Halo Infinite celebrates the 20th anniversary of Halo 2 with Operation: Great Journey. It focuses on new cosmetics, including new armour, so let’s take a dive into some of the customisation options and items you can unlock.
When is the Halo Infinite New Update Release Date?
The Halo Infinite Operation: Great Journey new update launches on November 5 at 7:00 PM UTC. It runs through to December 3.
Mjolnir Mark VI
You can now claim the Mjolnir Mark VI armour, first received by Master Chief aboard Cairo Station at the start of Halo 2. The Mark VI saw vast improvements including a more resilient and quicker-charging energy sheild and a streamlined and more compact design.

How to claim:
You can claim the Mark VI armour by acquiring the Rocket Reclaimer bundle from Halo Infinite’s shop. Other items included in the bundle are:
- Master Chief Mark VI armor kit
- Green Man armour coating
- Veteran SPNKr weapon model
- Veteran Metal weapon coating
Vadums Armour and Veteran SRS99 Weapon Model
First seen worn by “Half-Jaw” Vadum in Halo 2 as he led the Covenant forces tasked with eliminating Sesa ‘Refumee. Vadum is set to appear as a character in the upcoming novel Halo: Empty Throne, releasing early next year.

How to claim:
You can claim the Thremaleon armor in Operation: Great Journey’s free 20-tier Operation pass. Custom craft the armor at Kolaar Manufactorum, if your Spartan is selected to serve in the Swords of Sanghelios special forces.
You can also upgrade to the Premium Pass to acquire the Veteran SRS99 weapon model or Damascus Alchemy weapon coating.
Helioskrill Armor
The popular Helioskrill armour can now be acquired. First introduced in Halo 5, Helioskrill has been a fan favourite for being a both a work of art and functional armor for Spartan super-soldiers.

How to claim:
You can acquire the Heliosrkill armor from the Arbitration bundle in the shop. Other items in the bundle include:
- Helioskrill helmet
- Stormclaw Mask helmet attachment
- Helioskrill Pauldrons shoulder pads
- Helioskrill Harness chest attachment
- Helioskrill Cuisse hip gear
- Helioskrill Poleyn kneepads
- Risk Explorer armor coating
- Reclaimed Wings armor effects set
Marine Corps Armour
You can now unlock common UNSC Marine Corp uniforms as seen in Halo 2, you can claim this from the Wartime Requisitions bundle.

Other items in the bundle:
- XM55 ACH helmet
- HUL-I/UPTIK helmet attachment
- UA/Model 48 shoulder pads
- UA/M532 Plate chest attachment
- UA/ULAP hip gear
- UA/Type MI kneepads
- Pixel Camouflage armor coating
- Podium Finish stance
Mark V Zeta Helmet and Scorpion Punch Armour
Making it’s re-appearance for the first time since the Tactical Ops event in 2022, you can now claim the fan-favourite Mark V Zeta helment and Scorpion Punch armour.
In the winter update comes a refresh to The Exchange, play matches and complete certain challenges to earn Spartan Points.

There’s more to come!
More customisation items are to come, Free to Player will bring these updates to you as soon as they’re released, stay tuned!
You can learn more about the new update on Steam.