Jagex has officially lifted the curtain on the long-awaited second round of OSRS Run Energy Changes. You can test them right now in certain beta worlds. Fundamentally, the changes are neither good nor bad, so don’t expect to run permanently across the lands of Gielinor with ease.

Instead, running should be a lot more balanced now. It won’t feel as punishing as it was – particularly in certain modes – but nor will it be too easy to get around. You may remember getting a taste of the above during the first Run Energy Changes open beta.

OSRS Run Energy Changes

Before we get into the depths of the changes, here’s exactly what you can expect from them in brief. We get it: you might not want to read a lengthy article.

What’s Changing

  • Energy Regeneration has been massively increased
  • Levelling Agility will allow you to run for longer
  • Increased Regeneration will help in areas where Run Energy drains faster
  • This is particularly true from Agility level 54
  • You will feel the effect of lower weights on your Energy regen
  • Ring of Endurance will have a greater effect on Energy Drain

What Isn’t Changing

  • The Graceful outfit
  • Stamina Potions

The Maths Behind the Run Energy Changes

OSRS explains this in far more detail on the official site, but if you just want the breakdown, we can help you with that.

  • Run Energy scales from 0 – 10,000
  • The Energy Regen rate used to be (Agility level / 6) + 8
  • It is now (Agility level / 3) + 15
  • This results in faster Regeneration at Agility level 1
  • Dividing by 3 instead of 6 also provides a greater buff at higher levels
  • At level 1 Agility, you will fully regenerate in 6 minutes and 40 seconds
  • At level 99 Agility, this is 2 minutes and 5 seconds

OSRS Energy Drain Changes

Again, we’re going to condense these changes so you can read them at a glance. The blog is a bit in-depth.

  • The old Energy Drain formula: 67 + ((67 * Weight) / 64)
  • The new Energy Drain formula: (65 + (90 * Weight / 64)) * (1 – (Agility level / 400)
  • The base drain rate is reduced
  • At a maximum weight of 64kg, Energy Drain is slower than before from Agility level 54
  • Run Energy will likely drain faster at the beginning than before – particularly at heavier weights
  • At maximum Agility, it will drain slower than before

Which Beta Worlds Can I Play to Test the OSRS Run Energy Changes?

You can test the above changes right now by heading on over to the following beta worlds:

  • 585
  • 586
  • 587
  • 588
  • 589
