Update: FFXIV’s Christmas Event, Starlight Celebration, has officially kicked off. Head in-game to check it out right now or read below to learn more about the update.

Original post: Square Enix has announced that the yearly FFXIV Christmas event, Starlight Celebration is making a return. It kicks off on December 16 and runs the entire remainder of the month, ending on December 31.

It’s a trimmed back event that provides you with a new quest and event rewards, in addition to all of the content from previous iterations.

Everything You Need to Know About Starlight Celebration

  • Begins: December 16 at 8:00 AM GMT
  • Ends: December 31 at 3:00 PM GMT

There’s a brand new quest for this iteration: Reach for the Stalls. It takes place in Old Gridania, and sees you helping Amh Garanjy complete a series of tasks in order to earn rewards.

You need to be level 15 to participate, and you can earn the following rewards by participating:

  • Starlight Stalls Barding
  • Starlight Kinderpunsch
  • Starlight Mug Tower
  • Festive Starlight Celebration Advertisement
  • Winter’s Warm Boughs Orchestrion Roll

You can equip the Barding on a Chocobo to give it a festive theme, while the Kinderpunsch provides you with a variety of bonuses for 30 minutes when you drink it:

  • Piety Bonus +4%
  • VIT Bonus: +5%
  • Gear Durability Bonus: +3
  • XP Bonus: +3%

The Mug Tower and Celebration Advertisement are decorations you can play in your house, while the Orchestrion Roll provides you with a new song to add to your Orchestrion list.
