The latest Valorant update has arrived, 9.11, and the highlight feature is balancing updates for Neon, Overdrive, and Vyse. There’s also space for client, game system, and mode updates.
Let’s launch straight into the update to learn what’s in store.
Neon and Vyse Balance Updates
First, let’s take a look at the balance patches for Neon and Vyse.
Neon sees much of their tweaks for the High Gear and Overdrive abilities. Riot Games, ultimately, wants you to play Neon more intentionally than before.
Or, in other words, Neon is getting nerfed so you have to think about how and when to use their abilities.
Here are the changes in full:
- High Gear now includes just one slide and you will need to fully sprint at opponents to gain full accuracy
- Overdrive now lasts 10 seconds and costs 8 ultimate points
Vyse, on the other hand, is mostly getting buffed. The updates mostly focus on the Razorvine and Arc Rose abilities:
- Razorvine now deals 10 damage per tick when moving through it
- The vertical drop spawn height has been reduced to 300
- Enemy dashes are slowed
- Arc Rose’s equip speed after cast is faster than before
Systems Updates
There are a bunch of systems updates that should provide a better experience. Sure, they’re less flashy than balancing updates, but still worth taking a look at.
- You can upgrade weapon skins in five seconds
- You can unlock multiple skin levels in a single purchase
- Smoke now blocks pings from traveling through it
- Pinging on the map no longer displayers in the world
- Pings now have new visuals and sound effects
The rest
There’s a notable change to Team Deathmatch:
- Regen Shield now appears in stage 1 of team deathmatch
Then, you’ve got additional social updates:
- Party chat messages are now a different colour to team chat
- Party flags now look different in the social channel
And, finally, some bug fixes:
- You no longer need to play 100 matches to complete the play a match weekly mission