prefulgence– Potency reduced to 10,000, from 12,000
– Healing potency reduced to 10,000, from 12,000


Creature Motif– Casts in 2 seconds, down from 2.5
– Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds, from 3.5
Living MuseCooldown reduced to 16 seconds, from 20
Pom Motif– Casts in 2 seconds, down from 2.5
– Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds, from 3.5
Wing Motif– Casts in 2 seconds, down from 2.5
– Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds, from 3.5
Claw Motif– Casts in 2 seconds, down from 2.5
– Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds, from 3.5
Maw Motif– Casts in 2 seconds, down from 2.5
– Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds, from 3.5
Pom MuseCooldown reduced to 16 seconds, from 20
Winged MuseCooldown reduced to 16 seconds, from 20
Clawed MuseCooldown reduced to 16 seconds, from 20
Fanged MuseCooldown reduced to 16 seconds, from 20


Gravity IIHeavy effect duration reduced to 2 seconds, down from 3
Gravity II (After Double Cast)Heavy effect duration reduced to 2 seconds, down from 5
Macrocosmos– Potency reduced to 10,000, from 12,000
– Healing potency reduced to 5,000, from 6,000 (+25% damage taken)
EpicycleBarrier heal potency reduced to 6,000, from 8,000
Lady of CrownsHealing potency reduced to 6,000, from 8,000
Lord of CrownsPotency reduced to 6,000, from 8,000

FFXIV 7.11 Patch Notes

Now, let’s take a look at the remainder of the notes, which are mostly bug fixes:

  • The following issues have been addressed.
    • An issue with the alliance raid dungeon Jeuno: The First Walk wherein the area name would not display properly on the map under certain conditions.
    • An issue with the Duty Finder when undertaking the alliance raid dungeon Jeuno: The First Walk wherein gear wasn’t included in the rewards already received count.
    • An issue with the trial the Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden wherein, under certain conditions, players would become incapacitated when the effect Gravitational Anomaly expired.
    • An issue when playing as summoner or scholar wherein, under certain conditions, executing pet actions would reset the recast time of the pet action executed.
    • An issue with the ninja PvP action Hyosho Ranryu wherein the timing at which damage was inflicted was incorrect.
    • An issue when playing as astrologian wherein the PvP action Macrocosmos would erroneously change to Microcosmos when the player was granted Macrocosmos by a party member.
    • An issue in Crystalline Conflict wherein the PvP action Guard would not negate launch or knockback effects, while reducing damage that normally cannot be reduced in the following stages:
      Cloud Nine / The Clockwork Castletown / The Red Sands
    • An issue with the ninja PvP action Aeolian Edge Combo wherein Fleeting Raiju was prioritized over Assassinate when the action changed.
    • An issue wherein the descriptions for the PvP actions Gnashing Fang, Communio, and Doton were incorrect.
      * This was a text-only issue. The actions themselves remain unchanged.
    • An issue when using the reaper PvP action Perfectio at the Wolves’ Den Pier wherein the following action effects were nullified:
      Undead Redemption (Granted by the dark knight PvP action Eventide)
      Hallowed Ground (Granted by the paladin PvP action Phalanx)
      Mesotes (Granted by the sage PvP action Mesotes)
    • An issue wherein dyes were not applied to the correct portions of the Oasis Doublet.
    • An issue wherein the Seafade Interior Wall could be erroneously obtained via quick exploration ventures.
    • An issue wherein furnishings due to be implemented in Patch 7.15 were erroneously available to preview.
    • An issue with private chambers in free company estates wherein maximum storeroom capacity was displayed incorrectly.
    • An issue with subaquatic voyages wherein the amount of materials obtained from sectors newly added in Patch 7.1 was lower than intended.
    • An issue in Eastern Thanalan wherein players were unable to fish, and certain water related effects and animations did not display correctly.
    • An issue wherein status effects were not displayed in the Spearfishing window.
    • An issue with the Hunt wherein players were unable to exchange more than 100 of any given currency at once.
    • An issue with the Mogpendium wherein rewards for weekly objectives, minimog challenges, and ultimog challenges were unobtainable.
      * Weekly objective, minimog challenge, and ultimog challenge rewards will be obtainable until the release of Patch 7.15.
    • An issue when playing without joining a party wherein the text command placeholder “<1>” could not be used.
    • An issue when using a DUALSHOCK®4 controller wherein the wireless connection became unstable under certain conditions.
      * Learn more about this issue.
    • An issue wherein Data Center selection was occasionally unavailable when selecting Data Center from the title screen and opening the Data Center selection window.
