Jagex has released volume 2 of its blog series on the first new skill in OSRS: sailing. It’s been around 18 months since we last heard anything about the new skill, so it’s long overdue.

Fortunately, there’s a wealth of information here to sate your sailing appetite. So much so, in fact, that Jagex has released volume 2 in two massive blog posts.

You can, of course, consume much of this information by watching the YouTube video, which we’ll embed below. We won’t cover everything in this article either, but we’ll drop in the highlights.

OSRS Sailing Skill Volume 2 Highlights

The blog posts are so vast that covering everything here will result in a word count that would put a novel to shame. So, instead, we’re going to break it down into just the highlights in case you can’t be bothered to read it either.

Sailing XP

Primarily, the blog posts focus on how you actually go about training sailing, focusing on a few core activities:

  • Traveling to new destinations by boat
  • Interacting with objects while at sea
  • Managing the sail, tiller, and cargo hold

Basically, you earn sailing XP by sailing your boat. Fancy that!


While doing so, you can earn ‘Kegs’, which store drinks you find while exploring the ocean. These provide buffs for your entire crew (that’s right, you can sail with NPCs or your friends), which help you to earn XP at a faster rate.

Noticeboard Tasks

You can also check the noticeboard at ports to take on tasks, which reward you with XP and GP each time you complete them. Combine these with regular sailing activities and you will be a master in no time.

These tasks include courier, bounty, or port. You can probably guess the difference between them.

Read All About it in the Official Sailing Blog

We recommend reading the two blog posts for more information though. They’re incredibly detailed.

Check out the first one on RuneScape.com and you can scroll down to the bottom for a link to part two.
