Throne and Liberty continues its breakthrough success with another week of Milestones for all players to participate in. These are server-wide achievements that you can get involved with to earn additional rewards as you enjoy your journey throughout Soliseum.

Before we get onto that though, there’s another thing you need to start working towards in Throne and Liberty: the Zenus Star Battle Pass. This showers you in cosmetic rewards and much more. You can also enter sweepstakes to win a themed Throne and Liberty PC.

Now, let’s take a look at week four’s milestones.

Week 4 Milestones

Here’s what to expect from week 4 of the Throne and Liberty milestones system.

Early Access

Over in the early access servers, a brand new Archboss, Queen Bellandir, will spawn for the very first time on October 26. She’s level 50, and appears at the northwestern point of the Sandworm Lair. Bet you can’t guess what type of monster she is.

Defeat her, and you can earn the following loot if you’re lucky:

  • Queen Bellandir’s Languishing Blade
  • Queen Bellandir’s Toxic Spine Throwers
  • Queen Bellandir’s Hivemind Staff
  • Ascended Guardian Hood
  • Swirling Essence Robe
  • Phantom Wolf Gloves
  • Band of Universal Power
  • Queen Bellandir’s Soul Fragment

If you fancy a bit more of a challenge, another Archboss, Tevent, will appear from October 30. That’s suitable timing given this terrifying monster is made up almost entirely of bones.

Here are the rewards you can earn for defeating Tevent:

  • Tevent’s Warblade of Despair
  • Tevent’s Fangs of Fury
  • Tevent’s Arc of Wailing Death
  • Tevent’s Grasp of Withering
  • Shock Commander Greaves
  • Greaves of the Field General
  • Shadow Harvester Boots
  • Tevent’s Soul Fragment
Riftstone: Grand AelonOctober 21
Arch Boss: Queen BellandirOctober 21
Field Boss: Aridus, NirmaOctober 24
Arch Boss: TeventOctober 25

Launch Servers

Dynamic Event: Festival of FireOctober 22
Field Boss: Grand AelonOctober 24
Riftstone: Grand AelonOctober 26
Arch Boss: Queen BellandirOctober 26
Field Boss: Aridus, NirmaOctober 29
Arch Boss: TeventOctober 30

Week 3 Milestones

There are less milestones to tackle this week – particularly for early access servers. This is down to the fact that you’re all so quick at tackling content that there isn’t much left! We’re sure that the folks over at NCSoft are working on fresh content though, so stay tuned.

Early Access

Field Boss: JunoboteOctober 15
Dynamic Event: Festival of FireOctober 17
Field Boss: Grand AelonOctober 19

Launch Servers

Dungeon: Syleus’s Abyss Level 5 and 6October 14
Riftstone: KowazanOctober 15
Riftstone: AdentusOctober 15
Dynamic Event: Dark DestroyersOctober 16
Field Boss: AdentusOctober 16
Boonstone: Ruins of TurayneOctober 18
Boonstone: Fonos BasinOctober 18
Boonstone: Purelight HillOctober 18
Field Boss: JunoboteOctober 20

Week 2 Milestones

Here are the milestones you could complete during week two, including the dates they begin.

Early Access

Field Boss: KowazanOctober 7
Dynamic Event: Life the Moonlight SpellOctober 7
Dungeon: Sanctum of DesireOctober 7
Dungeon: Saurodoma IslandOctober 8
Dungeon: Syleus’s Abyss Levels 5 & 6October 9
Riftstone: KowazanOctober 10
Riftstone: AdentusOctober 10
Dynamic Event: Dark DestroyersOctober 11
Field Boss: AdentusOctober 11
Boonstone: Ruins of TurayneOctober 13
Boonestone: Fonos BasinOctober 13
Boonstone: Purelight HillOctober 13

Launch Servers

Dynamic Event: Requiem of LightOctober 8
Field Boss: AhzreilOctober 8
Riftstone: TalusOctober 9
Rifstone: MalakarOctober 9
Riftstone: AhzreilOctober 9
Field Boss: MinezerokOctober 10
Boonstone: Daybreak ShoreOctober 11
Boonstone: The Raging WildsOctober 11
Boonstone: ManawastesOctober 11
Boonstone: Akidu ValleyOctober 11
Boonstone: Shattered TempleOctober 11
Boonstone: Grayclaw ForestOctober 11
Field Boss: KowazanOctober 12
Dynamic Event: Life the Moonlight SpellOctober 12
Dungeon: Sanctum of DesireOctober 12
Dungeon: Saurodoma IslandOctober 13

How to Complete Throne and Liberty Milestones

That’s the easy part. All you have to do is participate in, or complete, the activities listed above after they start in order to earn the rewards.

Remember: these are time-limited events so you do need to be fairly quick in order to get the rewards.

When do Milestones End?

Milestones are set to run throughout the month of October, with the last few unlocking on launch servers on October 30.

Each Milestone ends on a different date, so we recommend checking in-game to see when the current batch will end.
