Sunborn Games has just dropped the latest PV, which shows off the next incoming Girls’ Frontline 2: Exilium character, Dushevnaya.

In this guide, we’re going to round up everything that we know so far about Dushevnaya, including their signature weapon, rarity, role, stats, and abilities. We’ll also look at a potential release date and how you can get them.

Table of Contents

    Girls Frontline 2 Dushevnaya Guide

    Let’s take a look at everything we know about Girls Frontline 2 Dushevnaya.

    Body TypeSSD-62D
    Signature WeaponBallad of Glory

    Release Date

    The latest GLF 2 banner ends on February 5, 2025, so we’d expect Dushevnaya to feature in the next banner, likely to kick off on February 6, 2025.

    Stats (Max Level)

    The following are Dushevnaya’s stats at maximum level.

    Critical Hit Chance20%
    Stability Index10


    Now, let’s take a look at Dushevnaya’s skills.

    Basic AttackDeal 80% attack power to a single enemy
    Skill 1Deal 110% of your attack as damage to a single enemy. If it kills an enemy affected by ‘Freeze’, gain a stack of ‘Blessing of Ice’
    Skill 2Deal 50% of your attack as Freeze damage to all enemies within two tiles of your selected tile, which turns into a Frost tile for two turns.

    Use it again to deal 20% extra damage and freeze a target for a turn.
    Ultimate SkillApply a stack of ‘Glacial Prayer’ to all allies within 7 tiles.

    Also gain 2 points of Confectance Index and Glacial Domain for two turns.
    Passive SkillIncreases all allies damage by 10% and an extra 10% increase for Freeze damage.

    Gain 2 Confectance Index points at the end of your turn.

    While your HP is above 80%, reduce your stability damage taken by a point and gain Insight.

    Increase the range of all skills (excluding ultimates) by a tile.

    Signature Weapon

    Dushevnaya’s signature weapon is the Ballad of Glory, an SSR rarity Sniper Rifle.

    TraitIgnore 10% of your target’s defense when exploiting a weakness.

    This effect is doubled when the weakness is Freeze.
    EffectWhile ‘Insight’ is active, your damage increases by 10 – 20%.

    If the target has a Freeze debuff, Freeze damage increases by 5 – 10%.

    If the target is affected by Chill, increase Cold Condense damage by 10 – 20%.

    Neural Helix

    Let’s wrap up with a look at the Dushevnaya’s Neural Helix:

    • Each stack of Blessing of Ice over the cap increases your active skill 1’s critical hit rate by 5%, up to a maximum of 30%.
    • Single target attacks have 20% higher Freeze damage and an extra 2 points of stability damage.
    • If you create a Freeze damage tile while another exists in the area, remove the enemy’s tile, dispel a buff, and gain a stack of Blessing of Ice
    • Active skill 2 applies defense down II debuff for 2 turns ifyou use it on a target that suffers from stability collapse
    • You are immune to movement debuffs while in Glacial Domain
    • If you’re standing on a Freeze damage tile at the start of a turn, dispel 2 debuffs

    Keep an eye on X to learn more about Dushevnaya as soon as Sunborn Games announces it.
