Want to learn everything about the Cursed Techniques in Jujutsu Odyssey? This simple guide will walk you through all the techniques available in the game along with instructions to unlock them.

Table of Contents

    Jujutsu Odyssey Cursed Techniques List

    The game currently has a total of seven cursed techniques that are further divided into different categories. Here’s a list for the same:

    Shrine (Sukuna Vessel)

    Skill NameDescriptionRequirements
    DismantleUnleash a devastating slashes on your enemy3 Skill Points
    Reaper’s RetreatSwiftly dash back unleashing a forward-moving slash that slices through anything in its path3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 20
    Demon’s WrathSeize your victim slam them down, and hurl them away with brutal force3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 31
    CleaveJump and deliver a power wide-reaching slash that slices through multiple targets3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 37
    Crimson WebTouch the ground to mark a web of slashes that ensnares anyone caught within its grasp3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 58
    Ascendant Slash 1Rush in to send your opponents flying upward3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 72
    Ascendant Slash 2Ascendant Slash now finishes caught enemies with a devastating slice2 Skill Points, Mastery Level 91
    Abyssal FireboltConjures a fiery arrow imbued with cursed energy launching it to incinerate your target with intense flames3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 85
    Domain Expansion: Malevolent ShrineUnleash a barrierless domain that guarantees precise, devastating slashes over a wide area12 Skill Points, Mastery Level 120
    AWAKENING: EnchainLet the spirit of Ryomen Sukuna temporarily take over as you gain a massive increase in power10 Skill Points, Mastery Level 91


    Skill NameDescriptionRequirements
    Lapse BlueCreates a magnetic-like force of attraction, violently pulling objects and targets toward a central point of crushing destruction3 Skill Points
    InfinityProduce an impenetrable barrier by halting anything approaching the user at an infinite distance rendering you UNTOUCHABLE3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 28
    Maximum Output: BlueA concentrated surge of cursed energy that amplifies the pulling force of Blue, creating a massive, destructive implosion at its focal point3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 36
    Reversal RedGenerate a repelling force by inverting the properties of Blue, unleashing a powerful shockwave that violently pushes everything away3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 46
    Maximum Output: RedAn intensified version of Reversal: Red, releasing an enormous repelling shockwave capable of obliterating everything in its path with overwhelming force3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 59
    I Understand It NowTeleport behind your target in an instant and unleash a devastating Reversal Red3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 66
    Imaginary Technique: PurpleThe fusion of Blue and Red, creating an unstoppable projectile that erases everything in its trajectory by combining attraction and repulsion into pure destructive energy3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 80
    Hollow PurpleA devastating fusion of Blue and Red forming a massive sphere of energy that annihilates everything in its path with unmatched destructive force3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 99
    Domain Expansion: Unlimited VoidCreate a boundless space that overwhelms the target with infinite knowledge and stimuli, rendering them immobilized and defenseless12 Skill Points, Mastery Level 125

    Disaster Flames

    Skill NameDescriptionRequirements
    Volcanic EruptionErupt a volcano to blast enemies upwards3 Skill Points
    Hellfire BeamUnleashes a concentrated beam of molten fire3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 17
    Molten RainfallLeap and blast flames downward, creating a molten lave pool that incinerates everything below3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 30
    Infernal GraspSummon a massive hand of fire from the ground that clap together, triggering a powerful explosion3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 48
    Blazing Skull EruptionEngulfs the Victim’s head in flames before blasting them from behind with a fiery explosion6 Skill Points, Mastery Level 54
    Domain Expansion: Coffin of the Iron MountainEngulfs the battlefield in a molten volcanic landscape, unleashing intense, unavoidable fire-based attacks that incinerate enemies trapped within its boundaries12 Skill Points, Mastery Level 78
    Hellfire Incarnate [Awakening]Become engulfed in flames and any enemy that strikes you suffers intense burn damage, you also receive a 65% boost in cursed energy10 Skill Points, Mastery Level 61

    Boogie Woogie

    Skill NameDescriptionRequirements
    ClapInstantly swap positions with any ally or enemy within range3 Skill Points
    Upgrade – Clap IIIncrease the range of your Boogie Woogie2 Skill Points
    Teleporting Stone StrikeHurl a rock at your enemy, and upon impact, instantly teleport to them delivering a powerful dropkick3 Skill Points
    Boogie MarkMark ally or enemy with your technique, switching with them whenever you clap and are within range3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 23
    Upgrade – Boogie Mark IIMark 2 people at once; when you clap, they will switch positions if within range of each other2 Skill Points, Mastery Level 30
    Deceptive SuplexFeint a Clap and if struck during the clap you teleport to the attacker and slam them with immense force4 Skill Points, Mastery Level 34
    Upgrade – Deceptive Suplex IIUsing Deceptive Suplex now resets the cooldown on your Clap2 Skill Points, Mastery Level 60
    Echoing OnslaughtRush at your enemy, using Boogie Woogie to teleport and deliver a flurry of unstoppable, devastating blows from all angles5 Skill Points, Mastery Level 46
    Schizophrenic Overload [Awakening]Summon Takada to boost your morale and fighting spirit, giving you a 45% boost in cursed energy, and increasing the range of Boogie Woogie10 Skill Points, Mastery Level 54

    Cursed Speech

    Skill NameDescriptionRequirements
    Don’t MoveFreeze your enemy in place3 Skill Points
    Get CrushedCrush your victim with force of your cursed speech3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 15
    Cough SyrupProtects you from taking damage from any Cursed Speech skill for the next 3 uses3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 35
    Upgrade – Cough Syrup IICough Syrup now protects you for the next 5 uses2 Skill Points, Mastery Level 56
    ExplodeMake your enemy explode in flames, damaging them and those around them4 Skill Points, Mastery Level 50
    Blast AwaySend your opponent’s flying as you blast them away5 Skill Points, Mastery Level 60
    Passive – ResistanceYou no longer take damage from using cursed speech skills4 Skill Points, Mastery Level 75

    Soul Guitar

    Skill NameDescriptionRequirements
    Resonant ShredUnleashes a powerful guitar strum that sends a shockwave of cursed energy, damaging and staggering enemies within range3 Skill Points
    Power RiffChannels cursed energy through intense guitar riffs, building up energy for a devastating Resonant Shred release3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 28


    Skill NameDescriptionRequirements
    Technique: CloneCreate an exact clone of yourself that follows you and fights whatever enemies approach them. Clones stay longer based on your mastery3 Skill Points
    Passive – Clone IIHave two clones active at the same time3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 20
    Blaze of GloryAll active clones will immediately focus their cursed energy to self-destruct3 Skill Points, Mastery Level 35

    How To Get Cursed Techniques in Jujutsu Odyssey

    There are three different ways to obtain cursed techniques in Jujutsu Odyssey:

    Method 1: Cursed Womb

    • Looking around the map (spawns every 1-2Hrs, despawns in 30 min)
    • completing the Jujutsu Tech Entrance Exams
    • Defeating the Azure Maw Cursed Spirit
    • Completing the Secret Ending of a Raid (All Party Members are rewarded a Cursed Womb)

    Method 2: Pickup the Technique:

    • Once found, pick it up and select the option “Absorb”.
    • After that, the selected Cursed Technique should be in your skilltree.

    Method 3: Azure Maw Cursed Technique Obtainment:

    • (Spawns at 20:00 In-Game[check your jPhone for ingame time])
    • Drops A Cursed Womb for whoever deals the most damage
    • Drops Grade 3 Chest Loot
