Having a hard time finding NPCs in Roblox Dig It? Don’t worry, as our comprehensive guide will walk you through the complete list of NPCs in the game along with their exact location and purpose in Dig It.

Roblox Dig It NPC Locations Guide

Check out the table below containing all the NPC names along with their locations and roles in Dig It.

NPC NameRole/DescriptionLocation
BensonTeaches you how to play (tutorial).Nookville Island
Roderick MerchantBuys your items, like all merchants.Nookville Island
Milton BlacksmithHelps you craft various items.Nookville Island
Cooper Pit EnthusiastGives you a one-time quest: throw an item into the loot pit.Nookville Island
Agent BaldoTells you about the Biodegradable Shovel (group).Nookville Island
Balwin Magnet DealerSells you magnets.Nookville Island
Margot ArcheologistGives you random repeatable quests (get x item x times).Nookville Island
Patricia Ruffles’ OwnerGives you a one-time quest: find her dog by digging and give it to her ($100, 150XP).Nookville Island
Crook Dude ThiefGives you a repeatable quest: dig up a vault and give it to him ($1000, 150XP). (20s cooldown in v1.1e).Nookville Island
Timy ChildGives you a one-time quest: dig up his lost balloon ($1000, 300XP).Nookville Island
Hobo Dave HomelessDoes nothing.Nookville Island
Ronald Bank GuyGives you information about the bank.Nookville Island
Blackbread Boat DealerAllows you to buy and spawn boats.Nookville Island
Scrubbucket PirateGives you a one-time quest: dig up 3 crates in Piratesburg.Nookville Island
Willy MerchantBuys your items.Piratesburg Island
BobertMagnet Dealer.Piratesburg Island
Arthur BlacksmithDoesn’t talk.Piratesburg Island
Ancient NPCGives you a one-time quest: dig up 10 food ($4500, 400XP).Piratesburg Island
Sand Guy2 dudes at the tavern: they are just chilling, doesn’t talk.Piratesburg Island
Greek Temple NPCTalkable NPC.Greek Temple
Mia MerchantSells you items and is pretty rude.Badlands
Skeleton GuyTalkable NPC.Badlands
WaldoJust an old guy (doesn’t talk).Badlands
Flapjack FisherLikes fishing (doesn’t talk).Badlands
Cloud MerchantSells various items.Lunar Clouds
