Bethesda’s anticipated new ESO update 44 drops later this month on PC, and there’s plenty to look forward to. Now, Bethesda has shared a little more insight into the two new companions you can recruit on your adventure.

Meet ESO’s Zerith-Var

Zerith-Var is a Khajit Necromancer and member of the ancient Order of the Hidden Moon. They’ve recently time traveled from the First Era into the present. Bethesda describes him as a is “a formidable warrior, a master of undeath, and a faithful warrior to Azurah.”

Purchase this companion from the Crown Store and you gain a heavy-armoured, greatsword-wielding powerhouse who fights primarily in melee but has plenty of summoning abilities.

Zerith-Var Skills

NameSkill LineDescription
Blade of the CrossingUltimateDeals 3,150 Magic damage in front and inflicts Minor Magickasteal on them.
Crescent ScytheGuardian’s CommitmentDeal 3,150 Magic Damage and heal 2,859 HP every two seconds for six seconds.
Perigean ArmourGuardian’s CommitmentGain Major Resolve and pull enemies that attacks them towards them, taunting them for 15 seconds.
Dark Moon TotemGuardian’s CommitmentSummon a bone effigy that lasts for four seconds and apply fear to an enemy for four seconds. After two seconds, all allies gain Minor Protection and fears nearby enemies every two seconds.
Penance of LorkhajRemedy of AtonementHeal yourself or an ally for 3,150 HP and apply Minor Defile to yourself for four seconds.
Azurah’s EmbraceRemedy of AtonementHeal all allies for 630 HP and remove up to three negative effects.
Atoning SpiritRemedy of AtonementConjure a spirit for eight secnds, which restores the HP of the nearest ally with the lowest HP for 1,575 HP every two seconds.
Varmiina’s VisageWarrior’s BanishmentDeals 3,150 damage to an enemy.
Sepulchral ChillWarrior’s BanishmentDeals 630 Frost Damage every two seconds for eight seconds and applies Minor Breach to affected enemies.
Strands of the LatticeWarrior’s BanishmentDeal 787 Disease Damage every two seconds for 10 seconds around the nearest corpse. The corpse then explodes, dealing 3,150 Disease Damage nearby.

When Does ESO Update 44 Arrive?

Update 44, along with Zerith-Var, Tanlorin, and many other exciting additions drops on Steam on October 28. This is shortly followed by the Xbox and PlayStation consoles on November 13th.
