Jujutsu Infinite offers a variety of Innate Techniques that you can use during your journey to fight against a host of enemies. The game currently allows you to equip two Innate Techniques at a time that requires Cursed Energy as fuel. So if you want to know about all the available options, here’s a detailed rundown of every Innate Technique available in Jujutsu Infinite along with their drop rates.

Jujutsu Infinite Innate Techniques List, Abilities and Their Drop Rates

Common Innate Techniques

The most common techniques, with a 70% drop rate, are easy to get but aren’t as powerful as others. They’re good for early-game players.

Cloning TechniqueForm ClonesSummon two clones to aid you while fighting. The damage output by the NPCs is unaffected by any of your stats.
Clone TossKick your opponent into the air, summoning a clone to smash them back down to the floor.
Clone SwapSwap your main body with your clones.
Tool ManipulationKnife FrenzySummon a load of knives, hurling them at your opponent.
BroomSoar the skies atop your broomstick. Control your flight with WASD and ascend with Spacebar.
Wind ScytheLeap up and slash the air with your broom sending cleaves of wind at your opponent.
ConstructionPistolShoot a pistol that deals double damage if the opponent is blocking.
Minigun BarrageDeploy a minigun that continuously fires.

Uncommon Innate Techniques

Uncommon Innate Techniques drop at a rate of 20%, offering a mix of utility and damage that is useful for beginners.

Blazing CourageBlazing SlashRelease a wave of fire in a straight line. The explosion at the end of the move will guardbreak.
Heart of FireRelease a burst of cursed energy. All attacks apply burn damage.
Fire TornadoUnleash a swirling gust of fire, bringing yourself and your opponent into the air.
Boogie WoogiePercussive MissileClap and relocate yourself above the ground, slamming back down into the ground.
SwapInstantly switch positions with an enemy.
Evasive SwapClap and transport yourself backwards.

Rare Innate Techniques

Rare techniques drop at a rate of 7% and are great for mid-game players.

Ratio TechniqueCollapseA powerful forward slash with a shockwave.
7:3 StrikeA rapid double slash that reduces the enemy’s defense.
Unwavering OutputA punch that deals extra damage to enemies affected by the “7:3 Strike.”
OvertimeA self-buff that increases movement speed and boosts your damage.
Cursed SpeechTwistA shout that slows and damages enemies.
Don’t MoveBriefly immobilizes enemies.
ExplodeA shout that deals damage and knocks enemies back.
Straw DollNail BarrageA barrage of nails that marks your target.
HairpinDetonates nails that deal heavy damage to marked targets.

Legendary Innate Techniques

The Legendary techniques have a 2.75% drop chance and, while not as strong as Special Grade techniques, they still offer powerful abilities.

HydrokinesisTsunamiA massive area attack that deals great damage.
Water JetShoots water continuously from your palm.
Piranha SwarmSummons piranhas to deal damage.
Domain ExpansionApplies the “Wet” status to enemies and boosts your defense.
VolcanoMolten PalmA punch that creates an AOE explosion with burn damage.
EruptionSummons volcanoes that erupt in an “X” pattern for massive damage.
Maximum – MeteorA large meteor strikes the ground, causing massive damage.
Domain ExpansionBurn damage is dealt to enemies, and you gain increased stats.
JudgemanGavel SmashAn AOE melee attack that summons a gavel.
ObjectionParry enemy attacks and counter with a canceling effect.
Domain ExpansionA rock-paper-scissors game with three outcomes that affect the opponent.

Special Grade Innate Techniques

Special Grade Innate Techniques are the hardest to obtain, with a mere 0.25% drop chance. However, if you’re lucky enough to get one, these abilities are the most powerful in the game.

InfinityLapse BlueFires an explosive projectile that pulls enemies towards the blast.
Reversal RedA timed explosive attack; holding the keybind doesn’t make it stronger.
Spatial PlummetPulls enemies to a specific point in a controllable area.
MugenGrants temporary invulnerability.
Red TransmissionPulls you toward your target after hitting with a projectile.
Hollow PurpleA purple orb that causes massive damage and knockback.
Maximum – Six EyesReduces cooldowns, enhances attacks, and grants a “Hollow Nuke” ability.
Domain ExpansionImmobilizes enemies and boosts your damage and defense.
Soul ManipulationDeformed FistEnlarges your fist to strike with more power.
Blade RushDash forward with bladed arms that slash enemies.
Soul TouchA grab attack that unleashes more damage based on a Transfiguration stack.
Flesh DrillPulls enemies toward you, similar to other abilities like Cursed Tendril.
Polymorphic Soul IsomerSummons an NPC to fight for you.
Domain ExpansionIncreases your grab range and damage within the domain.
Gambler FeverClosing CurtainsSummons train doors that slam into opponents.
Pachinko RushFires damaging Pachinko balls at the target.
RendezvousSummons a devastating train crash for massive area damage.
Domain ExpansionQuickly fills a Fever Meter that boosts your stats when full.
Demon VesselDismantleUnleashes a whirlwind of slashes around you.
CleaveSummons a slash in the direction of your cursor.
Flame ArrowFires an unblockable flaming arrow.
SwitchTemporarily boosts your stats by 50%.
Maximum – Heian AwakeningTransforms you, reducing cooldowns and enhancing attacks.
Domain ExpansionDamages enemies within the domain and boosts your stats.
Curse QueenGhastly FistA powerful, targeted area attack.
Demonic TossA grab that throws enemies after damage.
Neck TwisterA ranged grab attack that hits hard.
Energy BlastFires a powerful blast that affects a wide area.
CopySteal three of your opponent’s moves.
ConjurationBoosts your stats and summons the Curse Queen to assist in attacks.
Domain ExpansionLets you summon cursed tool katanas and increases your damage.
Star RageJupiterA melee attack that becomes stronger with a full Mass Meter.
AsteroidFires a shockwave at enemies.
MarsA melee move that immobilizes enemies.
TerraA powerful ground kick that unleashes shockwaves in mid-air.
Maximum – Total CollapseUnleashes Garuda to create a black hole, causing massive AOE damage.
Domain ExpansionKeeps your Mass Meter full, increasing damage and defense.
