Looking for all the info on Fisch rods? Fisch is all about casting your rod and catching a variety of fish. Surprisingly, the game offers a ton of rod options but most of them are locked by default. Additionally, each rod has unique stats and passive abilities that you must keep in mind before using them in the game.

Table of Contents

    Everything You Need To Know About Fisch Rods

    There are currently 61 unlockable rods in the game and below you can find tables containing all the essential info about them:

    Atlantis Rods

    Rod NameCostLocationHow to UnlockStatsPassive Ability
    Depthseeker Rod125,000-4224, -606, 1821Leaning against a wall, across from the Inn KeeperLure Speed: 55%, Luck: 20%, Control: 0.17, Resilience: 25%, Max Weight: 50,000 kg, Line Distance: 50 mNone
    Champions Rod1,000,000-4277, -606, 1838Leaning against the Atlantis Statue’s arm, near the Inn KeeperLure Speed: 45%, Luck: 65%, Control: 0.15, Resilience: 8%, Max Weight: 200,000 kg, Line Distance: 80 mNone
    Tempest Rod1,850,000-4928, -595, 1857Purchaseable after completing the Sunken Depths Puzzle near the Mythological ClockLure Speed: 15%, Luck: 70%, Control: 0.15, Resilience: 40%, Max Weight: 80,000 kg, Line Distance: 20 mNone
    Abyssal Specter Rod1,004,269-3804, -567, 1870Purchaseable after completing the Ethereal Abyss Puzzle near the Mythological ClockLure Speed: 25%, Luck: 90%, Control: 0.1, Resilience: 60%, Max Weight: Infinite, Line Distance: 80 mNone
    Poseidon Rod1,555,555-4086, -559, 895Purchaseable after completing the Poseidon’s Temple Puzzle, behind the locked doorLure Speed: 50%, Luck: 165%, Control: 0.2, Resilience: 40%, Max Weight: 100,000 kg, Line Distance: 65 m25% chance of earning 75% of a fish’s base worth in credits; Poseidon’s Ghost (5% chance) increases weight by 75-150% and gives King’s Blessing mutation.
    Zeus Rod1,700,000-4272, -629, 2665Purchaseable after completing the Zeus’s Trial PuzzleLure Speed: 40%, Luck: 70%, Control: 0.25, Resilience: 15%, Max Weight: Infinite, Line Distance: 70 m10% chance of triggering a thunderstorm, enhancing Lure Speed, Luck for Mythical fish, mutating 95% of fish (Electric Shock) and 5% (Charred).
    Kraken Rod1,333,333-4415, -997, 2055Purchaseable after completing the Kraken Pool Mythological Clock (including the 4 previous clocks)Lure Speed: 60%, Luck: 185%, Control: 0.2, Resilience: 15%, Max Weight: 115,000 kg, Line Distance: 60 m10% chance of doubling fish; 5% chance of Tentacle Surge mutation; guaranteed Legendary/Mythical/Exotic fish after 50 catches, depending on location.

    Stage 1 Rods

    NameObtained FromCost (C$)StatsAbility
    Flimsy RodStarterLure: 0%, Luck: 0%, Control: 0, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 10.4
    Fischer’s RodStarter PackLure: 5%, Luck: 5%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 5%, Max Kg: 50
    Training RodMoosewood (Merchant)300Lure: 10%, Luck: -70%, Control: 0.2, Resilience: 20%, Max Kg: 9
    Plastic RodMoosewood (Merchant)900Lure: 10%, Luck: 15%, Control: 0, Resilience: 10%, Max Kg: 100
    Carbon RodMoosewood (Merchant)2,000Lure: -10%, Luck: 25%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 10%, Max Kg: 600

    Stage 2 Rods

    NameObtained FromCost (C$)StatsAbility
    Stone RodAncient Isle3,000Lure: -25%, Luck: 10%, Control: 0, Resilience: 5%, Max Kg: 900
    Fast RodMoosewood (Merchant)4,500Lure: 45%, Luck: -15%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: -12%, Max Kg: 175
    Lucky RodMoosewood (Merchant)5,250Lure: -30%, Luck: 60%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: -12%, Max Kg: 175
    Long RodMoosewood (Wilderness)4,500Lure: 20%, Luck: 30%, Control: -0.1, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 250
    Magma RodRoslit Bay (Orc’s Quest)Lure: -70%, Luck: 15%, Control: 0, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 1200Capable of Fishing in the Volcano
    Fungal RodMushgrove Swamp (Agaric’s Quest)Lure: -10%, Luck: 45%, Control: 0, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 20070% Chance to give 45s of Luck IV (+20% Luck) after a catch
    Steady RodRoslit Bay (Blacksmith)7,000Lure: -60%, Luck: 35%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 30%, Max Kg: 100,000Increases the shake button size

    Stage 3 Rods

    NameObtained FromCost (C$)StatsAbility
    Fortune RodRoslit Bay (Blacksmith)12,750Lure: -35%, Luck: 110%, Control: 0, Resilience: -15%, Max Kg: 700
    Rapid RodRoslit Bay (Blacksmith)14,000Lure: 72%, Luck: -20%, Control: 0, Resilience: -20%, Max Kg: 700
    Magnet RodTerrapin Island (Shipwright)15,000Lure: -10%, Luck: 0%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 10,000Incredibly high chance to hook Crates
    Nocturnal RodVertigo11,000Lure: -10%, Luck: 70%, Control: 0, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 2,000Can catch Nocturnal/Diurnal fish at any time
    Reinforced RodDesolate Deep20,000Lure: 0%, Luck: 25%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: InfiniteAllows for fishing in the Brine Pool and Volcano
    Arctic RodNorthern Summit (Base Camp)25,000Lure: 45%, Luck: 65%, Control: 0.18, Resilience: 15%, Max Kg: 80,000

    Stage 4 Rods

    NameObtained FromCost (C$)StatsAbility
    Avalanche RodNorthern Summit (2nd Camp)35,000Lure: 40%, Luck: 68%, Control: 0.15, Resilience: 10%, Max Kg: 65,000
    Phoenix RodAncient Isle40,000Lure: 55%, Luck: 35%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: -10%, Max Kg: 4,00040% chance to catch Scorched Mutation (1.3× Value)
    Scurvy RodForsaken Shores50,000Lure: 15%, Luck: 50%, Control: 0, Resilience: 15%, Max Kg: 2,000
    Midas RodTravelling Merchant55,000Lure: 60%, Luck: 10%, Control: 0, Resilience: -20%, Max Kg: 4,00060% chance to catch Midas Mutation (2× Value)

    Stage 5 Rods

    NameObtained FromCost (C$)StatsAbility
    Crystalized RodNorthern Summit (Diamond Puzzle)35,000Lure: 35%, Luck: 45%, Control: 0.15, Resilience: 15%, Max Kg: 25,00012% Chance to catch Crystalized Mutation (1.75× Value)
    Aurora RodVertigo90,000Lure: 10%, Luck: 60%, Control: 0.06, Resilience: 6%, Max Kg: 6,00015% Chance to catch Aurora Mutation (6.5× Value), Increased during Aurora Borealis
    Mythical RodTravelling Merchant110,000Lure: 0%, Luck: 45%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 2,00030% Chance to catch Mythical Mutation (4.5× Value)
    Kings RodKeepers Altar120,000Lure: -45%, Luck: 55%, Control: 0.15, Resilience: 35%, Max Kg: InfiniteAll fish caught are 15% bigger
    Precision RodCrafting7,500Lure: 20%, Luck: 150%, Control: 0, Resilience: 5%, Max Kg: 12,000
    Wisdom RodCrafting50,000Lure: 10%, Luck: 35%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 2,00070-100% XP bonus after 5 successful catches in a row

    Stage 6 Rods

    NameObtained FromCost (C$)StatsAbility
    Destiny RodThe Arch190,000Lure: -10%, Luck: 250%, Control: 0, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 10,0005% increased Shiny/Sparkling Chance
    Ice Warpers RodNorthern Summit (Lever Puzzle)65,000Lure: 50%, Luck: 60%, Control: 0.15, Resilience: 20%, Max Kg: 75,000
    Trident RodDesolate Deep150,000Lure: 20%, Luck: 150%, Control: 0, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 6,000Chance to stun fish during reeling (adds progress to the progress bar); 30% chance to catch Atlantean Mutation (3× Value)
    Summit RodNorthern Summit (3rd Camp)300,000Lure: 15%, Luck: 75%, Control: 0.25, Resilience: 15%, Max Kg: 200,000
    Sunken RodTreasure Chests (1/62)Lure: 30%, Luck: 150%, Control: 0.15, Resilience: 15%, Max Kg: 5,000Every 10 catches has a 25% chance to catch a Treasure Map; 5% chance to catch Sunken Mutation (4× Value)
    Auric RodSunken ChestsLure: 20%, Luck: 25%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 20%, Max Kg: 2,500All fish have a random sell value between 2-5×
    Resourceful RodCrafting15,000Lure: 15%, Luck: 20%, Control: -0.01, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 1,000Doubles the stat boosts of all bait, including negative ones
    Seasons RodCrafting35,000Lure: 20%, Luck: 35%, Control: 0.03, Resilience: 10%, Max Kg: 4,000Boosts fish luck by 20% for the current season; 20% chance to catch Seasonal Mutation
    Riptide RodCrafting40,000Lure: 20%, Luck: 25%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 5%, Max Kg: 3,500Adds a tide meter that fills by 20% with each perfect cast, at max, the next 3 casts have luck boosted by 30% and lure by 25%

    Stage 7 Rods

    NameObtained FromCost (C$)StatsAbility
    Rod of The DepthsThe Depths750,000Lure: 65%, Luck: 130%, Control: 0.15, Resilience: 10%, Max Kg: 30,000Summons a ghost figure to catch an extra fish every 3 successful catches
    Rod Of The Exalted OneKeepers Secret Puzzle0Lure: 55%, Luck: 170%, Control: 0.15, Resilience: 20%, Max Kg: 70,000Exalted Relics have a 2.5x higher chance to be caught
    Heaven’s RodNorthern Summit (Crystal Puzzle)1,750,000Lure: 30%, Luck: 225%, Control: 0.2, Resilience: 30%, Max Kg: Infinite15% Chance to catch Heavenly Mutation (5× Value)

    Stage 8 Rods

    NameObtained FromCost (C$)StatsAbility
    Voyager RodCrafting30,000Lure: 25%, Luck: 85%, Control: 0, Resilience: 10%, Max Kg: Infinite25% Chance to catch Fossilized Mutation (2.5× Value); lasers fish with an orbital cannon (adds progression speed)
    The Lost RodCrafting50,000Lure: 15%, Luck: 25%, Control: 0.08, Resilience: 8%, Max Kg: 55,000After 6 perfect catches in a row, boosts luck by 150% for the next 3 casts
    No-Life RodLevel 500Lure: 90%, Luck: 105%, Control: 0.23, Resilience: 10%, Max Kg: InfiniteChance to stun fish during reeling (adds progress to the progress bar); 20% chance to catch Hexed Mutation (1.5× Value)
    Celestial RodCrafting100,000Lure: 35%, Luck: 60%, Control: 0.07, Resilience: 5%, Max Kg: InfiniteAfter catching 85 fish, get a 5-minute boost of +50 luck, +30 lure, +30% XP; all fish caught during the boost will have the Celestial Mutation (2× Value)
    Rod Of The Eternal KingCrafting250,000Lure: 50%, Luck: 160%, Control: 0.175, Resilience: 15%, Max Kg: 75,000Every 30s, 10% chance to grant a +150% luck boost for 45s; 15% chance to immediately catch a higher rarity fish if a catch is missed; 20% chance to catch Greedy Mutation (4× Value)
    Rod of the Forgotten FangCrafting300,000Lure: 78%, Luck: 145%, Control: 0.22, Resilience: 25%, Max Kg: InfiniteAfter 3 perfect catches, triggers a meg to jump out and deliver a higher-tier fish with a 15-20% size buff

    Seasonal Event Rods

    NameObtained FromCost (C$)StatsAbility
    Haunted RodWitch (FischFright Event)Lure: 0%, Luck: 50%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 0%, Max Kg: 1,000FischFright-Exclusive Mutations (Sinister (1.9× Value) / Ghastly (2× Value)) can be caught year-round
    Relic RodArchaeological Site (Archaeological Hunt Event)8,000Lure: 20%, Luck: 25%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 20%, Max Kg: 2,500
    Antler RodAdvent Calendar Day 5 (Fischmas Event)Lure: 25%, Luck: 45%, Control: 0.02, Resilience: -4%, Max Kg: 20025% chance to catch Jolly Mutation (1.2× Value)
    North-Star RodAdvent Calendar Day 9 (Fischmas Event)Lure: 5%, Luck: 30%, Control: 0.04, Resilience: 12%, Max Kg: 875
    Candy Cane RodWinter Village (Fischmas Event)1,500Lure: 10%, Luck: 25%, Control: 0.01, Resilience: -2%, Max Kg: 15010% chance to catch Festive Mutation (1.4× Value)
    Krampus’s RodCrafting (Fischmas Event)30,000Lure: 30%, Luck: 15%, Control: 0.15, Resilience: 8%, Max Kg: InfiniteEvery 10 catches, gain a random temporary buff (Lure V (+50% Lure) or Luck V (+25% Luck)) for 4 minutes
    Frost Warden RodWinter Bundle (Fischmas Event)Lure: 10%, Luck: 45%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 15%, Max Kg: 2,200
    Fischmas RodXMAS Pack (Fischmas Event)Lure: 10%, Luck: 45%, Control: 0.05, Resilience: 15%, Max Kg: 2,200
    Frostfire RodXMAS Pack 2 (Fischmas Event)Lure: 20%, Luck: 35%, Control: 0.08, Resilience: 12%, Max Kg: 2,200
    Firework RodTurn in Snowcap Algae to the Golden Tide QuestLure: 35%, Luck: 45%, Control: 0.15, Resilience: 15%, Max Kg: 25,00015% chance to catch Firework Mutation (3.5× Value); Reduces Whale Progress Speed by 20%, +0.2% Whale encounter rate
