Hot on the heels of the Dual Destiny new season announcement, Niantic is announcing two real world Pokémon Go events to kick off 2025.

These are crossover events with the upcoming Unova Tour, and will take place between February 21-23 in New Taipei City, Taiwan, and Los Angeles, USA.

Buy tickets and you can participate in the Global Unova Tour alongside your fellow fans. You will also get a guaranteed encounter with a new shiny Pokémon, as well as increased chance to catch other new shiny variants.

Pokémon Go Tour: Unova – New Taipei City and Los Angeles

WhenFebruary 21 – 25
WhereNew Taipei City and Los Angeles

The events are actually very similar, despite their vastly different locations. Let’s take a look at what to expect if you choose to attend.

Guaranteed Encounter With Shiny Meloetta and More Shiny Debuts

Not only is Shiny Meloetta making its debut during the event, but if you participate in person you get an exclusive Masterwork Research that provides you with a guaranteed encounter with it. Result!

Elsewhere, four more Pokémon will receive shiny variants during the event, including:

PokémonHow to Get
DeerlingWild encounters
Maractus10km eggs
Sigilyph10km eggs
Bouffalant10km eggs

New Pokémon Appearing in Raids

Participate in raids during the event and you can encounter Pokémon that you don’t usually. Five star raid Pokémon will alternate each other, with Reshiram going first.

You gain nine bonus daily Raid Passes just by being there, so you will have plenty of chances to catch the Pokémon you want. You can purchase additional, bringing the total to 18 for the day, if you so wish.

Here’s the full list:

One Star RaidsThree Star RaidsFive Star Raids

Different Pokémon Appearing in the Wild

Here are the Pokémon you can encounter in the wild during the event, depending on the habitat.

All of the following Pokémon can appear as shiny variants also:

OshawottSnivyTepigPatratPikachu wearing Hilbert’s hat
RoggenrolaPansageLilipupPurrloinPikachu wearin Hilda’s hat
WoobatMunnaPansearPanpourPikachu wearing Nate’s visor
DrilburAudinoPidoveScraggyPikachu wearing Rosa’s visor
Deerling (Winter)CottoneeDwebbleDeerling (Autumn)
TynamoDeerling (Spring)Deerling (Summer)Elgyem

Catch New Pokémon From Eggs

We’ve already provided the list of Pokémon you can get from 10km eggs, so let’s just take a look at what you can get from 2 km and 5 km eggs.

You can purchase the Egg-thusiast add on to get a 1/4 distance hatch bonus during the event to give you a chance to get more Pokémon.

2km Eggs5km Eggs

Encounter the Following Pokémon From Incense

Unown is the featured Pokémon from incense, and you can catch a wide variety of them:

  • Unown A
  • Unown N
  • Unown O
  • Unown U
  • Unown V

Take a Snapshot to Encounter a Themed Pikachu

If you like taking snapshots, you’re in luck: you can earn an encounter with the following themed Pikachu:

  • Hilbert’s hat
  • Hilda’s hat
  • Nate’s visor
  • Rosa’s visor

You can get up to 12 surprise encounters per day while participating in the event.

Lots and Lots of Research

There’s a themed exclusive Special Research story you can participate in, which sees Professor Willow investigating strange sightings.

You can also take part in Timed Research to earn encounters with Incarnate Forme Torandus, Incarnate Forme Thundurus, and Incarnate Forme Landorus.

The fun bit about this event is that you have to decipher clues to find the correct PokéStop to spin, which provides you with a clue for the next.

Lastly, you have a higher chance of getting Field Research while at the event. Complete them to get a chance at an encounter with these Pokémon:

  • Pikachu wearing Hilbert’s hat
  • Pikachu wearing Hilda’s hat
  • Pikachu wearing Nate’s visor
  • Pikachu wearing Rosa’s visor
  • Basculin (Red-Striped Form)
  • Basculin (Blue-Striped Form)
  • Deerling (Spring)
  • Deerling (Summer)
  • Deerling (Autumn)
  • Deerling (Winter)

Event Bonuses

Just by attending either of the ticketed events, you gain the following bonuses:

  • Higher chance of encountering a Shiny
  • Half hatch distance for eggs
  • Increase to 6 special trades
  • Half Stardust cost for trades
  • Gain 9 daily Raid Passes from spinning Gyms

Battle Team Go Rocket at Metro Stations

This event is available at both cities. While near select Metro stations, you can encounter Team Go Rocket Grunts, who have turned poor critters into Shadow Pokémon. Battle them to rescue them:

  • Shadow Roggenrola
  • Shadow Drilbur
  • Shadow Timburr
  • Shadow Joltik
  • Shadow Litwick
  • Shadow Golett

Defeat them, and you can earn special 12 km eggs, which hatch the following Pokémon:

  • Sandile
  • Mienfoo
  • Pawniard
  • Villaby

Collect New Pokémon While Exploring

If you fancy exploring one of the two cities you’re in, you will also receive a bonus. There’s a higher chance to encounter the following Pokémon:

  • Basculin (Red-Striped Form)
  • Basculin (Blue-Striped Form)

You can learn more about the Los Angeles event and New Taipei City event on Pokémon Go Live.
