Pokémon Go has unleashed its Magnetic Study event, increasing the chance to encounter three Shiny Pokémon. Magnetic Lure Modules will also attract more event-themed Pokémon than usual.

The featured Pokémon will change each day between today, October 15 and the end of the event on October 17. First up is Plusle, then Magnemite on 16, and, finally, Minun on October 17. It’s not just their regular variants you have a higher chance of catching either. Shiny variants will appear more frequently in the wild.

Each day will see an additional bonus too. October 15 sees double XP, 16 50% more XP from Raid Battles, and 17 double Stardust. You can earn even more rewards by taking on additional Timed Research tasks, which change each day.

You need to complete the Timed Research Tasks by midnight local time to earn the rewards, so don’t delay.

Pokémon Go Magnetic Study Event Dates, Bonuses, Rewards, and Featured Pokémon

Here are the full details of the event in a nice, easily-digestible table.

DateEvent BonusTimed Research RewardsFeatured Pokémon
October 15Double XP for catching Pokémon5,000 XP and 2,500 StardustPlusle
October 1650% more Raid Battles XPMagnetic Lure ModleMagnemite
October 17Double Stardust for catching Pokémon5,000 XP and 2,500 StardustMinun

Next Up: Pokémon Go Mega Mawile Raid Day

If you can’t wait for the next Pokémon Go event, we do have good news: another is kicking off on Saturday, October 12. It’s Mega Mawile Raid Day and it sees the eponymous Pokémon make its debut in Mega Raids.

You will get five free Raid Passes by spinning Gym Photo Discs during the event period, while the Remote Raid limit will also increase to 20. Shiny fans will be pleased to learn that you have a higher chance of encountering a Shiny Mawile during the event too.

Get a Free Premium Battle Pass When You Buy Your Ticket Early

To celebrate, Pokémon Go will release a Mega Mawile Raid Day Ultra Ticket Box in the web store. This costs $4.99 and includes a Ticket and Premium Battle Pass. It’s up in the store right now, ahead of the launch of the standalone ticket.

That’s cheaper than the regular ticket too. Purchase one and you unlock these additional bonuses between 2:00 PM and 10:00 PM local time on Saturday, October 12:

  • Eight additional Raid Passes from Gym Photo Discs
  • Increased chance to get Rare Candy XL from Raid Battles
  • 50% more XP from Raid Battles
  • Double Stardust from Raid Battles

Grab Pokémon Go from the App Store or Google Play.
