Throne and Liberty just will not sit still. Mere days after celebrating three million players and partnering with Alienware to give away a themed PC, the MMORPG has just announced its first battle pass.

It goes by the name of Zenus’ Star, and it provides you with a ton of exciting cosmetics if you manage to make it to level 50 on the track. As you can probably expect, it’s split up into free and premium tracks, with most of the cosmetics, naturally, falling into the premium track.

Here are the cosmetic rewards broken down into level:

Proud TaionDash MorphPremium1
Tin KnightPolymorphFree20
Red Knight OssicAmitoiPremium30
Zenus Weapon Selection ChestWeaponPremiumLevel 50

That weapon selection chest is the one to aim for, as it provides you with two cosmetics. That’s one each for your favourite weapon types.

Does the Throne and Liberty Battle Pass Feature Other Rewards?

Of course, there are a ton of rewards on offer. You will earn additional items at every level of the battle pass, and for both tracks.

One of the best rewards are Star Crystals, a new currency that you can spend in the Zenus’ Star Point Shop. You earn these for free every five levels of the track, as well as for subsequent levels after level 50.

You can trade Star Crystals for the following items:

  • Zenus Weapon Cosmetic Skins (allowing you to unlock all 7!)
  • Skill Conversion Book
  • Resistance Contracts
  • Trait Extraction Stone
  • Trait Conversion Stone

How to Progress the Battle Pass

To progress the battle pass, you have to complete a series of daily, weekly, and seasonal challenges to earn XP. All challenges are banked, so you don’t necessarily have to login every single day, or even week. You just have to complete them before the battle pass ends.

The current battle pass ends on October 30 at 2:00 PM PT. That’s not a particularly long time for a battle pass, so we hope the challenges are relatively easy to complete! The Zenus’ weapons look absolutely fantastic.

Get back into Throne and Liberty by grabbing it on SteamPlayStation, or Xbox.

To help you progress, we’ve put together a ton of guides. Check out our Throne and Liberty weapons and classes guide, our tier list, Dimensional Contract Tokens guide, and our Saudrodoma Island Waypoint guide.
