Looking for the Jujutsu Odyssey Trello, Wiki, and Discord links, well, you’re in the right spot. These spaces are useful as you can find a bunch of information about the game in one specific location. That includes lists of Cursed Techniques, fighting styles, and more.

Jujutsu Odyssey Trello Link

The Jujutsu Odyssey Trello is the best place to start when looking for information about the game. It includes detailed lists of gameplay features like the clans, Cursed Techniques, maps, skills, cursed tools, and fighting styles.

You can also find a ton of information about the game’s plot, mechanics, the development team, and more. The best part? It’s created by the development team itself, so you can expect it to be completely accurate and up to date.

Jujutsu Odyssey Wiki Link

The Jujutsu Odyssey wiki is very light on details at the moment, but you can expect that to change as the game progresses. It’s already got space carved out for lists of NPCs, races, enemies, events, and more.

It’s worth checking out as the community puts it together, and you will often find advice from those who actually play the game. This is often in the wiki pages themselves, as well as the comments sections.

Jujutsu Odyssey Discord

Lastly, there’s the Jujutsu Odyssey Discord. Here, you will find members of the community that you can talk to. You can form groups, directly ask questions when you’re struggling, and find lists of codes.

You can also talk directly to the development team and help with the game’s direction. There’s also the possibility of grabbing codes early, learning about future features of the game, and possibly even new games developed by the same team.

Ideally, you want to regularly check in on all three spaces so you’re as up-to-date with the game as possible.
