There are a wide variety of Roblox Dig It Mounts that provide you with a nice cosmetic boost to show off to your friends as you wander around. There’s no statistical bonus, mind, so bear that in mind. You get them to show off.

While they’re not particularly challenging to unlock, it is rather time-consuming. In this guide, we’re going to list all of the mounts currently available alongside how to get them.

Make sure to check out our Roblox Dig It boats while you’re at it.

Roblox Dig It Mounts List

The following is a list of all of the mounts that are currently available in Roblox Dig it, alongside instructions on how to get them.

Bear in mind that several mounts are currently unavailable, and it’s not clear if they’re going to make a comeback.

MountHow to Get it
Supa Fly ShoesCollect everything in Nookville
Rolling CannonCollect everything in Piratesburg
SisyphusCollect everything in Greek Temple
Mini CarCollect everything in the Badlands
Baby YetiCollect everything in the Permafrost
PinataCollect everything in the Lunar Clouds
Piggy BankCan drop from any of Benson’s overtime rewards
SnitchyPurchase a Gamepass to get this mount
Biodegradable BootsPurchase the Starter Pack after you complete the tutorial (be quick as it can go!)
FlexyPurchase the Early Supporter Gamepass
ElfOpen the 2024 Gift of Elves

This Gamepass is no longer available

How to Get the Mounts

The method to actually get the mount differs depending on which you’re trying to get. Let’s start with the collection mounts listed below:

  • Supa Fly Shoes
  • Rolling Cannon
  • Sisyphus
  • Mini Car
  • Baby Yeti
  • Pinata

To get all of the above, you need to first collect everything in their respective locations. Then, you need to actually go and dig up the mount to collect it.

This is one of the most common pitfalls of getting mounts: players forgetting to go ahead and dig them up.

Next up are the Gamepass options, or mounts that you need to purchase:

  • Snitchy
  • Biodegradable Boots
  • Flexy

Check our list above and purchase the respective item that you need, then you will get the mount.

Finally, we have Piggy Bank. That simply relies on luck to get, as well as farming Benson’s overtime rewards.

To learn more about the mounts, check out the official Dig It Trello.
