Want to learn everything about mutations in Fisch? Mutations are basically a special variant of fish that you can sell at a higher price if compared to the regular one. However, you must follow a certain process to catch mutated fish in the game. You can check out our comprehensive guide below to know about mutations in Fisch, such as their types and value multipliers.
All Fisch Mutations Types, Multipliers and How To Obtain Them
There are currently 50 mutations available in the game and here’s a list containing all the essential information:
- Aurora – 6.5×
- Only obtainable with the Aurora Rod (15% Chance, 30% during Aurora Borealis), or when using Aurora Bait (15% Chance).
- Aureolin – 5×
- Only obtainable with the Auric Rod (20% Chance).
- Aurulent – 5×
- Only obtainable with the Auric Rod (20% Chance).
- Heavenly – 5×
- Only obtainable with the Heaven’s Rod (15% Chance).
- Subspace – 5×
- Only obtainable with the Quantum Enchantment (25% Chance).
- Mythical – 4.5×
- More common with the Mythical Rod (30% Chance).
- Aureate – 4×
- Only obtainable with the Auric Rod (20% Chance).
- Greedy – 4×
- More common with the Rod Of The Eternal King (20% Chance).
- Nuclear – 4×
- Only obtainable around waters affected by a Nuke.
- Revitalized – 4×
- Only obtainable by giving Amber fish to the Chiseler.
- Sunken – 4×
- Obtainable from Treasure Chests (3.83% Chance) or Sunken Rod (5% Chance).
- Abyssal – 3.5×
- Can only be fished up at The Depths or anywhere with the Abyssal Enchantment (10% Chance).
- Atlantean – 3×
- Only obtainable with the Trident Rod (30% Chance).
- Aurelian – 3×
- Only obtainable with the Auric Rod (20% Chance).
- Blighted – 3×
- Only obtainable during the Blizzard event (15% Chance).
- Seasonal (Spring) – 3×
- Only obtainable with the Seasons Rod (20% Chance).
- Anomalous – 2.5×
- Only obtainable with the Anomalous Enchant (10% Chance).
- Fossilized – 2.5×
- More common with the Voyager Rod (25% Chance).
- Lunar – 2.5×
- More common during the Moonlit Mirage event. More common with the Astral Rod/Event Horizon Rod (both 5% Chance).
- Seasonal (Winter) – 2.5×
- Only obtainable with the Seasons Rod (20% Chance).
- Solarblaze – 2.5×
- Only caught during the Eclipse event (10% Chance).
- Sleet – 2.4×
- Only obtainable during an Avalanche (10% Chance).
- Aurous – 2×
- Only obtainable with the Auric Rod (20% Chance).
- Celestial – 2×
- Only obtainable with the Celestial Rod (100% Chance during Celestial Bonus).
- Midas – 2×
- More common with the Midas Rod (60% Chance).
- Purified – 2×
- Only obtainable by giving Amber fish to the Chiseler.
- Crystalized – 1.75×
- Only obtainable with the Crystalized Rod (12% Chance).
- Glossy – 1.6×
- Mosaic – 1.5×
- Silver – 1.6×
- Hexed – 1.5×
- More common with the No-Life Rod (20% Chance).
- Electric – 1.45×
- More common fishing in Grand Reef (15%).
- Darkened – 1.3×
- More common with the Noir Enchantment (50% Chance).
- Frozen – 1.3×
- Charred – 0.5×
- Can only be caught in Thundstorms created by the Zeus Rod at a 5% chance.
- Electric Shock – 0.5×
- Can only be caught in Thundstorms created by the Zeus Rod at a 95% chance.
- King’s Blessing – 1.5×
- Can only be caught with Poseidon Rod’s passive ability at a 5% chance.
- Lightning – It has a 50% chance to increase the fish’s weight by 70%-100%
- Lightning fish can be obtained at a 10% chance in the Zeus’s Rod Room during a Zeus Storm.
- Tentacle Surge – 1.5×
- Can only be caught with Kraken Rod at a 5% chance.
- Wrath – 6.5×
- Can be obtained at a 2% chance in the Poseidon Temple during Poseidon’s Wrath.
- Negative – 1.3×
- Scorched – 1.3×
- More common with the Phoenix Rod (40% Chance).
- Seasonal (Summer/Autumn) – 1.3×
- Only obtainable with the Seasons Rod (20% Chance).
- Translucent – 1.3×
- More common with the Ghastly Enchantment (20% Chance).
- Albino – 1.1×
- Can be sold to Ashe for 1.5× value. More common with Noir Enchantment (50% Chance).
- Amber – 0.5×
- Only obtainable through Appraisal. Can be replaced with Purified (2× value) or Revitalized (4× value) by the Chiseler.