On the lookout for the Girls’ Frontline 2: Exilium tier list? As the name suggests, it’s a sequel to the popular turn-based strategy title, Girls’ Frontline, which is developed by MICA Team. Similar to its predecessor, the game is filled with a variety of characters, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

However, figuring out the best characters in the game is a tedious task, especially for beginners. Therefore, we’ve put together this Girls’ Frontline 2: Exilium tier list, which ranks all the playable characters from best to worst.

Girls’ Frontline 2: Exilium Characters Tier List

In Girls’ Frontline 2: Exilium, there are currently 18 characters listed as obtainable units in the game. As is tradition, they’re further categorized into four different classes – Bulwark, Sentinel, Vanguard, and Support.

Here’s a look at the tier list:

  • S-Tier: Tololo, Quongjio, Suomi
  • A-Tier: Mosin Nagant, Ksenia, Sabrina, Lotta
  • B-Tier: Nemesis, Sharkry, Colphne, Cheeta, Groza, Ullrid
  • C-Tier: Vepley, Peritya, Littara, Krolik, Nagant


TololoSentinelStrong attacker, can act twice at the start of battles.
QiongjiuSentinelTop damage dealer with extra attacks thanks to passive abilities.
SuomiSupportSupport character, great for shielding and healing allies


Mosin NagantSentinelLong-range support unit excellent for crowd control
KseniaSupportHeals teammates and applies Burn damage to enemies; second-best healer overall.
SabrinaBulwarkDefensive player who also boosts the whole team.
LottaSentinelBalanced damage dealer, reliable in many situations.


NemesisSentinelSniper with high potential in the middle stages of the game.
SharkrySentinelBig damage dealer, but needs careful positioning to shine.
ColphneSupportBoosts teammates’ abilities and overall team performance.
CheetaSupportProvides shields and healing, great for early-game assistance.
GrozaBulwarkMain character, great at taking damage for the team early on.
UllridVanguardQuick scout who can attack from unexpected angles.


VepleySupportHeals and buffs teammates, flexible and useful in various team setups.
PerityaSentinelSpecializes in wide-area corrosive damage, effective early game.
KrolikVanguardSword fighter who excels in the early stages of battles.
QiongjiuSentinelTop damage dealer with extra attacks thanks to passive abilities.
