Update: ESO’s long-awaited Golden Pursuits system has finally arrived, along with a brand new costume and adornment you can earn by completing them.

The costume is the decent, if rather unspectacular, Nord Hero Costume. What is rather spectacular, though, is the Adventure-Ending Arrow adornment. You can probably guess what this is, but if not it references a long-running Skyrim meme.

The first batch of Golden Pursuits challenge you to complete quests, visit other player’s houses, defeat world bosses, and tackle a variety of dungeons.

It’s all part of ESO’s tenth anniversary celebrations. Check out the full announcement on the official site, and learn more about Golden Pursuits in our original story below.

Original Post: The Elder Scrolls Online has detailed one of the new rewards systems coming to ESO with update 44, Golden Pursuits. This activity encourages you to engage with a variety of the games’ systems.

Like Tales of Tribute, which you still haven’t touched. We see you.

What Are Golden Pursuits?

You can consider them as a new daily, weekly, or monthly reward system. We say that because each Golden Pursuit can lasts a different period of time. Yes, one might last a day, but others can stretch months. You can expect the rewards to scale with the length of time though.

Another area in which they differ from a typical reward system, is that you can often decide how you want to progress them. They aren’t linear in that you simply kill 10 wolves. Instead, they might challenge you to kill a set number of monsters within a specific region, or area of Tamriel.

What Activities Do They Cover?

As we suggested in the opening paragraphs, the system is designed to encourage you to engage with different features of ESO. Given its age, and the sheer number of activities on offer, it actually makes a lot of sense.

It might be that you’ve played every single expansion, but haven’t touched the main campaign. Perhaps you’ve never interacted with the housing system, or took part in PvP. Finally, you have a reason for doing so, as you can earn some great rewards.

What Rewards Can I Earn From Golden Pursuits?

Speaking of those, you can earn pretty much anything the game has to offer, including mounts, pets, costumes, and furnishings. You may earn something as simple as a potion or gold. It’s all determined by how much effort you have to put in to complete it.

Golden Pursuits won’t arrive alongside Update 44, but shortly after it. We expect it to be a big part of the update as it rolls out though, so keep a close eye out. Update 44 arrives on October 28 for PC and Mac, and November 13 for Xbox and PlayStation.

You can learn more about the Golden Pursuit system on Steam.
