Struggling to complete the Atlantean Storm quest in Fisch? It was introduced as a part of the v1.14.0 update and as is tradition, you are required to follow certain steps in order to complete this quest. With that said, here’s all you need to know about the Atlantean Storm quest including its rewards and how to finish it.

Fisch Atlantean Storm Quest Guide

To kick off the Atlantean Storm quest, you must speak with the Captain Neptune NPC. He can be found on a boat to the west of the main Grand Reef island, at -3820, 135, 575.

Once you interact with him, he will basically task you with catching all fish in the Atlantean Storm bestiary in order to complete this quest. You can find it near the smaller islands around the main part of the Grand Reef. It will be easy to spot because there’s a big rectangular border with a large whirlpool.

The bestiary contains the following eight fish types:

Fish & RarityBaitTime of DaySeasonWeather
Tempest Ray (Uncommon)Sea WeedDay or NightWinterWindy
Abyss Snapper (Uncommon)Fish HeadDay or NightFallFoggy
Vortex Barracuda (Unusual)MinnowDay or NightSummerClear
Whirlpool Marlin (Unusual)SquidDay or NightSpringRain
Typhoon Tuna (Rare)Fish HeadDay or NightWinterRain
Cycle Mako (Rare)Fish HeadDay or NightSpringWindy
Maelstorm Shark (Legendary)Truffle WormDay or NightFallFoggy
Void Angler (Mythical)Truffle WormDay or NightSummerClear

After catching all the aforementioned fish, simply speak with Captain Neptune once again and the quest will be marked as completed. You’ll also receive the following rewards for your efforts:

  • Hangman’s Hook ×8
  • Kraken Tentacle ×10
  • Drifter’s Tale Bobber

It also rewards you with a badge called “Bestiary ; Atlantean Storm” along with the aforementioned items. Finally, you’ll be surprised to know that when this area is nuked, it is referred to as Atlantis.
