Not sure what the best Mel build is in LoL? Well, that’s what we’re here to help with. In this guide, we’re going to round up the best Runes, Spells, Items, and Ability Order that we recommend you using so you can absolutely annihilate the competition.

LoL Mel Build

Mel is a Jungler in LoL, so our build maximises their damage potential and survivability. Both are essential for jungling and performing well at the end game.

Best Runes

We recommend using the Precision rune, utilising Conqueror, Triump, Legend: Alacrity, and Coup de Grace. These will boost your DPS and your health regen to keep you in the fight.

Then, we recommend using Resolve as the second, alongside Conditioning and Overgrowth. This will drastically increase your survivability as the game progresses.

  • Conqueror
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Alacrity
  • Coup de Grace
  • Conditioning
  • Overgrowth

Best Spells

As a Jungler, you need Smite. We recommend the Mosstomper variant to gain access to that vital shield, helping to keep Mel alive.

For your second spell, it’s the reliable Flash. Not only is this a get out of jail free card when you’re in trouble, but you can use it to get the jump on your opponents.

  • Flash
  • Mosstomper Smite

Best Items

We’ve provided a few options for two of your slots where items are concerned, to give you a bit of ownership over your build.

For your starter, Stealth Ward might be your best bet to prevent enemy champions from getting the drop on you while farming during the early game, but Health Potion is also useful to keep you in the fight if you’re a particularly aggressive Jungler.

For your core items, we pretty much recommend the trilogy of Blade of the Ruined King, Stridebreaker, and Black Cleaver. You can purchase these in any order, but they’re going to drastically increase your damage potential.

For boots, you can either go with Plated Steelcaps or Mercury’s Treads. They’re pretty similar, except one favours melee defense and the other magic.

Lastly, for your extra expensive option, you can either boost your DPS considerably with Sterak’s Gage or your defence with Guardian Angel. Again, this is dependent on the type of Jungler you prefer to play as.

  1. Stealth Ward / Health Potion
  2. Blade of the Ruined King
  3. Stridebreaker
  4. Black Cleaver
  5. Plated Steelcaps / Mercury’s Treads
  6. Sterak’s Gage / Guardian Angel

Best Ability Order

Finally, for ability order we recommend maxing out Rebuttal first, to gain access to your primary defensive skill. Then, Radiant Volley to dish out solid DPS, before finishing up your Ultimate, Golden Eclipse.

Solar Snare doesn’t really come into its own until the endgame, when you go on the offensive, so save that one for last.

  1. Rebuttal
  2. Radiant Volley
  3. Golden Eclipse
  4. Solar Snare

Learn more about Mel on the official League of Legends site.
