There are a wide variety of Roblox Dig It events that each have a percentage chance to activate while you’re wandering around enjoying the game. These can provide you with additional rewards that you couldn’t get otherwise.

In this guide, we’re going to round up all of the events that can happen in the game, explain the percentage chance or what you have to do to trigger them, and, most importantly, detail the rewards you can earn for participating in them.

Roblox Dig It Events

Falling Stars

  • Chance: 16%
  • Islands: All

Falling Stars has a 16% chance to happen and is available on all of the available islands.

When it triggers, you will know about it. Stars fall from the sky, and your goal is to dig them up to collect them.

The best part about this event is that the stars can have modifiers on them, so it’s a great source of cash.

Lunar Clouds

  • Chance: 22%
  • Islands: All

This event has a 22% chance to trigger and spawns the Lunar Clouds island.

Simply look to the sky and you can see where the Lunar Clouds are.

Colossal Worm

  • Chance: 22%
  • Islands: The Badlands

This event has a 22% chance to trigger and is only available in the Badlands – specifically near the pit.

If the event kicks off, it increases your chance of finding the Colossal Worm considerably. So, if you’re farming that, hope it appears.

Ioniser Shovel

  • Chance: 16%
  • Islands: All

The Ioniser Shovel event has a 16% chance to happen and can trigger on all islands.

You will know it’s kicked off when you can see a UFO spawn in the sky. Chase it down to get your hands on the Ioniser Shovel.

Woolly Mammoth

  • Chance: 22%
  • Islands: Permafrost

The Woolly Mammoth has a 22% chance to trigger and is only available on the Permafrost island. Specifically, you can find it in the ice cave.

If it triggers, you have a higher chance of finding the Woolly Mammoth while exploring.


  • Chance: Unknown
  • Islands: All

The Meteor is arguably the most exciting event in Dig It. While you’re exploring, you may see a meteor fall from the sky. At this point, you want all of the nearby players to rush right over and start chipping away at it.

Why? Well, because you can earn the coveted meteor shovel. Everyone who participates gets that, but the player who deals the most damage gets the meteor core, a mythical item.

Learn more about the Dig It events on the official Trello.
