FFXIV has officially brought back the fun event Moogle Treasure Trove as part of patch 7.1. This challenges you to collect Irregular Tomestones of Goetia by completing a series of tasks, which you can then exchange for rewards.

These include accessories, like the ‘Donut Earing’, mounts, and more so this is an event well worth participating in. The event kicks off today, October 15 at 1:00 AM PDT.

To celebrate, FFXIV is holding a screenshot sweepstakes, which will provide further rewards just for taking in-game pics of you participating in the event. Square Enix is remaining tight-lipped about when this part of the event will drop but we’ll keep you updated.

Moogle Treasure Trove Event Details

Here are the full details of the Moogle Treasure Trove event:

  • Begins: Tuesday, October 15 at 1:00 AM PDT / 8:00 AM GMT / 7:00 PM AEDT
  • Ends: Release 7.1 (launching in November)
  • Item Exchanges Ends: Patch 7.2
  • Rewards Claim Ends: Patch 7.15

To get Irregular Tomestones of Goetia, check the Mogpendium. This lists tasks you can complete for the currency, which are broken down into:

  • Standard Objectives: Repeatable tasks
  • Weekly Objectives: Once per week
  • Minimog Challenges: Once per week
  • Ultimog Challenges: Once per event

Once you’ve completed a task, you can collect your Irregular Tomestones of Goetia from the Mogpendium.

How to Collect Rewards

Once you’ve collected enough Irregular Tomestones of Goetia, you can visit the Itinerant Moogle to claim rewards. These are located at:

  • Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
  • New Gridania
  • Ul’dah, Steps of Nald

Moogle Treasure Trove Rewards List

The full list of rewards and costs include:

ItemTomestones Cost
Donut Earring100
Great Serpent of Ringa50
Innocent Gwiber Trumpet50
Alte Roite Prism50
Hades Barding50
Modern Aesthetics – Early to Rise50
Twice Stricken Orchestrion Roll50
Ballroom Etiquette – Dark Entreaty50
Ballroom Etiquette – Ideal Gossip30
Casual Attire Coffer30
MGP Platinum Card30
Drake Horn30
Laurel Goobbue Horn30
Lunar Kamuy Fife30
Euphonious Kamuy Fife30
Qiqirn Shelf20
Glade Gazebo20
Garden Tool Shelf20
Heavenly Ornamental Array20
Wind-up Amalj’aa15
Shisui Joi of Fending15
Shisui Kohakama of Fending15
Shisui Joi of Maiming15
Shisui Kohakama of Maiming15
Shisui Joi of Striking15
Shisui Kohakama of Striking15
Shisui Joi of Scouting15
Shisui Kohakama of Scouting15
Shisui Joi of Aiming15
Shisui Kohakama of Aiming15
Shisui Joi of Casting15
Shisui Kohakama of Casting15
Shisui Joi of Healing15
Shisui Kohakama of Healing15
Seemingly Special Timeworn Map15
Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map15
Potentially Special Timeworn Map15
Coerthas Western Highlands Riding Map10
Dravanian Forelands Riding Map10
Dravanian Hinterlands Riding Map10
Fringes Riding Map10
Peaks Riding Map10
Lochs Riding Map10
Bandersnatch Card10
Crawler Card10
Tsukuyomi Card7
Hades Card7
2P Card7
Wind-up Nu Mou7
Armadillo Bowler7
Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Whiskers Orchestrion Roll7
Curiel Root x55
Magicked Prism (Job Mastery)
x 10

Find full details on the event site.
