Update: Niantic has officially revealed part two of Pokémon Go‘s Halloween 2024 event. It kicks off on Monday, October 28 at 10:00 AM local time, ending on Sunday, November 3 at 8:00 AM.
It introduces new Max Battles, themed Pokémon skins, Event Bonuses, Wild Encounters, Free and Paid Timed Research, Field Research Task Encounters, and changes to Eggs, Raids, and more!
Let’s take a look at the event in detail.
Themed Pokémon Skins
During part two of the Halloween event, you can capture the following two Pokémon in costume:
- Froakie
- Rowlet
You may even strike it lucky and grab a Shiny version!

Gigantamax Gengar
Max Battles haven’t even arrived in Pokémon Go yet, and we’re already getting a new one! Gigantamax Gengar arrives on Halloween itself, October 31, at 10:00 AM local time.
You can battle him alongside friends for a chance to catch him. As ever, a Shiny variant is possible.
Event Bonuses
There are a ton of Event Bonuses during the second part of the Halloween event:
- Double Candy for catching Pokémon
- Increased chance to receive Candy XL for catching Pokémon with at least a Nice Throw (Trainer level 31+)
There are extensive Raid changes for Halloween. You have a higher chance to catch a Shiny version of the following Pokémon:
- Halloween Gengar
- Umbreon
- Halloween Drifblim
- Halloween Froakie
- Halloween Rowlet
Not only that but the following Pokémon will appear more often in raids:
Pokémon | Star |
Pikachu in a witch hat | One |
Halloween Froakie | One |
Halloween Rowlet | One |
Halloween Gengar | Three |
Umbreon | Three |
Halloween Drifblim | Three |
Similar to raids, you have a higher chance to hatch the following Pokémon from Eggs, including Shiny variants:
- Halloween Vulpix
- Pichu in a witch hat
- Halloween Froakie
- Halloween Rowlet
Wild Encounters
The following Pokémon have a higher chance of appearing in the wild:
- Halloween Vulpix
- Shuppet
- Halloween Piplup
- Woobat
- Zorua
- Halloween Froakie
- Inkay
- Phantump
- Halloween Pumkaboo
- Halloween Rowlet
The original story follows.

Original Post: Niantic has announced that the Pokémon Go Halloween 2024 event will kick off on October 22 at 10:00 AM local time. This is part one of the celebration and it will last until October 28.
Part two will then, presumably, kick off later in the day on October 28 or 29. We don’t know what to expect from that yet, as Niantic is remaining tight-lipped, but we do know everything about the first part. Strap in.
Pokémon Go Welcomes Morpeko
As our featured image spoilered, Morpeko will arrive in Pokémon Go during the Halloween 2024 update. This mouse-like Pokémon can change forms each time it uses a Charged Attack, though this will initially be limited to battles with Team Go Rocket or in the Go Battle League.
Here are the full details of Morpeko’s Featured Attacks:
Featured Attack | Elemental | Mode | Trainer Battles |
Aura Wheel | Electric | Full Belly | 100 power and increases Attack by one stage |
Aura Wheel | Dark | Hangry | 100 power and increases Attack by one stage |
How to Unlock Pokémon Go Morpeko
To get your grubby little mitts on Morpeko, you should participate in the Go Battle League. The hungry monster will appear more frequently in the premium track in particular, though you can still encounter it in the regular track.
You need to achieve at least Rank 16 to start encountering Morpeko though, so get cracking so you’re ready for when it arrives.
Pokémon Go Dynamax Gastly Makes its Debut
Yet another Pokémon making its debut in Go is Dynamax Gastly. You can encounter it in one star Max Battles, along with the following Pokémon:
- Gastly
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
The following monsters will appear in three star Max Battles:
- Falinks
You can Dynamax any Pokémon you catch during these encounters, as well as their Evolutions. There’s also an increased chance to catch a Shiny variant.

Pokémon Go Halloween 2024 Event Bonuses
You can gain the following Event Bonuses in Pokémon Go during the Halloween 2024 event:
- Double Candy for catching Pokémon
- Increased chance to receive Candy XL with Nice Throws or better (Trainer level 31+)
- Higher chance to encounter Shiny Umbreon in raids and Shiny Zorua in the wild
The following Pokémon and their Shiny variants can also appear more frequently in the wild while the event is active:
- Zubat
- Spinarak
- Murkrow
- Misdreavus
- Shuppet
- Drifloon
- Purrloin
- Female Frillish
- Zorua
- Litwick
- Greavard
- Sableye
- Absol
Raids, Raids, and More Raids
There are even more Pokémon you can encounter in raids:
- Sneasel
- Sableye
- Yamask
- Galarian Yamask
And three star raids:
- Hisuian Typhlosion
- Umbreon
- Bombirdier
Timed Research and Field Research Task Encounters
If you’re a fan of questing, Pokémon Go will not let you down this Halloween. A free Timed Research event kicks off on October 22, lasting until November 3. You have to complete research tasks involving Spiritomb, earning encounters with that Pokémon and Morpeko.
Field Research tasks also make a return. Complete these and you can encounter the following Pokémon and Shiny variants:
- Sableye
- Scraggy
- Golett
- Sandygast
- Morpeko
- Nymble
- Greavard
- Spiritomb
You can also earn Mega Energy for the following Pokémon:
- Gengar
- Houndoom
- Sableye
- Banette
- Absol

There’s also additional paid Timed Research you can participate in for $5. This provides you with the following rewards:
- Triply Candy for catching Pokémon
- Event-themed Pokémon
- An avatar item
The event-themed Pokémon include:
- Pikachu
- Vulpix
- Gengar
- Piplup
- Drifblim
- Froakie
- Pumpkaboo
- Rowlet
Halloween 2024 Cosmetics
There are an absolute wealth of cosmetic items to unlock during the Pokémon Go Halloween event. This includes the following avatar items:
- Halloween Finery
- Woobat Top Hat
- Morpeko Onesie (Full Belly Mode)
- Morpeko Onesie (Hangry Mode)
While out exploring, you will notice that PokéStops and Gyms will receive a spooky makeover as part of Halloween. You may also notice that Lavender Town music is playing during the evening in-game.
You can unlock also unlock a bunch of event-themed stickers by spinning PokéStops, opening gifts, or purchasing from the store.
Lastly, certain PokéStops will feature Showcases, allowing you to enter event-themed Pokémon.
Halloween 2024 in the Pokémon Go Web Store
Wrapping up the enormous event are new bundles in the Web Store. These include the Creepy Crate, providing three Remote Raid Passes, a Premium Battle Pass, and a Max Particle Pack for $4.99.

The Pumpkin Pack for $39.99 provides 20 Incubators and Super Incubators, while the most expensive Boo Bundle at $99.99 provides three Remote Raid Passes, 50 Incubators and Super Incubators, three Max Particle Packs, and 16 Premium Battle Passes.
You can grab them right now in the Pokémon Go Web Store.